Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 3.djvu/1364

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]352 CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES OF Did. A. Postumius Tubertus. Mag. Eq. L. Julius Julus. Great victory over the Aequians and Vol- scians at Mount Algidus. Coss. C. Papirius Crassus. L. Julius Julus. Coss» L. Sergius Fidenas II. Hostus Lucretius Tricipitinus. Coss. A. Cornelius Cossus. T. Qui])ctius Pennus Cincinnatus II. Coss. C. Servilius Structus Ahala. L. Papirius Mugillanus II. War declared against Veii by the vote of the comitia centuriata. IV. Trih. Mil. cons. pot. (Liv. iv. 31.) Diet. Mara. Aemilius Mamercinus III. Mag. Eq. A. Cornelius Cossus. War with Veii. Fidenae again revolts, is retaken and destroyed. IV. Trih. Mil. cons. pot. (Liv. iv. 35.) Truce with Veii for twenty years. IV. Trib. Mil. cons. pot. (Liv. iv. 35.) Censs. L. Julius Julus. L. Papirius Crassus. Coss. C. Sempronius Atratinus. Q. Fabius Vibulanus. War with the Volscians. Vulturnum taken by the Samnites. IV. Trib. Mil. cons. pot. (Liv. iv. 42.) Coss. N. Fabius Vibulanus. T. Quinctius Capitolinus Barbatus. The number of the quaestors increased from two to four, IV. Trib. Mil. cons. pot. (Liv. iv. 44.) Conquest of the Greek city of Cumae by the Campanians. IV. Trib. Mil. cons. pot. (Liv. iv. 44.) ///. Trib. Mil. co7is. pot. (Liv. iv. 45.) Did. Q. Servilius Priscus Fidenas II. Mag. Eq. C. Servilius (Structus) Axilla. Censs. L, Papirius Mugillanus. Mam. Aemilius Mamercinus. Defeat of the Aequians, Lavici taken, and a colony sent thither. IV. Trib. Mil. cons. pot. (Liv. iv. 47.) IV. Trib. Mil. cons. pot. (Liv. iv. 47.) IV. Trib. Mil. cons. pot. (Liv. iv. 49.) IV. Trib. Mil. cons. pot. (Liv. iv. 49.) War with the Aequians. Bola conquered. Postumius, the consular tribune, killed by the soldiers. From this time the power of the Aequians and Volscians declines, chiefly through the increasing might of the Samnites. Coss. A. Cornelius Cossus. L. Furius Medullinus. Coss. Q. Fabius Vibulanus Ambustus. C. Furius Pacilus. Coss. M. Papirius Mugillanus. C. Nautius Rutilus. Coss. M'. Aemilius Mamercinus. C, Valerius Potitus Volusus. M. Maenius, tribune of the plebs, proposes an agrarian law. Coss. Cn. Cornelius Cossus. L. Furius Medullinus II. Three of the four quaestors are plebeians, being the first time that the plebeians had obtained this office. ///. Trib. Mil. cotis. pot. (Liv. iv. 56.) 407 406 405 404 403 402 401 400 399 398 397 396 395 394 393 392 39] 390 Did. P. Cornelius Rutilus Cossus. Mag. Eq. C. Servilius (Stmctus) Ahala. IV. Trib. Mil. cons. pot. (Liv. iv. 57.) Expiration of the truce with Veii. See b. c, 425. The truce was made for twenty years ; but the years were the old Roman years of ten months. The Romans de- feated by the Volscians. IV. Trib. Mil. cons. pot. (Liv. iv. 58.) War with the Volscians. Anxur, afterwards called Tarracina, taken. War declared against Veii. Pay decreed by the senate to the Roman soldiers for the first time. VI. Trib. Mil. cons. pot. (Liv. iv. 61.) Siege of Veii which lasts ten years. See B.C. 396. VI. Trib. Mil. cons. pot. (Liv. iv. 61.) An eclipse of the sun recorded in the Annales Maximi as ocoirring on the Nones of June. (Cic. dc Rep. i. 16.) VI. Trib. Mil. cons. pot. (Liv. v. 1.) Censs. M. Furius Camillus. M. Postumius Albinus Regillensis. Livj"" counts the censors among the consular tribunes, whom he accordingly makes eight in number. VI. Trib. Mil. cons. pot. (Liv. v. 8.) Defeat of the Romans before Veii. Anxur recovered by the Volscians. VI. Trib. Mil. cons. pot. (Liv. v. 10.) VI. Trib. Mil. cons. pot. (Liv. v. 12.) Anxur recovered by the Romans. VI. Trib. Mil. cons. pot. (Liv. v. 13.) A pestilence at Rome. A Lectisternium in- stituted for the first time. VI. Trib. Mil. cons. pot. (Liv. v. 14.) An embassy sent to consult the oracle at Delphi. VI Trib. Mil. cons. pot. CLiv. v. 1 6.) VI. Trib. Mil. cons. pot. (Liv. v. 18.) Did. M. Furius Camillus, Mag. Eq. P. Cornelius Maluginensis. Capture of Veii by the dictator Camillus. VI. Trib. Mil. cons. pot. (Liv. v. 24.) VI. Trib. Mil. cons. pot. (Liv. v. 26.) Peace made with the Falisci. Coss. L. Valerius Potitus. Aid. P. Cornelius Maluginensis Cossus. Abd. L. Lucretius Flavus (Tricipitinus). Ser. Sulpicius Camerinus. Censs. L. Papirius Cursor. C. Julius Julus. Mort. e. M. Cornelius Maluginensis. Distribution of the Veientine territory among the plebeians. Coss. L. Valerius Potitus. M. Manlius Capitolinus. VI. Trib. Mil. cons. pot. (Liv. v, 32.) Camillus banished. War with Volsinii. The Gauls invade Etruria and lay siege to Clusium'. VI. Trib. Mil. cons. pot. (Liv. v. 36.) Diet. M. Furius Camillus II. Mag. Eq. L. Valerius Potitus. Rome taken by the Gauls. The Ro- mans are defeated at the battle of the AUia on the 16th of July (Niebuhr, vol. ii. note 1179), and the Gauls entered Rome on the third day after the battle. Camil- lus recalled from exile, and appointed die-