Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 3.djvu/1375

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ROMAN HISTORY. 136J Coss. A. Manlius Torquatns. Q. Cassius Longinus. iMort. e. C&nss. L. Aemilius Paullus. Q. Marcius Philippus, The citizens at the census are 327,022. Coss. Ti. Sempronius Gracchus II. M', Juventius Thalna. The Corsicans re})el, but are subdued by the consul Juventius, The Heautonthnorumenos of Terence ex- hibited. Coss. P. Cornelius Scipio Nasica. Ahd. C. Marcius Figulus. Ahd. P. Cornelius Lentulus. Cn. Domitius Ahenobarbus. Coss. M. Valerius Messala. C. Fannius Strabo. The philosophers and rhetoricians banished from Rome. The sumptuary law of the consul Fannius. The Eu7mchus and Pliormio of Terence exhibited. Coss. L.Anicius Gallus. M. Cornelius Cethegus. The Pontine marshes drained. Death of L. Aemilius Paullus. The AdelpM of Terence exhibited at the funeral games of Aemilius Paullus. Coss. Cn, Cornelius Dolabella. M. Fulvius Nobilior. Censs. P. Cornelius Scipio Nasica. M, Popillius Laenas, The citizens at the census are 338,314. A water-clock set up at Rome by the censor Scipio. Death of Terence. Coss. M, Aemilius Lepidus, C. Popillius Laenas II. Coss. Sex. Julius Caesar. L. Aurelius Orestes. Ariarathes V. Philopator comes to Rome. A colony was founded at Auximum in Pice- num. Coss. L, Cornelius Lentulus Lupus. C. Marcius Figulus II, The consul Marcius carries on war against the Dalmatians. Coss. P. Cornelius Scipio Nasica II. M. Claudius Marcellus II. The consul Scipio subdues the Dalmatians. The Athenians send an embassy to Rome, consisting of the philosophers Diogenes, Critolaiis, and Carneades, to obtain a re- mission of the fine of 500 talents, which they had been sentenced to pay after the war with Perseus. Coss. Q. Opimius. L. Postumius Albinus. Mori. e. M'. Acilius Glabrio. Censs. M. Valerius Messala. C. Cassius Longinus. The consul Opimius is sent against the Oxybii, Transalpine Gauls. The citizens at the census are 324,000. The poet Pacuvius flourished. Goss. Q. Fulvius Nobilior. T. Annius Luscus. In this year the consuls, for the first time enter on their oifice on the 1st of January, War with the Celtiberians in Spain b^- 152 151 150 149 148 ]4; 146 145 gins. It is conducted unsuccessfully by the consul Nobilior. Coss. M. Claudius Marcellus III. L, Valerius Flaccus, Moii. e. The consul Marcellus conducts the war in Spain with more success. Coss. L. Licinius Lucullus. A. Postumius Albinus. The consul Lucullus and the praetor Sul- picius Galba conduct the war in Spain. Lucullus conquers the Vaccaei, Cantabri, and other nations ; but Galba is defeated by the Lusitanians. Return of the Achaean exiles. Postumius Albinus the consul was a writer of Roman history. Coss. T. Quinctius Flamininus, M'. Acilius Balbus, Galba at the beginning of the year most treacherously destroys the Lusitanians. Viriathus was among the few who escaped. Cato, aet. 84, brought down his Origmes to this period. Coss. L. Marcius Censorinus. M'. Manilius, Third Punic War, First 3'ear. The con- suls land in Africa, Death of Masinissa, aet, 90, The Lex Calpurnia of the tribune L. Calpurnius Piso de. repetundis (malver- sation and extortion by the governors of the provinces), which was the first law on the subject. A Pseudo-Philippus, named Andriscus, appears in Macedonia, but is defeated and slain within a year. Death of Cato, aet. 85. L. Calpurnius Piso, the author of the law de repelundis, was an historian. Coss. Sp, Postumius Albinus Magnus. L. Calpurnus Piso Caesoninus. Second year of the third Punic war. The Pseudo- Philippus defeated and taken pri- soner by Q. Metellus, the praetor. Success of Viriathus in Lusitania. Birth of Luciliiis, Coss. P. Cornelius Scipio Afric. Aemilianus. C. Livius Drusus. Censs. L, Cornelius Lentulus Lupus. L. Marcius Censorinus. Third year of the third Punic war. Scipio crosses over to Africa. War declared be- tween Rome and the Achaeans. Con- tinued success of Viriathus in Lusitania, The citizens at the census are 322,000. Coss. Co. Cornelius Lentulus. L, Mummius Achaicus, Fourth and last year of the third Punic war. Carthage taken by Scipio, and razed to the ground : its territory made a Roman province. The Achaeans defeated by Mummius, Corinth taken, and the Roman province of Achaia formed. Continued success of Viriathus in Lusitania. Cassius Hemina, the historian flourished. C. Fannius, the historian, serves with Scipio at Carthage. Coss. Q. Fabius Maximus Aemilianus. L, Hostilius Mancinus, The consul Fabius commands in Spain against Viriathus, and carries on the war suc- cessfully. 4 82