Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 3.djvu/851

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SIMYLUS. duction (prooemium), which is wanting in the Greek edition, is printed separately in Iriarte, Ca- talog. Bibl. Matrit. p. 1 82. The " Interpretation of the Enchiridion of Epictetus " (e|77777cris ^Is to 'Ettikttjtou e7xeip(5io>') was first published in Greek, at Venice, in 1528, 4to., and in a Latin translation, at Venice, in 1546, 1560, fol., and at Basle in 1560 and 1568. It was next published by Dan. Heinsius (Lugd. Batav. 1611) ; and lastly by Joh. Schweighauser, in Kpideteae Philosophiae Monumenta^ vol. iv. The notes on it in vol. iv. pp. 175—496. [Ch. A. B.] SIMUS (Sr^os), or Simon, of Magnesia, a lyric poet, to whom is ascribed the invention of that sportive and licentious species of poetry, which was called from its character iKapcfdia, and from its author 5t/x(j^8ta. The time at which he lived is not stated. The chief followers of Simus in this description of poetry were Lysis and Magus; and they had many imitators, who were called 2»jU(ji»5oi, AutriquSoi, and Maycfidol. (Strab. xiv. p. 648, a. ; Ath. xiv. p. 620, d. ; Fabric. Bibl. Graec. vol. ii. p. 151 ; Bode, Gesch. d. Hellen. Dichtk. vol. ii. pt. ii. p. 469.) [P. S.] SIMUS, artists. 1. A painter, of second-rate merit, to whom Pliny ascribes the following works: a youth resting in a fuller's workshop ; a person celebrating the festival called Qumquatrtis ; and an excellent picture of Nemesis. (Plin. H. N. xxxv. 11. 8.40. §39). 2. A statuary of Salamis, the son of Themisto- crates, whose name is known to us by two extant inscriptions. The one of these is upon a base in the Louvre, brought from Thera, which, from the marks upon it, evidently supported a bronze statue; and we learn from the inscription that the statue, which was probably that of some private person, was dedicated to Dionysus ; not, as Sillig states, a statue of Dioiiysiis. (Clarac, No. 686; Osann, Sylloye, p. 365, No. xxvi. ; Bockh, C. L No. 2465 ; R. Rochette, Lettre a M. Sckorn^ p. 402.) The other inscription, in which this artist is men- tioned, is published by R. Rochette (p. 403), from a copy furnished by Ross in a letter from Athens, dated Dec. 23, 1843. It is on a base found in Rhodes, which supported the statue of a certain Hippomachus, the son of Stratippus, who had dis- charged the offices of agonotlietes and choragus; the statue was dedicated to the gods by Smicythus of Athens. From the nature of this monument and the form of both inscriptions, R. Rochette infers that Simus belonged to the Alexandrian period, which was marked by the erection of such honorific statues. [P. S.] SI'MYLUS (2i;U"^os). 1. An Athenian comic poet of the middle comedy, who is known by an extant inscription to have exhibited a play in the archonship of Diotimus, 01. 106. 2, b. c. 354. (Bcickh, C. I. vol. i. p. 353). Of the title of the play in the inscription, only the last three letters, cTJci, remain ; Bockh conjectures that it was 'E^e- o-t'ct. His Me7apuc7f is cited by Pollux (x. 42), and there are a few other references to him. (Meineke, Frag. Com. Graec. vol. i. pp. 424, 425 ; Editio Minor, Addenda ad p. 794, p. xviii.) 2. An inferior tragic actor in the time of De- mosthenes, who charges Aeschines with having hired himself to Simylus and Socrates, as their tritagonist. (Demosth. de Coro7i. p. 314, comp. Anon. Vit. Aesch.; Harpocrat. and Suid. s, v.). The old editions of Demosthenes have 2tM/*«^K?, SINON. 835 but Maussacus {ad Hai-poc. I. c.) has clearly shown that 2iyUi;Acfj is the true reading, and the editors, from Reiske downwards, have adopted it. Athe- naeus (viii. p. 348) quotes from Theophrastus a curious witticism aimed at Simylus by the musi- cian Stratonicus, the point of which can hardly be given in English. (See Maussacus, I. c). The tragic actor has been confounded with the comic poet ; but Meineke observes (/. c.) that such a combina- tion of professions is very improbable both in itself, and on account of tlie express testimony of Plato, that the same persons were never both tragic and comic actors. [P. S.] SINATRUCES or SINTRICUS, a king of Parthia. [Arsaces XL] SINIS or SINNIS (Sfm or llyuis), a son of Polypemon, Pemon or Poseidon by Sylea, the daughter of Corinthus. He was surnanied ac- cording to some Pityocamptes, and according to others Procrustes. He dwelt on the isthmus of Corinth as a robber, destroying the travellers whom he had conquered, by fastening them to the top of a fir-tree, which he curbed, and then let spring up again. He himself was killed in this manner by Theseus (Apollod. iii. 16. § 2 ; Plut. Thes. 8 ; Pans. ii. 1, § 3, &c. ; Diod. iv. 59 ; Eurip. Hippol. 977 ; Ov. Met. vii. 440, &c. ; Hygin. Fab. 38 ; Schol. Find. Hypoth. Isthm.). When Theseus had accomplished this, he caused himself to be purified by Phy talus at the altar of Zeus Meilichios, because Theseus himself was related to Sinis (Pans. i. 37. § 3), or according to others, he propitiated the spirit of Sinis by instituting in his honour the Isthmian games (Schol. Find. I. c. ; Plut. Tlies. 25 ; Welcker, Nachtrag, p. 133). The name is connected with aivofiai, expressing the manner in which he tore his victims to pieces. [L. S.] SINNACES, one of the leading nobles in Par- thia, dissatisfied with the reigning monarch, Arta- banus III. (Arsaces XIX.), sent an embassy to Rome in A. D. 35, in conjunction with the eunuch Abdus, praying Tiberius to send to Parthia one of the sons of Phraates IV. to become their king. Sinnaces subsequently took an active part in the wars against Artabanus. (Tac. Ann. vi. 31, 32, 36, 37.) [Arsaces XIX.] SINOE (^LVoTi), an Arcadian nymph, brought up the god Pan, who derived from her the surname Sinoeis. (Pans. viii. 30. § 2.) [L. S.J SINON (SiVo)!'), a son of Aesimus, or ac- cording to Virgil (Aen. ii. 79) of Sisyphus, and a grandson of Autolycus, was a relation of Odysseus, and is described in later poems as having accom- panied his kinsman to Troy (Tzetz. ad Lycoj^h. 344 ; Heyne, Excurs. iv. ad Virg. Aen. ii.). Ac- cording to these traditions, he allowed himself to be taken prisoner by the Trojans, after he had mutilated himself in such a manner as to make them believe that he had been ill-treated by the Greeks, He told the Trojans that he was hated by Odysseus, and had been selected by him to be sacrificed, because Apollo had ordered a human sacrifice to be oiFered, that the Greeks might safely depart from the coast of Troy, and added that he had escaped death by flight. When he was asked what was the purport of the wooden horse, he told them that it had been constructed as an atonement for the Palladium which had been carried off, and that if the Trojans ventured to destroy it, their kingdom should fall, but that 3u 4