Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 3.djvu/775

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SECUNDUS. into the hands of the Samians. Scythes, however, contrived to make his escape to Himera, and from thence repaired to Asia, to the court of Dareius, king of Persia, where he was received with much distinction, and rose to a high place in the king's favour. He afterwards revisited his native city, but again returned to the Persian court, where he died at an advanced age, and in the pos- session of great wealth, while he enjoyed general esteem for the probity of his character (Herod, vi. 23, 24; Aelian. F. //. viii. 17). It is remark- able that Herodotus, while he designates Anaxilas and Hippocrates as tyrants (rvpavpoi) of their respective cities, styles Scythes king (jSao-iAeus) or monarch (^fiowapxos) of the Zanclaeans. 2. The father of Cadmus, tyrant of Cos, men- tioned by Herodotus (vii. 163), is supposed by K. 0. Miiller (Dorians, vol. i. p. 193, note) to be identical with the preceding [Cadmus]. The subsequent removal of Cadmus to Zancle cer- tainly gives much probability to the conjecture. Valckenaer and Larcher, however (ad Herod, vi. 23, vii. 163) consider him to have been another per- son of the same family. [E. H. B.J SCYTHIA'NUS (2«u0jarc{s), a Manichaean heretic, who, according to Epiplianius, supported his opinions by the philosophy of Pythagoras. (Epiphan. Haer. Ixvi. 2 ; Fabric. Bibl. Graec. vol. i. p. 866.) [P. S.] SCYTHI'NUS (S/cuflrros), of Teos, an iambic poet, mentioned by Stephanus of Byzantium (s. v. Tews). He turned into verse the great work of the philosopher Ileracleitus (Diog. Laert. ix. 16 ; see Menag. ad loc). A considerable fragment, apparently from this work, is preserved by Stobaeus (Eclog. Phys. i. 9. § 43, p. 264). He is also men- tioned by Athenaeus (xi. p. 461), and twice by Plutarch, who quotes from him some verses re- specting the lyre (Op. Mar. pp. 402, 705). Two of his epigrams are preserved in the Greek Antho- logy. (Brunck, Anal. vol. ii. p. 104 ; Jacobs, Anth. Graec.yol. ii. p. 91, vol. xiii. p. 950 ; Fabric. BiU. Graec. vol. i. p. 866, vol. ii. pp. 142, 625, vol. iv. p. 494.) [P. S.] SEBO'SUS, STATIUS, a writeron geography, cited by Pliny (//. A': vi. 29. s. 35, vi, 31. s. 36, ix. 15. s. 17; Solin. 52). He is perhaps the same as Sebosus, the friend of Catulus. (Cic. ad Ait. ii. 14, 15.) SEBRUS (Segpos), a son of Hippocoon, was worshipped as a hero at Sparta, where he had an heroum called Sebrium. (Paus. iii. 15. § 1; comp. DORCEUS.) [L. S.] SECUNDl'NUS, a Manichaean, known to us only as the author of a letter addressed to Augus- tine, in which he gently upbraids him for havii.g deserted the sect to which he was once attached, and urges him in the most earnest and flattering language to return. This Epistola ad Augustinum, which is totally destitute of merit, together with the reply Contra Secundinum Manichaeum., is given in the works of the bishop of Hippo, in the eighth vohune of the Benedictine edition. [W. R.] SECUNDl'NUS, NICOLA'US, a learned Greek of the island of Euboea, who acted as interpreter at the council of Florence in a. d. 1438, and the following years. He translated several Greek works into Latin : but his life does not fall within the limits of the present work. (Fabric. Bibl. Graec. vol. xi. p. 294.) SECUNDUS (SeKowi/Sos), Greek literary. SECUNDUS. 763 I. Of Athens, a distinguished sophist of the time of Hadrian, and one of the teachers of Herodes Atticus, who quarrelled with him, and wrote a sar- castic verse upon him ; but, after his death, He- rodes pronounced his funeral oration, and shed tears over him. He was the son of a carpenter, whence he obtained the nickname of eiriovpos. A - cording to Philostratus, he was exceedingly learned, but very inferior as a critic. (Philostr. Vit. Soph. i. 26, pp. 544, 545 ; Suid. s. v., who appears to have confounded him with Pliny ! though the reading is doubtful.) Of his works very little is known with certainty. Suidas tells us that he wrote jueAeras prjTopiKcisy and we have in Philostratus the theme and heads of his most celebrated rhetorical exercise. There is a collection of Sententiae ascribed to him, of doubtful authenticity, and not of sufficient impor- tance to require further notice here. The whole question respecting them is discussed, and an account of their MSS. and editions given, in Fabricius, Bibl. Graec. vol. i. pp. 866—870. 2. Of Tarentum, an epigrammatic poet, three of whose epigrams are preserved in the Greek Antho- logy. His verses were included in the collection of Philip of Thessalonica, about whose time he seems to have lived. (Brunck, Anal. vol. iii. p. 5 ; Jacobs, Anth. Graec. vol. iii. p. 226, vol. xiii. pp. 950,951.) [P.S.] SECUNDUS, M. A'RRIUS, known only from coins, a specimen of which is annexed. It has been supposed by some that the head on the obverse is that of Augustus ; by others that of Arrius himself: but it is impossible to obtain any certainty on the point. (Eckhel, vol. v. p. 143.> COIN OP M. ARRIUS SECUNDUS. SECUNDUS, ATA'NIUS, vowed during an illness of Caligula to fight in the gladiatorial games, if the emperor recovered, expecting to be rewarded for his devotion. But when Caligula got well, and Secundus was unwilling to fulfil his vow, the em- peror compelled him to fight. (Dion Cass. lix. 8 ; comp. Suet. Calip. 27.) SECUNDUS CARPNAS. [Carinas, No. 4.] SECUNDUS, JU'LIUS, a Roman orator and a friend of Quintilian, is one of the speakers in the Dialogus de Oratoribus, usually ascribed to Tacitus. Quintilian praises his eleganiia, and says that if he had lived longer, he would have obtained with posterity the reputation of an illustrious orator. (Auctor, Dial, de Oral. 2, &c. ; Quintil. x. 1. § 120, xii. 10. § 11.) SECUNDUS, MA'RIUS, was governor of Phoenicia, under Macrinus, and took a share in the administration of Egypt also. He was slain in the tumult which arose when intelligence was first received of the victory achieved by Elagabalus. (Dion Cass. Ixxviii. 35.) [W. R.] SECUNDUS, PEDA'NIUS. [Pedanjus, No. 3.]