Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 3.djvu/718

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706 SANNYRION. porary with Alexander, to a degree of approxima- tion that cannot possibly be the work of accident." (See also Sir W. Jones, in Asiatic Researches, vol. iv. p. 11 ; Schlegel, Indische Bibliothek, vol. i. p. 245, &c. ; Lassen, De Fentapotamia, P- 61 ; Drovsen, Hellenismus, vol. i. p. 519, &c., vol. ii. p. 68.) SANG A, Q. FA'BIUS, the patronus of the AUobroges, was the person to whom the ambas- sadors of the AUobroges disclosed the treasonable designs of the Catilinarian conspirators. Sanga communicated the intelligence to Cicero, who was thus enabled to obtain the evidence which led to the apprehension and execution of Lentulus and his associates, B. c. 63. Q. Sanga is mentioned as one of the friends of Cicero who besought the con- sul L. Piso, in B. c. 58, not to support Clodius in his measures against Cicero. (Sal). Cat. 41 ; Ap- pian, B. C. ii. 4 ; Cic. in Pis. 31.) SANGA'RIUS {'Zayydpios), a river-god, is described as the son of Oceanus and Tethys, and as the husband of Metope, by whom he became the father of Hecabe. (Hes. Theog. 344 ; Apollod. iii. 12. § 5.) The river Sangarius (in Phrygia) itself is said to have derived its name from one Sangas, who had offended Rhea, and was punished by her by being changed into water. (Schol. ad Apnllon. Rhod. ii. 722.) [L. S.] SA'NNIO, a name of the buffoon in the mimes (Cic. de Orat. ii. 61, ad Fam. ix. 16. § 10), is derived by Diodorus (Excerpta Vat. p. 129, ed. Dindorf) from a Latin who bore this name. This, however, is inadmissible : it comes from sa9ma (Juv. vi. 306 ; Pers. i. 62, v. 91). The Italian Zunni (hence our Zany) probably comes from Sannio. SANNY'RION {:Savvvpiwv an Athenian comic poet, belonging to the latter years of the Old Comedy, and the beginning of the Middle. He was contemporary with Diodes and Philyllius (Suid. s V. AioKXrjs). Since he ridiculed the pro- nunciation of Hegelochus, the actor of the Orestes of Euripides, which was brought out in B. c. 408, he must have been exhibiting comedies soon after that year (Schol. ad Eurip. Orest. 279 ; Schol. ad Arisioph. Ran. 305 ; Clinton, F. H. vol. ii. s. a. 407, and Preface, p. xxix.). On the other hand, if the comedy entitled /o, which is mentioned in the didascalic monument (Btickh, Corp. Inscr. vol. i. p. 353) be the lo of Sannyrion, his age would be brought down to b. c. 374. We know nothing of his personal histor% ex- cept that his excessive leanness was ridiculed by Strattis in his Cinesias and Psyclmstae (Pollux, X. 189 ; Ath. xii. p. 551, c. ; for explanations of the passages, see Meineke, Frag. Com. Graec. vol. ii. pp. 769, 785) ; and also by Aristophanes in the Gen/tades, where he and Meletus and Cinesias are chosen as ambassadors from the poets to the shades below, because, being shades themselves, they were frequent visitants of that region {aSo- </)o?Tot, Ath. I. c. a ; comp. the editions of the Fragments by Bekker, Dindorf, and Bergk ap, Meineke). It is a proof of how lightly and good- huinoiiredly such jests were thrown about by the comic poets, that Sannyrion himself ridiculed Me- letus on precisely the same ground in his T4ws, calling him top and Arivalov veicpou (Ath. I. c). He also returned the compliment to Aristophanes, by ridiculing him for spending his life in working for others ; referring doubtless to his habit of SAOTERUS. bringing out his comedies in other persons' names. (Schol. ad Flat. p. 331, ed. Bekker; comp. Phi- LONIDES.) The following are mentioned as his dramas by Suidas (s. r.) : — TeAwv, Aavdr], 'loJ, 'Vvxa(TTai ; but the reference which Suidas proceeds to make to Athenaeus, as his authority, proves that he has got the last title by a careless reading of the passage above quoted, in which Athenaeus says that San- nyrion was ridiculed in the Psychastae of Strattis. Eudocia (p. 382) omits the Aavdv, and adds the 'Ivw and ^ZapdaudnaWos, of which there is no other mention made. A few scattered lines are preserved from the TeAcos, and a fragment of five lines from the Aaudr), in which he ridicules, as Aristophanes also does in the Frogs (305), Hegelochus's pro- nunciation of the word ydriv in a line of the Orestes of Euripides {Schol ad Eurip. et Arisioph. U. cc.). There are a few words from the lo in Athenaeus (vi. p. 261, f.). The Ikinac and To evidently belong, in subject, to the Middle Comedy, although, from the circumstance just mentioned, the date of the former cannot be placed much lower than b. c. 407. (Meineke, Frag. Com. Grace, vol. i. pp. 263, 264, vol. ii. pp. 873—875 ; Bergk, Reliq. Comoed. Att. Ant. p. 430 ; Bode, Gesch. d. Hellen. Dichtkunst, vol., 2, p. 387.) [P. S.] M. SANQUI'NIUS, a triumvir of the mint under Augustus, whose name occurs only on coins, a specimen of which is annexed. The head on the obverse with a star over it is supposed to be Julius Caesar's, though it does not bear much resemblance to the heads of Caesar on other coins. The head of Augustus is on the reverse. This Sanquinius was probably the father or grandfather of the San- quinius Maximus, who is mentioned in the reigns of Tiberius, Caligula, and Claudius. [Maximus, Sanquinius.] (Eckhel, vol. v. p. 299.) COIN OF M. SANQUINIUS. SANTRA, a Roman grammarian, of whom nothing is known, but whose opinions are fre- quently cited by later grammarians, especially by Festus and his epitomist Paulus. The title of one of Santra's works was, De Verborum Ajitiquitate. (Charisius, p. 112; Scaurus, p. 2256; Festus, pp. 68, 170. 173, 194, 254, 277, 333, ed. Midler.) SAOCONDA'RIUS, the son-in-law of Deio- tarus. (Cic. pro Deiot. 11). [Deiotarus, No. 1.] SAON (Sacoj/), a mythical lawgiver of Samo- thrace, is said to have been a son of Zeus by a nymph, or of Hermes by Rhene ; he united the scattered inhabitants of Samothrace into one state, which he regulated by laws. (Diod. v. 48.) Another mythical personage of the same name is mentioned by Pausanias (ix. 40. § 2) as the dis- coverer of the oracle of Trophonius. [L. S.] SAOTERUS, of Nicomedeia, chamberlain to Commodus, and at one time so great a favourite, that he entered Rome sharing the triumphal chariot with the emperor. He was eventually put to death through the machinations of Cleander[CLBANrKR]