Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 3.djvu/375

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PHYLAS. books ; and it comes down to Ptolemaeus who AVHs culled Euergetes, and to the end of Bere- nice, and as far as Cleomenes the Lacedaemo- nian, against whom Antigonus made war." When Suidas entitles it " the expedition of Pyrrhus, &c." he merely describes the first event in the work. The expedition of Pyrrhus into Pelo- ponnesus was in B. c. 272 ; the death of Cleo- menes in B. c. 220 : the work therefore embraced a period of fifty-two years. From some of the fragments of the work which have been preserved (e. g. Athen. viii, p. 834, a, xii. p. 539, b), it has been conjectured by some modern writers that Phylarchus commenced at an earlier period, per- haps as early as the death of Alexander the Great ; but since digressions on earlier events might easily have been introduced by Phylarchus, Ave are not warranted in rejecting the express testimony of Suidas. As far as we can judge from the frag- ments, the work gave the history not only of Greece and Macedonia, but likewise of Aegypt, Cjrene, and the other states of the time ; and in narrating the history of Greece, Phylarchus paid particular attention to that of Cleomenes and the Lacedaemonians. The fragments are given in the works of Lucht, Briickner, and Mliller cited below. 2. To Kara Tof 'AutIoxov Koi top Hepya/j.rjvui' EujuevTj, was probably a portion of the preceding work, since the war between Eumenes I. and An- tiochus Soter was liardly of sufficient importance to give rise to a separate history, and that between Eumenes IL and Antiochus the Great was subse- quent to the time of Phylarchus. 3, 4. 'EirtTo/ii7 fxvBiKr) irepl rijs roO Aids iiri- (pavelas, Avas one Avork, although cited by Suidas as two : the general title was 'ETrtrojurj ixvQiKilf, and that of the first part ITept ttjs tov Aids iiri- (paveias. 5. Uepl evprtJjLoiTwv, on Avhich subject Ephorus and Philochoriis also wrote. G. Uap^iJ-Sdaecou fiiSKia 0', which is corrupt, since the Avord Trap(p.§aats is unknown. 7. "hypacpa^ not mentioned by Suidas, and only by the Scholiast on Aelius Aristeides (p. 103, ed. Frommel), Avas probably a Avork on the more abstruse points of mythologj', of Avhich no Avritten account had ever been given. (Sevin, liecJierches sur la Vie et les Ouvrages de Phyl. in Mtin. de VAcademie des Ijiscriptions, vol. viii. p. 118, &c. ; Lucht, Phi/larchi Hidon- arum Frugm. Lips. 1836 ; Briickner, Idem. Vratisl. 1838 ; Car. and Theod. Miiller, Fragm. Jiistor. Graec. pp. Ixxvii. &c., 334, &c. ; Voss. de J list. Graec. p. 150, ed. Westermann ; Droysen, Geschichte des Ilellenismus, vol. i. p. 683 ; Clinton, /': //.vol. iii. p. 519.) PHYLAS (4»uas). 1. A king of the Dryopes, was attacked and slain by Heracles, because he had violated the sanctuary of Delphi. By his daughter Mideia, Heracles became the father of Antiochus. (Pans. i. 5. § 2, iv. 34. § 6, x. 10. § 1 ; Diod. iv. ;i7.) 2. A son of Antiochus, and grandson of Hera- cles and Mideia, was married to Deiphile, by Avhom he had two sons, Hippotas and Thero. (Pans. ii. 4. § 3, ix. 40. § 3; Apollod. ii. 8. §3.) 3. A king of Epliyra in Thesprotia, and the father of Polymele and Astyoche, by the latter of whom Heracles was the father of Tlepolemus. PHYLLIS. 363 (Apollod. ii. 7. § 6 ; Horn. II. xvi. 180; comp. Diod. iv. 3G.) ^ [L. S.] PH YLES (*i;A7?s), of Halicarnassus, the son of Polygnotus, Avas a statuary, whose name has been recently discovered by means of the inscriptions on the bases Avhich originally supported tAvo of his Avorks. One of these is at Astypaleia, and be- longed originally to a statue of bronze, Avhich the people of that place erected in honour of their fel- low-citizen, Polyeuctus, the son of Melesippus ; the other AA'as found at Delos, and Avas the base of a statue erected in honour of a citizen of Rhodes. (Bockh, Corp. Tnscr. vol ii. pp. 1039, 1098 ; R. Rochette, Letlre a M. Schorn, p. 386.) [P. S.] PPIYLEUS (OuAeus), a son of Augeias, Avas expelled by his father from Ephj-ra, because he gave his evidence in favour of Heracles. He then emigrated to Dulichium (Hom. //. ii. 629, xv. 530, xxiii. 637.) By Ctimene or Timandra Phyleus became the father of Meges, Avho is hence called Phyleides. (Eustath. ad Hom. p. 305 ; Pans. V. 3. § 4 ; Apollod. ii. 5. § 5 ; Strab. x. p. 459.) [L. S.] PHYLIDAS, or more poperly PHFLIDAS (^vAiSas, <t>iAi5as), an Aetolian, was sent by Dori- machus, in the Avinter of B. c. 21 9, or rather perhaps early in the folloAving year, to aid the Ele.ans against Philip V. of Macedon, in Triphylia. The king, however, made himself master successively of Alipheira, Typaneae, Hypana, and Phigalea, and Philidas, quite unable to check his progress, thrcAV himself into Lepreum. But the inhabitants Avere hostile to him, and, on Philip's approach, he Avas obliged to eA-acuate the town. Philip pursued him Avith his light troops and captured all his baggage, but Philidas himself, with his forces, eff'ected his escape to Samicum. Philip, howeA-er, began to invest the place, and the besieged army capitulated on condition of being allowed to march out Avith their arms. (Polyb. iv. 77—80.) [E. K] PHY'LLIDAS (*uXAiSas), a Theban, was se, cretary to the polemarchs Avho held office undei' Spartan protection, after the seizure of the Cadmeia by Phoebidas, in B. c. 382. He was, however, a secret enemy of the new government, and appears to have made interest for the office Avhich he oc- cupied with the view of aiding the cause of freedom. Having been sent by his masters on some business to Athens, where the exiles had taken refuge, he arranged with them the particulars of their intended enterprise against the tyrants, and afterwards most effectually aided its execution in B. c. 379. Thus, having especially ingratiated himself Avith Archias and Philippus, of Avhose pleasures he pretended to be the ready minister, he introduced, in the disguise of women, the conspira- tors Avho despatched them ; he gained admittance, according to Xenophon, for Pelopidas and his two companions to the house of Leontiades ; and, before what had happened could be publicly known, he eff'ected, Avith two others, his entrance into the prison, under pretence of an order from the pole- marchs, and, having slain the jailor, released those Avho Avere confined there as enemies to the goA'em- ment. (Xen. Hell. v. 4. §§ 2—8 ; Plut. Pelop. 7, &c., de Gen. Soc. 4, 24, 26, 29, 32 ; Diod. xv. 25.) [E.E.] PHYLLIS (^uAAi's), a daughter of king Sithon, in Thrace, fell in love Avith Demophon on his return from Troy to Greece. Demoplion promised her, by a certain day, to come back from Athens and