Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 3.djvu/937

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STRATONICE. totle, who lived probably in the sixth or fifth centurv B. c, as he is called iarpos dpxaios (Diog. Laert/v. 3. §61). 2. A native of Berytus in Phoenicia, one of whose medical formulae is quoted by Galen {De Compos. Mf'dicam. sec. Loc. iv. 8. vol. xii. p. 749). He is probably the same person who appears to be quoted by Andromachus the Younger (ap. Galen. ibid. ix. 5. vol. xiii. p. 290) and Asclepiades Phar- macion (ibid. p. 303), simply as 6 BrjpvTLOS, and who must have lived some time in or before the first century after Christ. Sprengel and others suppose Straton of Berytus to have been the same person as the follower of Erasistratus, which may possibly be true, but cannot be proved ; while, on the other hand, it may be plausibly argued that this physi- cian is called o Brjpurios, in order to distinguish him from his more celebrated namesake. 3. A pupil of Erasistratus in the third century B. c, who appears to have lived on very intimate terms with his tutor. (Diog. Laert. v. 3. § 61 ; Galen. De Ven. Sect. adv. Erasistr. Rom. Deg. c. 2, vol. xi. p. 197; Oribas. Coll. Medic, xlv. 23, p. 60, ed. Mai.) He wrote a work to explain the difficult words found in the writings of Hippo- crates, which is mentioned by Erotianus (Gloss. Hippocr. s. V. difx€r]v). Like the rest of the followers of Erasistratus, he was averse to blood-letting (Galen. De Ven. Sect. adv. Erasistr. c. 2, vol. xi. p. 151), but could not give any very good reasons for his opinion. He is probably the physician quoted by Alexander Trallianus (i. 15, pp. 156, 157), and Aetius (i. 2, 3, iv. 1, 7, 46, pp. 64, 616, 628). He was tutor to Apollonius of Memphis (Galen. De Diff. Puis. iv. 17, vol. viii. p. 759), and not h?, father., as some have supposed. [Apol- lonius*, p. 246.] See Sprengel's G^sch. der Arzneik. vol. i. pp. 559, 561, ed. 1846. 4. A slave at Rome in the former half of the first century B. c, who was bought by Sassia, the mother of Cluentius, to prepare poisons for her ; and who was afterwards crucified for murder and robbery. (Cic. pro Cluent. cc. 63—66). [ W. A. G.] STRATON, a sculptor, who, with Xenophilus, made, for the temple of Asclepius at Argos, the white marble statues of the god, and of his at- tendant Plygieia ; near which were placed the statues of the artists themselves. (Pans. ii. 23. § 4.) [P. S.] STRATON PCE (SrpaTon'/cTj). 1. One of the daughters of Thespius, and by Heracles the mo- ther of Atromus. (Apollod. ii. 7. § 3.) 2. A daughter of Pleuron and Xanthippe. (Apollod. i. 7. § 7.) 3. The wife of Melaneus and the mother of Eurytus. (Hes. Fragm. 48.) [L. S.] STRATONPCE (:^TparoviK'n). 1. A sister of Perdiccas II., king of Macedonia, who was given by him in marriage to the Thracian prince Seuthes, the nephew of Sitalces, as a reward for the service rendered him by the former in persuading Sitalces to withdraw from Macedonia. (Thuc. ii. 101.) 2. Daughter of Corrhaeus (a Macedonian other- wise unknown), and wife of Antigonus, king of Asia, by whom she became the mother of two sons, STRATONICE. 925

  • Straton is here too positively said to have been

iJie native of Berytus; he ought to have been called the follower of Erasistratus^ who may possibly have been " the native of Berytus," but cannot be proved to have been so. Demetrius Poliorcetes and Philippus, who died in B. c. 306 (Pint. Demetr. 2). In b. c. 320 she is mentioned as entering into negotiations with Do- cimus, when that general was shut up with the other adherents of Perdiccas, in a fortress of Phrygia : but having induced him to quit his stronghold, she caused him to be seized and de- tained as a prisoner (Diod. xix. 16). After the battle of Ipsus she fled from Cilicia (where she had awaited the issue of the campaign) with her son Demetrius to Salamis in Cyprus, b. c. 301. (Id. xxi. Exc. Hoeschel. p. 480.) Here she pro- bably died, as we hear nothing of her when the island fell into the power of Ptolemy some years afterwards. 3. Daughter of Demetrius Poliorcetes and Phila, the daughter of Anti pater. In b, c. 300, at which time she could not have been more than seventeen years of age, her hand was solicited by Seleucus, king of Syria, and she was conducted by her father Demetrius to Rhosus, on the Pierian coast, where her nuptials were celebrated with the utmost mag- nificence (Plut. Demetr. 31, 32). Notwithstand- ing the disparity of their ages, she appears to have lived in perfect harmony with the old king for some years, and had already borne him one child, when it was discovered that her step-son Antio- chus was deeply enamoured of her, and Seleucus, in order to save the life of his son, which was en- dangered by the violence of his passion, gave up Stratonice in marriage to the young prince, whom he at the same time constituted king of the pro- vinces of Upper Asia.f (Plut. Dem. 38; Appian. Syr. 59 ; and the other authorities cited under Erasistratus, where the well-known circum- stances of this story are more fully related.) The union commenced under such strange auspices seems to have been a prosperous one, but we find little subsequent mention of Stratonice. She bore three children to Antiochus: 1. Antiochus II., surnamed Theos ; 2. Apama, married to Magas, king of Cyrene ; and 3. Stratonice [No. 4.]. The city of Stratoniceia in Caria was named after her, but whether it was founded in her honour by Seleucus or by Antiochus, is uncertain. (Strab. xiv. p. 660 ; Steph. Byz. s. v. 'S.rpaTov'iKeia.) 4. Daughter of the preceding and of Antiochus I., was married to Demetrius II., king of Mace- donia. (Euseb. Arm. i. p. 164.) The period of their marriage is unknown ; but she appears to have remained in Macedonia till about B. c. 239, when she quitted Demetrius in disgust, on account of his second marriage with Phthia, the daughter of Olympias, and retired to Syria. Here she in vain incited her nephew Seleucus II. to avenge the insult offered her by declaring war against the Macedonian king. According to another ac- count, she was in hopes to induce Seleucus himself to marry her ; but that monarch was wholly occu- pied with the recovery of Babylonia and the upper provinces of the empire. While he was thus en- gaged, Stratonice took advantage of his absence to raise a revolt against him at Antioch ; but she was easily expelled from that city on the return of Seleucus, and took refuge in Seleucia," where she was besieged, taken prisoner, and put to death. (Justin. XX viii. I ; Agatharchides, ap. Joseph, c. Jpion. i. 22 ; Niebuhr, Kl. Schriflen, p. 254 ; Droysen, Hellenism., vol. ii. p. 414.) 5. A daughter of Antiochus II., king of Syria, I married to Ariarathes III., king of Cappadocia,