Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 3.djvu/750

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733 SCAURUS. tlie conquest of Privernum by C. Plautius Ilypsaeus, in B. c. 341. On the obverse is a camel, with Aretas kneeling by the side of the animal, and holding an olive branch in his hand. The subject refers to the conquest of Aretas by Scaurus men- tioned above. The legend is m. scavr. aed. cvr. EX. s. c, and below rex aretas. (Eckhel, vol. V. pp. 131, 275.) COIN OP M. AEMILIUS SCAURUS. 4. Aemilius Scaurus, the younger son of No. 2, fought under the proconsul, Q. Catulus, against the Cimbri at the Athesis, and having fled from the field, was indignantly commanded by his father not to come into his presence ; whereupon the youth put an end to his life. (Val. Max. v. 8. § 4 ; Frontin. Strat. iv. 1. § 3.) 5. M. Aemilius Scaurus, the son of No. 3, and Mucia, the former wife of Pompey the trium- vir, and consequently the half-brother of Sex. Pompey. He accompanied the latter into Asia, after the defeat "of his fleet in Sicily, but betrayed him into the hands of the generals of M. Antonius, in B. c. 35. After the battle of Actium, he fell into the power of Octavian, and escaped death, to which he had been sentenced, only through the in- tercession of his mother, Mucia. (Appian, B. C. v. 142 ; Dion Cass. li. 2, Ivi. 38.) 6. Mamercus Aemilius Scaurus, the son of No. 5, was a distinguished orator and poet, but of a dissolute character. He was a member of the senate at the time of the accession of Tiberius, A. D. 14, when he offended this suspicious emperor by some remarks which he made in the senate. He is mentioned as one of the accusers of Domitius Corbulo in a. d. 21, and likewise as one of the accusers of Silanus, in A. d. 22. He was himself accused of majestas in a. d. 32, but Tiberius stopped the proceedings against him. He was, however, again accused of the same crime in a. d. 34, by Servilius and Cornelius Tuscus, who charged him with magic, and with having had adultery with Livia ; but his real ground of offence was his tragedy of Atreus, in which his enemy Macro had interpolated some verses reflecting upon the em- peror. He put an end to his own life at the suggestion of his wife Sextia, who killed herself at the same time (Tac. Ann. i. 13, iii. 31, 36, vi. 9, 29 ; Dion Cass. Iviii. 24 ; Senec. Suas. 2, de Benef. IV. 31 ; Meyer, Oral. Rom. Fragm. pp. 558, 559, 2d ed.). Both Tacitus {Ann. iii. QQ) and Seneca {de Benef. iv. 31) call him a consular, but the year of his consulship is not known. Besides Sextia, who was his wife at the time of his death, he had also been married to Lepida, by whom he had a daughter, and who was condemned in A. d. 20 (Tac. Ann. iii. 23). In the following year he is called the paternal uncle (patruus) and step- father (vitricus) of Sulla (Tac. Ann. iii. 31), and therefore it would appear that, after the death of Lepida, he had married his brother's widow. Se- neca says {Suas. 2) that this Scaurus was the last of his famil}'. SCAURUS. All the ancient authorities respecting the AemilR Scauri are given by Drumann. {Geschichte Roms^ vol. i. pp. 25—33.) SCAURUS, ATTI'LIUS, a friend of the younger Pliny (Plin. Ep. vi. 25), to whom one of his letters is addressed. {Ep. v. 13.) SCAURUS, AURE'LIUS. 1. C. Aurelius Scaurus, praetor B. c. 186, obtained Sardinia as his province. (Li v. xxxix. 6, 8.) 2. M. Aurelius Scaurus, was consul suffectus in B. c. 108. Three years afterwards, B.C. 105, he was consular legate in Gaul, where he was de- feated by the Cimbri, and taken prisoner. When he was brought before the leaders of the Cimbri, he warned them not to cross the Alps, as they would find it impossible to subdue the Romans, and was thereupon killed on the spot by Boiorix, one of the chiefs. He is erroneously called by Velleius Paterculns consul, instead of consularis (Liv. Epit. 67 ; Oros. v. 16 ; Veil. Pat. ii. 12 ; Tac. Germ. 37.) This M. Aurelius Scaurus is erroneously called M. Aemilius Scaurus by many modem writers. 3. M. Aurelius Scaurus, the quaestor men- tioned by Cicero ( Verr. i. 33), was probably a sou of the preceding. 4. M. Aurelius Scaurus, whose name occurs on coins, of which a specimen is annexed. On the obverse is the head of Pallas, and on the re- verse Mars driving a chariot. From the legend L. Lie. and CN. dom. on the reverse, it is supposed that Scaurus was one of the triumvirs of the mint at the time that L. Licinius and Cn. Domitius held one of the higher magistracies. There are several other coins of the same kind. [See Vol. 1. p. 863, b, and more especially Vol 1 1, p. 785, a.] COIN OP M. AURELIUS SCAURUS. SCAURUS, MA'XIMUS, a centurion in the praetorian troops, was one of the parties privy to Piso's conspiracy against the emperor Nero. (Tac. Ami. XV. 50.) SCAURUS, Q. TERE'NTIUS, a celebrated grammarian who flourished under the emperor Hadrian {divi Hadriani temporibus grammaticus vel nobilissimus), and whose son was one of the preceptors of the emperor Verus (Gell. xi. 15. § 3 ; comp. Auson. Epist. xviii. 27 ; Capitolin. Vertts, 2). He was the author of an Ars Gram- matica and of commentaries upon Plautus, Virgil, and the Ars Pottica of Horace, which are known to us from a few scattered notices only, for the tract entitled Q. Terentii Scauri de OrthograpMa ad Theseum included in the " Grammaticae La- tinae Auctores Antiqui " of Putschins (4to. Han- nov. 1605, pp. 2250 — 2264), but originally pub- lished at Basle (8vo. 1527), is not believed to be a genuine production of this Scaurus at least. (Charisius, pp. 107, 110, 182, 187, 188; Dio- medes, pp. 275, 305, 415, 439, 444, 450 ; Pris- cian. p. 910 ; Rufinus, de Metris Comicis, pp. 271 1, 2713, all in the ed. of Putschius ; Serv. ad Vinj,