Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography Volume II.djvu/70

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51 IXGEXA. Strabo and Pliny; but we have no means of fixing the extent or hmits of their territory, which evi- dently comprised a considerable portion of the sea- coast on each side of their capital city, and probably extended on the W. till it met that of the Intemelii. It must have included several minor towns, but their capital, of which the name is variously written Albium Ingaunum and Albingaunum, is the only town expressly assigned to them by ancient writers. [Albium Lngaunum.] (Strab. iv. p. 202 ; Plin. iii. 5. s. 6.) [E. H. B.] I'NGENA. [Abkincatui.] INrCERUM, a town in Lower Pannonia, in the neighbourhood of which there was a praetorium, or place of rest for the emperors when they travelled in those parts. (^Itin. Ant. pp. 260, 265.) Some iden- tify it with the modern Possega. [L. S.] INO'PUS. [Delos.] INSANI JIONTES (ja tHaivuixeva hpy, Ptol. jii. 3. § 7), a range of mountains in Sardinia, men- tioned by Livy (xxx. 39) in a manner which seems to imply that they were in the NE. part of the island ; and this is confirmed by Claudian, who speaks of them as rendering the northern part of Sardinia rugged and savage, and the adjoining seas stormy and dangerous to navigators. (Claudian, B. Gild. 513.) Hence, it is evident that the name was applied to the lofty and rugged range of moun- tains in the N. and NE. part of the island : and was, doubtless, given to them l)y Roman navigators, on account of the sudden and frequent storms to which they gave rise. (Liv. I. c). Ptolemy also places the lllai.v6p.eva opy] — a name which is obvi- ously translated from the Latin one — in the interior of the island, and though he would seem to consider them as nearer the W. than the E. coast, the position which he assigns them may still be referred to the same range or mass of mountains, which extends from the neighbourhood of Olbia {Terra Nova) on the E. coast, to that of Cornus on the W. [Sar- dinia.] [E. H. B.] I'NSUBRES, a people both in Gallia Transalpina and Gallia Cisalpina. D'Anville, on the authority of Livy (v. 34), places the Insubres of Gallia Trans- alpina in that part of the territory of the Aedui where there was a town Mediolanum, between Forum Segusianorum [Forum Segusianorum] and Lng- dunum {Lyori). This is the only ground that there is for supposing that there existed a people or a pagus in Gallia Transalpina named Insubres. Of the Insubres in Gallia Cisalpina, an account is given elsewhere [Vol. I. p. 936]. [G. L.] I'NSULA, or I'NSULA ALLO'BROGUM, in Gallia Narbonensis. Livy (sxi. 31), after describing Han- nibal's passage of the Rhone, saj's that he directed his march on the east side towards the inland parts of Gallia. At his fourth encampment he came to the Insula, " where the rivers Arar and the Rho- danus, flowing down from the Alps by two different directions, comprise between them some tract of country, and then unite: it is the level country be- tween them which is called the Insula. The Allo- broges dwell near." One might easily see that there must be some error in the word Arar ; for Hannibal could not have reached the latitude of Lugdunum {Lyon) in four days from the place where he crossed the Rhone ; and this is certain, though we do not know the exact place where he did cross the Rlione. Nor, if he had got to the junction of the Arar and Rhodanus, could Livy say that he reached a place near which the AUobroges dwell ; for, if he had INTELEXE. marched from the Isara (here) to the junction of the Saone and Rhone, he would have passed through the country of the AUobroges. [Allobrogks.J Nor does the Arar (Saotie) flow from the Alps, though the Isara does. Besides this, if Hannibal had pone so far north as the part between the Saone and Rhone, he would have gone much further north than was necessary for his purpose, as Livy describes it. It is therefore certain, if we look to the context only, that we must read " Isara" for '"Arar;" and there is a reading of one SIS., cited by Gronovius, which shows that Isara may have once been in the text, and that it has been corrupted. (Wakkenaer, Geoff, (f'C. vol. i. p. 135.) Livy in this passage copied Polybius, in whose JISS. (iii. 49) the name of the river is Scoras or Scaras; a name which the editors ought to have kept, instead of changing it into Isaras ('Iffapos), as Bekker and others before him have done, though the Isara or Isere is cer- tainly the river. In the latest editions of Ptolemy (ii. 10. § 6) the Isara appears in the form Isar {"Icrap) ; but it is certain that there are great varia- tions in the MSS. of Ptolemy, and in the editions. Walckenaer (vol. i. p. 134) says that the edition of Ulm of 1482 has Sicarus, and that there is " Si- caros" in the Strassburg editions of 1513, 1520, 1522. The editio princeps of 1475 has"Cisar;" and others have " Tisar " and " Tisara." Tiie pro- bable conclusion is, that " Isc-ar" is one of the forms of the name, which is as genuine a Celtic form as " Is-ar " or " Isara," the form in Cicero {ad Fam. x. 1 5, Sec.'). " Isc-ara " may be compared with the British forms " Isaca " (the Exe), Isca, and Ischalis ; and Is-ara with the names of the Italian rivers Ausar and Aesis. Polybius compares the country in the angle be- tween the Rhone and the Isara {here) to the Delta of Egypt in extent and form, except that in the Delta the sea unites the one side and the channels of the streams which form the two other sides; but here mountains almost inaccessible form the third side of this Insula. He describes it as populous, and a corn country. The junction of the Isar, as Strabo calls the river (p. 185), and the Rhone, was, according to him, opposite the place where the Cevennes approach near to the banks of the Rhone. The hire, one of the chief branches of the Rhone, rises in the high Pennine Alps, and flows through the valleys of the Alpine region by a very winding course past Si. Maurice, Moutiers, Conjlans, Mont- nieilian, where it begins to be navigable, Grenoble, the Roman Cularo or Gratianop)lis, and joins the Rhone a few miles north of Valentia ( Valence). Its whole course is estimated at about 160mile.s. Han- nibal, after staying a short time in the country about the junction of the Rhone and the Isere, connnenced his march over the Alps. It is not material to de- cide whether his whole army crossed over into the Insula or not, or whether he did himself, though the words of Polybius imply that he did. It is certain that he marched up the valley of the here towards the Alps ; and the way to find out where he crossed the Alps is by following the valley of the here. [G. L.] INSURA. [.Myi^ve.] INTELE'XE (^lvriK-r)vri), one of the five pro- vinces W. of the Tigris, ceded, in A. d. 297, by Narses to Galeiius and the Romans. (Petr. Pati-. Fr. 14, Fragm. Hist. Graec. ed. Miiller; Gibbon, c. xiii.) St. JIartin, in his note to Le Beau {Biis Empire, vol. ' p. 380), would read for lutelene,