POLEMUJS. a daughter of Aeolus or Aesopus, by whom he be- came the father of Ephippus and Leucippus. He was the reputed founder of the town of Tanagra in Boeotia which was hence called Poemandria. When Poemander inadvertently had killed his own son, he was purified by Elephenor. (Pans. ix. 20. § 2 ; Plut. Quaest. Grace. 70 ; comp. Strab. ix. p. 404 ; Lycophr. 326.) [L.S.] ' POENA (UoLv/i)^ a personification of retaliation, is sometimes mentioned as one being, and some- times in the plural. They belonged to the train of Dice, and are akin to the Erinnyes (Aeschyl. Choeph. 936. 947 ; Pans. i. 43. § 7.) [L.S.] POE'NIUS PO'STUMUS, praefectus of the camp of the second legion in Britain during the war against Boadicea (Tac. Ann. xiv. 37.) POETE'LIA GENS, plebeian (Dionys. x. 58), first occurs at the time of the decemvirate. The name is frequently confounded with that of Pe- tillius or Petilius [Petillia Gens.] The only family-name in this gens is that of Libo, which is usually found with the agnomen Visolus. Livy (vii. 11), it is true, says that C. Poetelius Balbus was consul B. c. 360 with M. Fabius Ambustus ; but as the Capitoline Fasti make C. Poetelius Libo the colleague of Fabius, and Balbus does not occur elsewhere as a cognomen of the Poetelii, the cognomen in Liv}' is probably either an error or a corruption. All the other Poetelii bear the sur- name Libo with the exception of P. Poetelius, who was sent as one of the three ambassadors to Syphax in b. c. 210. (Liv. xxvii. 4.) POGONA'TUS CONSTANTI'NUS. [Con- STANTINUS IV.] POLA, SE'RVIUS, one of Cicero's enemies, and described by him as " homo teter et ferus" (Cic. ad Q. Fr. ii. 13, comp. ad Fam. viii. 12). He is the same as the person called simply Servius in another passage {ad Q. Fr. ii. 6), and is sup- posed by Pighius to be the same as the Servius, who was condemned in B. c. 51, when he was tri- bune of the plebs elect {ad Fam, viii. 4). POLEMARCHUS(noA6Vapxos). 1. The pupil of the celebrated astronomer Eudoxus, whose in- structions he received in Cyzicus, his native place, and the teacher of the more celebrated Calippus, who accompanied him to Athens (Simplicius, de Caeh, ii. p. 120, a.). He lived about the middle of the fourth century B. c. 2. Of Tarentum, and a follower of Pythagoras (larablich. Vit. Pyth.). Fabricius conjectures {Bibl. Graec. vol. i. p. 864) that he is the same with Polyarchus, surnamed TJ5i;7ra0r)s, who is men- tioned by Athenaeus (xii. p. 545), as having been sent by Dionysius the younger, on an embassy to Tarentum, where, being intimate with Archytas, he dilated to that philosopher on the excellency of pleasure ; his discourse being given by Athenaeus, on the authority of Aristoxenus. But this seems an unhappy conjecture. The doctrines ascribed to Polyarchus are certainly not those of the school of Pythagoras ; nor is it even hinted that he was a native of Tarentum. 3. A writer of this name is quoted by Athenaeus (iv. p. 11 1, c), whom, from his being named along with Artemidorus and Heracleon, we should judge jto be a grammarian. [W. M. G.] POLE'MIUS, orSA'LVIUS, or SY'LVIUS, the author of a sacred calendar, drawn up a. d. 448, which is entitled Laterculus s. Index Dieritm Fcstorum, and which includes Heathen as well as VOL. III. 1 POLEMON. 433 Christian festivals, is generally believed to have been bishop of Martigny, in the Valais. A portion of this Laterculus was published by Bollandus, in the general preface to the Acta Sanctorum, vol. i. pp. 44, 45, and the whole will be found, but in a mutilated state, in the seventh volume of the same work, p. 178. (Mansi, ad Fabric. Bibl. Med. et Infim. Lot. vi. ; Schonemann, Bibl. Patrum Lot. vol. ii. § 50.) [W. R.] POLEMOCLES (noAe^uoKArjs), a Rhodian, who was despatched by his countrymen with three tri- remes, to Byzantium, at the same time that they sent thither Aridices, with proposals of peace, which were accepted by the Byzantines, and a treaty concluded in consequence, b, c. 220. He was next sent to Crete to assist the Cnossians, who were in alliance with Rhodes against the Lyttians. (Polyb. iv. 52, 53.) [E.H.B.] POLEMO'CRATES {TVoK^ixoKpdr'ns), a son of Machaon, and, like his father, a skilful physician ; he had a heroum at Eua in Argolis. (Paus. ii. 38. §6.) [L.S.] PO'LEMON (noAeVcov), historical. 1. Son of Andromenes the Stymphaean, a Macedonian officer, in the service of Alexander the Great. The great intimacy which subsisted between him and Phi- lotas caused him to be suspected, together with his brothers Amyntas, Attalus, and Simmias, of par- ticipating in the treasonable designs imputed to Philotas : a charge to which Polemon had the imprudence to give countenance by taking to flight immediately on learning the arrest of the son of Parmenion. Amyntas, however, who remained, having successfully defended himself before the assembly of the army, obtained the pardon or acquittal of Polemon also. ( Arr. Anab. iii. 27 ; Curt. vii. 1. § 10,2. § 1—10.) 2. Son of Megacles, a Macedonian of Pella, who was one of the officers appointed by Alex- ander to command the garrison at Memphis, B. c 331. (Arr. Anab. iii. 5. § 4.) 3. Son of Theramenes, a Macedonian officer, who was left by Alexander in the command of a fleet of thirty triremes which Avas destined to guard the mouths of the Nile, and the sea-coast of Egypt, B. c. 331. (Arr. Anab. iii. 5. % Q ; Curt, iv. 8. § 4.) 4. A Macedonian officer of rank, who, in the disputes that followed the death of Alexander, distinguished himself as a warm partizan of Per- diccas. In order to conciliate the favour of the regent, he endeavoured, though ineffectually, to prevent Arrhidaeus from transporting the body of the deceased monarch to Egypt (Arrian, ap. Phot. p. 70, b.) He afterwards served under Alcetas, the brother of Perdiccas, and was taken prisoner by Antigonus in Pisidia, together with Attalus and Docimus, B. c. 320. From this time he shared the fortunes of Attalus ; the history of their capti- vity, escape, and final defeat has been already given. [Attalus, No. 2.] (Diod. xviii. 45, xix. 16.) It is highly probable, as suggested by Droy- sen, that this Polemon is the same with the son of Andromenes (No. 1 ), and that he was consequently a brother of Attalus, with whom we find him so closely connected. 5. A dynast of Olba in Cilicia, whose name ap- pears on the coins of that city, with the titles of 'Ajox'^pews and AvvdaTt]?. As it is associated with that of M. Antony, there is little doubt that he is the same person who is mentioned by Appian {B. C, F F
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