Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 3.djvu/1348

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LIST OP TABLES. Page Chronological Tables of Greek History, from the first Olympiad to the Fall of Corinth, B. c. 146 .-.-...- 1337 Chronological Tables of Roman History, from the Foundation of the City, b. c. 753, to the Fall of the Western Empire, A. D. 476 - ... - 1349 List of the Genealogical Tables .-----. 1 395 Parallel Years - - - - - - - - - 1396 The Athenian Archons Eponymi, from b. c. 496, to b. c. 292 . - _ I4OO Lists of Kings : — 1. Kings of Egj'pt ----.. 1401 2. Kings of Media ...... UOl 3. Kings of Lydia - - - - - - 1401 4. Kings of Persia ...... I40I 5. Kings of Sparta - - - - - - 1402 6. Kings of Macedonia ---.-- 1402 7. Kings of Syria -...-. 1403 8. Kings of Egypt ..---. 1403 9. Kings of Pergamus .----- 1403 10. Kingsof Bithynia ------ 1403 11. Kings of Pontus .----. 1403 12. Kings of Cappadocia ------ 1404 13. Kings of Parthia - - - - - - 1404 14. Kings of Persia (Sassanidiie) - - . - - 1404 15. Kings of Rome -..•-- 1404 16. Emperors of Rome - - - - - - 1404