Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 3.djvu/1382

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1370 CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES OF tute^ de Gloria^ Topica^ de Officiis. His orations, Philippica L in the senate ; Phi- lippica II. (not spoken); Philippica 111 . in the senate; Philippica IV. before the people. Coss. C. Vibiiis Pansa. Mori. e. A. Hirtius. Occis. e. C. Julius Caesar Octavianus. Abd. C. Carrinas. Q. Pedius. Moii. e. P. Ventidius. Siege of Mutina : death of the consuls Pansa and Hirtius. M. Antonius is defeated and flies to Gaul. Octavianus comes to Rome and is elected consul. The mur- derers of Caesar outlawed. Second Tri- umvirate formed by Octavianus, Anto- nius, and Lepidus : they take the title Triumviri Reipublicae Constitmndae : they proscribe their enemies. Cicero (aet. 64) proscribed and put to death ; the remaining Philippic Orations delivered in this year. Birth of Ovid. Death of Laberius, the miraographer. Coss. L. Munatius Plancus. M. Aemilius Lepidus II. Censs. L. Antonius Pietas. P. Sulpicius. War in Greece between the triumvirs and the republican party. Battle of Philippi and death of Cassius. Second battle of Philippi and death of Brutus. Birth of Tiberius, afterwards emperor. Horace (aet. 23) fights at the battle of Philippi. Coss. L. Antonius Pietas. P. Servilius Vatia Isauricus II. War of Perusia. The consul L. Antonius and Fulvia, the wife of M. Antonius, oppose Octavianus. Antonius is besieged in Pe- rusia towards the end of the year. Coss. Cn. Domitius Calvinus II. Abd. C. Asinius Pollio. L. Cornelius Balbus. P. Canidius Crassus. Capture of Perusia. Death of Fulvia. Re- conciliation between Octavianus and M. Antonius, who conclude a peace at Brun- disium : M. Antonius marries Octavia, the sister of Octavianus. Labienus and the Parthians invade Syria. Cornelius Nepos flourished. Coss. L. Marcius Censorinus. C. Calvisius Sabinus. Octavianus and Antonius have an interview with Sex.Pompeiusat Misenum, and con- clude a peace with him. M. Antonius spends the winter at Athens. Ventidius, the legatus of Antonius, defeats the Par- thians : death of Labienus. Birth of Julia, the daughter of Octavianus. Horace (aet. 26) is introduced to Mae- cenas by Virgil and Varius. Coss. Ap. Claudius Pulcher. C. Norbanus Flaccus. War between Octavianus and Sex. Pom- peius. Octavianus marries Livia. Ven- tidius again defeats the Parthians, and drives them out of Syria ; death of Pacorus. B.C. 35 34 32 31 Sossius, the legatus of Antonius, conquers the Jews. Horace (aet. 27) is engaged upon the first book of his Satires. Coss. M. Agi'ippa. L. Caninius Gallus. Abd. T. Statilius Taurus. Antonius comes to Italy. Renewal of the Triumvirate for another period of live years. Octavianus employs this year in prepara- tions against Sex. Pompeius. Agrippa crosses the Rhine. Varro (aet. 80) composes his deRe Rus- tica. Coss. L. Gellius Poplicola. Abd. M. Cocceius Nerva. Abd. L. Munatius Plancus II. C. Sulpicius Quirinus. Defeat of Sex. Pompeius, who flies to Asia. Lepidus ceases to be one of the triumvirs. M. Antonius invades the Parthian do- minions late in the year, and is obliged to retreat with great loss. Coss. L. Cornificius. Sex. Pompeius. Sex. Pompeius (aet. 39) is put to death in Asia. Octavianus defeats the Illyrians. Coss. L. Scribonius Libo. M. Antonius. Abd. L. Sempronius Atratinus. £■« Cal. Jul. Paul, Aemilius Lepidus, C. Memmius. Ex Kal. Nov. M. Herennius Picens. Octavianus defeats the Dalmatians. Anto- nius invades and subdues Armenia. Death of Sallust. Coss. Imp. Caesar Augustus II. Abd. L. Volcatius Tullus. P. Autronius Paetus. EocKal.Mai. L. Flavins. Eoc Kal. Jul. C. Fonteius Capito. M'. Acilius (Aviola). Ex Kal. Sept. L. Vinucius. Ex Kal. Oct. L. Laronius. Rupture between Octavianus and Antonius. Both parties prepare for war. In this year Octavianus is called in the Fasti Im- perator Caesar Augustus, though the titles of Imperator and Augustus were not con- ferred upon him till b. c. 27. Agrippa aedile. Horace (aet. 32) probably publishes the second book of his Satires. Coss. Cn. Domitius Ahenobarbus. C. Sosius. Ex Kal. Jul. L. Cornelius. Ex Kal. Nov. N. Valerius. Antonius divorces Octavia. War declared against Antonius at the conclusion of the year. Deatli of Atticus. Coss. Imp. Caesar Augustus IIL M. Valerius Messala Corvinus. Ex Kal. Mai. M. Titius. Ex Kal. Oct. Cn. Pompeius. Antonius defeated at the battle of Actium on the 2nd of September. Octavianus proceeds to the East. Horace (aet. 34) probably publishes his book of Epodes.