Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 3.djvu/213

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PERILAUS. of Plato, who was born B. c. 429. Diogenes Laertius (vii. 1) and Suidas (s.v. UXdruv) call her also Potone, which was the name of Plato's sister. (Suid. s. v. noro^KJ?.) Through Peric- tione, Plato was descended from Solon, (see pe- digree of Glaucon,) though Olympiodorus in his life of Plato traces his descent from Solon through his father, and from Codrus through his mother, reversing the statements of Diogenes Laer- tius {L c.) and Apuleius {de Dogm. Plat.). It is a shrewd conjecture of Bentley's {Diss, on Pha- laris^ vol. i. p. 42 1 , ed. 1 836), that, as it was thought " a point of decorum to make even the female kin- dred of philosophers copy after the men," certain passages bearing the name of Perictione, and quoted by Stobaeus {Florileg. i. 62, 63, Ixxix. 50, Ixxxv. 19), are spurious, and, for the reason above given, received the name of Plato's mother. This is strengthened by the fact, stated by Bentley, that larablichus mentions no such name in his copious list of Pythagorean women. Besides, the first two extracts are in the Doric, and the last two (not one, as Bentley, through oversight, says) are in the Ionic dialect. " And why should she write phi- losophy in two dialects ? " We have no other trace of this last Perictione, if indeed there was such a woman, save in the extracts given by Stobaeus ; and the two last fragments are undoubt- edly spurious, whatever be determined regarding those in the Doric dialect. [W. M. G.] PERIE'RES (UepLTipvs). 1, A son of Aeolus and Enarete, king of Messene, was the father of Aphareus and Leucippus by Gorgophone. (Apollod. i. 7. § 3 ; Pans. iv. 2. § 2, 3. § 3, &c.) In some traditions Perieres was called a son of Cynortas, and besides the sons above mentioned he is said to have been, by Gorgophone, the father of Tyndareos and Icarius. (Tzetz. ad Lye. 511 ; Apollod. i. 9. § 5, iii. 1 0. § 3.) Oebalus also is called a son of Peri- eres. [^co. ad Eurip. Orest. AA7 .) After the death of Perieres, Gorgophone is said to have married Oebalus, and to have been the first widow in Greece that married a second husband. (Paus. ii. 21. § 8, comp. iii. i. § 4.) 2. The charioteer of king Menoeceus in Thebes. (Apollod. ii. 4. § 1 1.) 3. The father of Bonis, who was the husband of Polydora. (Hom. //. xvi. 177.) [L. S.] PERPGENES {Uipi'yhT]s), commander of the fleet of Ptolemy IV. (Philopator) in the war against Antiochus III., king of Syria, B. c. 218. Pie engaged Diognetus, the admiral of Antiochus, without any decisive result, but the defeat of the land forces of Ptolemy under Nicolaus compelled Perigenesto retreat. (Polyb. v. 68, 69.) [E. H. B.] PERILA'US (rieptAaos), a son of Icarius and Periboea, and a brother of Penelope. (Apollod. iii. 10. § 6; Paus. viii. 34. § 2.) There are three other mythical personages of the same name. (Paus. ii. 20. § 6, vii. 4. § I ; Quint. Smvrn. viii. 294.) [L. S.] PERILA'US (nept'Aaos). 1. A citizen of Me- gfira, who espoused the party of Philip of Macedon, and according to Demosthenes, betrayed his country to that monarch, but was afterwards treated by him with neglect and contempt. (Dem. de Cor. pp. 242, 324, deF. L. p. 435.) 2. A Macedonian officer, who was one of the three deputies sent by Meleager and Arrhidaeus to treat with the party of Perdiccas and Leonnatus, during the dissensions at Babylon immediately after PERIPHETES. 201 the death of Alexander (Curt. x. 8. $ 15). Ha afterwards attached himself to Antigonu8,by whom he was appointed, in b. c. 315, to command an army in the southern provinces of Asia Minor ; but was defeated and taken prisoner by Poly- cleitus, the general of Seleucus. (Diod. xix. 64.) 3. A son of Antipater, and younger brother of Cassander, king of Macedonia, under whom he held various subordinate employments. (Plut. de Frat. Amor. 15, p. 486, a.) [E. H. B.] PERILLUS {UipiKXos ; the form U^pikaos in Lucian, Phal. 1 , and the Scholiast to Pindar, Pyth. i. 185, probably arises from a confusion of A with A), a statuary, was the maker of the bronze bull of the tyrant Phalaris, respecting which see further under Phalaris. Of the modern disquisitions on this instrument of torture, the most important are those of GoUer (Z>e Situ et Orig. Syracus. pp. 272, &c.) and Bcittiger {Kunstmythologie, vol. i. p. 380). Miiller places the artist at 01. 5b, b. c. 560. Like the makers of other instruments of death, Perillus is said to have become one of the victims of his own handiwork. [P- S.] PERIME'DE {UepifxiZn). 1. A daughter of Aeolus and Enarete, and the mother of Hippoda- mas and Orestes. (Apollod. i. 7. § 1 ; comp. ACHELOUS.) 2. A daughter of Oeneus, by whom Phoenix became the father of Europa and Astypalaea. (Paus. vii. 4. § 2.) 3. A daughter of Eurystheus. (Apollod. ii. 8. §1.) 4. A sister of Amphitryon, and wife of Licyra- nius. (Apollod. ii. 4. § 6.) [L. S.] PERIME'DES (nepM'fST??). 1. One of the companions of Odysseus during his wanderings. (Hom. Od. xi. 23 ; Paus x. 29. § 1.) 2. One of the centaurs. (Hes. Scut. Here. 187 ; Athen. iv. p. 148.) 3. A son of Eurystheus and Antiraache. (Apol- lod. ii. 8. § 1.) [L. S.] PERIME'LE (nepiAtTjAr?), the name of three mythical personages, the first a daughter of Hip- podaraas (Ov. Met. viii. 590, &c. ; comp. Achk- Lous) ; the second a daughter of Admetus (An- ton. Lib. 23) ; and the third a daughter of Amy- thaon. (Diod. iv. 69 ; comp. IxiON.) [L. S.] PE'RIPHAS {mpi(pas). 1, One of the sons of Aegyptus. (Apollod. ii. 1. § 5.) 2. A son of Oeneus. (Anton. Lib. 2 ; comp. Oeneus.) 3. A son of Lapithes in Thessaly. (Diod. iv. QQ, V. 61 ; comp. Lapithes.) 4. One of the Lapithae. (Ov. Met. xii. 449.) 5. An Attic autochthon, previous to the time of Cecrops, was a priest of Apollo, and on account of his virtues he was made king ; but as he was honoured to the same extent as Zeus, the latter wished to destroy him. At the request of Apollo, however, Zeus metamorphosed him into an eagle, and his wife likewise into a bird. (Anton. Lib. 6 ; Ov. Met. vii. 400.) 6. A son of the Aetolian Ochesius, fell by the hand of Ares in the Trojan war. (Hom. //. v. 842.) 7. A son of Epytus, and a herald of Aeneias. (Hom. //. xvii. 323.) 8. A Greek who took part in the destruction of Troy. (Viig. Aen. ii. 476.) [L. S.] PERIPHE'TES (nept4)r}TTjs). 1. A son of HdJ)haestus and Anticleia, was surnamed Cory-