Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 3.djvu/764

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752 SCIPIO. in the forum, Nasica called upon the consuls to Bave the republic ; but as they refused to have recourse to violence, he exclaimed, " As the consul betrays the state, do you who wish to obey the laws follow me," and so saying rushed forth from the temple of Fides, where the senate was sitting, followed by the greater number of the senators. The people gave way before them, and Gracchus was assassinated as he attempted to escape (Appian, B. C.. 16 ; Plut. Tib. Gracch. 19 ; for further particulars see Vol. II. p. 293). In consequence of his conduct on this occasion Nasica became an object of such detestation to the people, that the senate found it advisable to send him on a pretended mission to Asia, although he was pontifex maximus, and ought not, therefore, to have quitted Italy. He did not venture to return to Rome, and after wandering about from place to place, died soon afterwards at Pergamum. (Plut Tib, Gracch. 21 ; Cic. pro Place. 21 ; and the other passages of Cicero in Orelli's Onomast. Tull vol. ii. p. 191.) 25. P. Cornelius Scipio Nasica, son of No. 24, was consul B.C. Ill, with L. Calpumius Bestia, and remained in Italy, while his colleague had the conduct of the war against Jugurtha. Pie died during his consulship. He is described by Diodorus as a man who was inaccessible to bribery throughout his life, though he lived in an age of general corruption. Cicero speaks with praise of the affability of his address, in which his father was deficient ; and although he spoke neither much nor often in public, he was equal to any of his contemporaries in the purity of his Latin, and surpassed them in wit and humour. (Sail. Jug. 27 ; Died. Exceij}t p. 606, ed. Wess. ; (^ic. (h Off. i. 30, Brut. 34, pro Plane. 34, and Scliol. Bob. p. 259, ed. Orelli.) 26. P. Cornelius Scipio Nasica, son of No. 25, praetor b. c. 94, is mentioned by Cicero as one of the advocates of Sex. Roscius of Ameria. He married Licinia, the second daughter of L. Crassus, the orator. (Cic. pro Sex. Rose. 28, Brut. 58.) He had two sons, both of whom were adopted, one by his maternal grandfather L. Crassus in his testament, and is therefore called L. Licinius Crassus Scipio [Crassus, No. 26] ; and the other by Q. Caecilius Metellus Pius, consul b. c. 80, and is therefore called Q. Caecilius Metellus Pius Scipio. This Scipio became the father-in-law of Cn. Pompey the triumvir, and fell in Africa in B. c. 46. His life is given elsewhere. [Metel- lus, No. 22.] 27. Cn. Cornelius Scipio Hispallus, a son of L. Scipio [No. 11], who was a brother of the two Scipios who fell in Spain. Hispallus was praetor B.C. 179, and consul B. c. 171, with Q. Petillius Spurinus. He was struck with paralysis during his consulship, and died at Curaae in the course of the year. (Liv. xl. 44, xli. 14, 16.) 28. Cn. Cornelius Scipio Hispallus, son of No. 27, was sent along with Scipio Nasica Serapio [No. 24], in b. c. 149, to demand from the Car- thaginians the surrender of their arms (Appian, Pun. 80). He was praetor, B.C. 139, when he published an edict that all Chaldaeans (i. e. astro- logers) should leave Rome and Italy within ten days (Val. Max. i. 3. §2). Valerius Maximus {I.e.) calls him Caius ; whence Pighius makes him the brother of the Hispallus mentioned by Appian, but it is far more probable that there should be a SCIPIO. mistake in Valerius Maximus of C. for Cn. than that he should have borne a praenomen which does not occur elsewhere in the family of the Scipios. 29. Cn. Cornelius Scipio Hispallus, the son of No. 28, is mentioned only by Valerius Maximus, who relates (vi. 3. § 3), that he had obtained the province of Spain by lot, but was prevented by the senate from going thither on ac- count of the disgraceful life he had previously led. 30. Cornelius Scipio Salutio, an obscure person, whom Caesar is said to have carried with him in his African campaign, B, c. 46, and to have placed in front of the army, because it was believed that a Scipio would always conquer in Africa, and he had to fight against Metellus Scipio, the general of the Pompeian troops. Others, however, thought that he did it as a kind of joke, to show his contempt of Metellus Scipio. Pliny relates that he was called Salutio from his resemblance to a mimus of this name. Dion Cassius calls him Salatton. (Suet. Cues. 59 ; Plut. Caes. 52 ; Dion Cass. xlii. 58 ; Plin. H. N. vii. 12, XXX. 2.) 31. P. Cornelius Scipio, married Scribonia, who was afterwards the wife of Augustus, and by whom he had two children [Nos. 32 and 33]. His descent is uncertain, and we have no particulars of his life. Suetonius says (Octav. 62) that both the husbands of Scribonia, before she was married to Augustus, were men of consular rank ; but this statement makes the matter still more uncertain, since the last Scipio who obtained the consulship was L. Scipio Asiaticus in b. c. 83. [No. 20.] 32. P. Cornelius Scipio, son of No. 31 and Scribonia, afterwards the wife of Augustus, was consul B.C. 16 with L. Doniitius Ahenobarbus. (Dion Cass. liv. 19 ; Propert. iv. 11. 67.) 33. Cornelia, daughter of No. 31 and Scri- bonia, married Paulus Aemilius Lepidus, censor B. c. 22. [Lepidus, No. 19.] 34. Cornelius Scipio, legatus of Junius Blae- sus, proconsul of Africa, under whom he served in the campaign against Tacfarinus in A. D. 22 (Tac. Ann. iii. 74). He may, perhaps, have been the son of No. 32. 35. Cornelia, who married L. Volusius Sa- turninus, consul suffectus A. D. 3, and who was the mother of Q. Volusius Saturninus, consul A. D. 56 (Plin. H. N. vii. 12. s. 14), may have been the sister of No. 34. [Saturninus, Volusius, Nos. 2 and 3.] 36. P. Cornelius Scipio, perhaps the son of 34, was the husband of Poppaea Sabina, who was put to death by Messalina, the wife of the emperor Claudius. He did not venture to ex- press any disapprobation of the deed, and showed his subserviency at a later period by proposing in the senate that thanks should be returned to Pallas, the freedman of Claudius, because he allowed himself to be regarded as one of the servants of the emperor, although he was descended from the kings of Arcadia. He was consul under Nero in A. d. 56, with L. Volusius Saturninus, who was probably his first cousin. (Tac. Ann. xi. 2, 4, xii. 53, xiii. 25 ; Plin. H. N. vii. 12. s. 14.) The lives of the Scipios are given with accuracy by Haakh in the Real-Encyelop'ddie der classiehen Alterthumswissenscha/t, to which we have been much indebted in diawing up the previous account.