Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 3.djvu/1333

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ZENON. Thrace upon the fall of the latter, appeared before Constantinople at the head of a formidable army, and pillaged the surrounding country. Zeno called to his aid Theodoric, the son of Theodemir, who proceeded against his namesake ; but the treachery of the emperor, who neglected to supply him with the troops and provisions he had promised him, led the son of Theodemir to conclude a peace with the son of Triarius. Zeno, who now feared to have the whole force of the Gothic nation turned against him, hastened to make peace with the son of Triarius, which he was only able to obtain by the most humiliating concessions. In the following year, 479, a new and dan- gerous revolt broke out. At the head of it was Marcian, the grandson of the emperor of that name, and the son of Anthemius, the emperor of the West [Marcianus ; Anthemius]. Marcian had married Leontia, the daughter of the late emperor Leo, and the sister of Ariadne, the wife of Zeno. He raised the standard of revolt in Constantinople itself, was joined by a powerful party, and defeated the forces of Zeno, whom he besieged in his palace. In the course of the night, however, Illus found means to corrupt his troops, and Marcian was obliged to take refuge in a church. He was dragged out, ordained forthwith as a presbyter, and ba- nished to a monastery in Cappadocia. As soon as Theodoric, the son of Triarius, heard of this revolt, he marched upon Constantinople under the pretext of coming to the assistance of his ally, but in reality in hopes of obtaining possession of the city without a struggle. He was, however, induced by large sums of money to retire. Meantime war had been continued against Theodoric, the son of Theodemir, who, enraged at the treachery of the emperor in the preceding year, had been turned from an ally into a foe. The war was ably con- ducted by Sabinianus, Zeno's general, who gained some advantages over Theodoric. In A. D. 481, war broke out again with Theo- doric, the son of Triarius. He marched against Constantinople at the head of a more formidable army than he had ever collected previously, but was accidentally killed by his own javelin, while riding one day upon a new horse. Unexpectedly delivered from this formidable enemy, Zeno pur- chased peace with the other Theodoric in 483, by conferring upon him the most extraordinary ho- nours. [Vol. III. p. 1044, a.] In the following year, 484, Theodoric was consul. This year was signalised by the commencement of a new rebellion, which lasted longer than any of the preceding ones, and brought Zeno to the brink of ruin. It was headed by Illus, the powerful minister of Zeno, who had now become an object of suspicion to his master, and of hatred both to Verina and Ariadne. The history of this rebellion is related at length elsewhere [Illus]. It was not finally suppressed till A. D. 488, when Illus and Leontius, whom the former had proclaimed emperor, were both taken prisoners and put to death. During the revolt of Illus, misunderstandings occurred between Theodoric and Zeno. In 487 the Gothic king again took up arms and threatened Constantinople. To save himself and his capital, Zeno gave Theo- doric permission to invade Italy, and expel the usurper Odoacer from the country. The terms were gladly accepted by Theodoric, and Zeno lived to see the foundation of a powerful Gothic king- dom in Italy [Theodoricus the Great]. Zeno ZETES. 1821 died in the month of April a. d. 491, after a reign of seventeen years. He left no children, and was succeeded by Anastasius, an officer of the imperial life-guard of the Silentiarii, who married Ariadne, the widow of Zeno. [Anastasius.] In A. D, 482, Zeno published the famous Heno- ticon (euoTiKov), which was signed by all the bishops of the East under his reign, and that of Anastasius. It is preserved by Evagrius (iii. 13). The various modern writers who comment upon it are given by Fabricius {Bibl. Graec. vol. xi. p. 723 ; comp. Gibbon, Decline and Fall^ c, xlvii.). (Tillemont, Flistoire des Empereurs^ vol. vi., and Clinton, Fasti Romaiii, in which works all the authorities are collected.) ZENO'NI A, the wife of the emperor Basiliscus. [BasiLiscus.] ZENO'PHANES (Zijvoc^aj/Tjs), a Greek writer mentioned twice by Athenaeus (x. p, 424, c, xiii. p. 576, d), from whom it appears that he wrote a work on relationship {rh avyyeviKSv). Modern critics propose to change the name into Xenophanes, but imnecessarily. Zenophanes is also found as a proper name in Strabo (xiv. p. 672) and in inscriptions. ZENO'THEMIS {Z-nvdOefxis), wrote a poem en- titled HepiirAovs, in which he related varioug strange and wonderful stories (Tzetz. Ckil. vii. 144; AeYiAn^ Hist. Anim. xvii. 30; Schol. ad Apoll. Rhod. ii. 965 ; Plin. H. N. xxxvii. 11. $ 1, xxxvii. 23 ; Vossius, de Hist. Graec. p. 511, ed. Westermann). ZEPHYRI'TIS iZ€(l>vp7ris), a surname of Aphrodite, derived from the promontory of Ze- phyrium in Egvpt. (Athen. vii. p. 318 ; Callira. Epig. 31 ; Steph. Byz. s.v.) [L. S.] ZE'PHYRUS (Ze>;pos), the personification of the west wind, is described by Hesiod {Theog. 579) as a son of Astraeus and Eos. Zephyrus and Boreas are frequently mentioned together by Homer, and both dwelt together in a palace in Thrace. {IL ix. 5, Od. V. 295.) By the Harpy Podarge, Zephyrus became the father of the horses Xanthus and Balius, which belonged to Achilles (Hom. //. xvi. 150, &c.) ; but he was married to Chloris, whom he had carried off by force, and by whom he had a son Carpus. (Ov. Fast. v. 197 ; Serv. ad Virg. Eclog. V. 48.) On the sacred road from Athens to Eleusis, there was an altar of Zephyrus. (Pans. i. 37. § 1.) [L. S.] ZERY'NTHIA (Zr}pweia a surname of Aphrodite, from the town of Zerinthus in Thrace, where she had a sanctuary said to have been built by Phaedra. (Tzetz. ad Lycoph, 449, 958 ; Steph. Byz. and Etym. Magn. s.v.) [L, S.] ZETES (Zr/Trjs), a son of Boreas and Oreithyia, and a brother of Calais. Zetes and Calais, called the Boreadae, are mentioned among the Argonauts (Apollod. i. 9. § 16), and are generally described as winged beings (Schol. ad Find. Pyth. iv. 324), though some say that they had wings at their heads and feet (Hygin. Fah. 14), and others that they had them only at their feet (Apollon. Rhod. i. 219), or at their shoulders (Pind. Py/A, Iv. 325). Their sister Cleopatra, who was married to Ph neus the sooth- sayer and king in Salmydessus, was found by them when, during their Argonautic expedition, they ar- rived at Salmydessus. She had been thrown with her sons into prison by Phineus at the instigation of his second wife ; but Zetes and Calais liberated them by force, gave the kingdom to their cousins, and sent the second wife of Phineus to her own