Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography Volume II.djvu/705

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PYTHO. epigram of Xeinagoras, a Greek mathematician, who measured the height of Olympus from these parts (ap. Plut. Aemil. Paul. 15). Games were also celebrated here in honour of Apollo. (Steph. B. s. v. Xlvdiov.') Pytliium commanded an important pass across Mount Olympus. This pass and that of Tempe are the only two leading from JIacedonia into the north-east of Thessaly. Leake therefore places Pythium on the angle of the plain between Kokkinoplo and Livddhi, though no remains of the ancient town have been discovered there. (Liv. xlii. 53; Plut., Steph. B.,«.ce.; Ptol.iii.l3. § 42; Leake, Northern Greece, vol. iii. p. 341, seq.) PYTHO. [Delphi.] PYTHO'POLIS. [SlYTHEPOLIS.] PYXIRATES. [Euphrates.] PYXITES (ny|iT7js), a small river in the east of Pontus, emptying itself into the Eusine 60 stadia on the north-east of Prytanis. (Plin. vi. 4 ; Arrian, Peripl. P. E. p. 6; Anonym. Peripl. P. E. p. 15.) It is possibly the same as the Cissa men- tioned by Ptolemy (v. 6. § 6), and is commonly identiiied with the modern Vitzek. [L.S.] PYXUS. [BUXEXTUM.] Q. QUACERXI. [QuERQUERXi.] QUADI (KovdSoi), a great Gernian tribe in the south-east of Bohemia, in Moravia and Hungary, between Mons Gabreta, the Hercynian and Sar- matian mountains, and the Danube. (Tac. Germ. 42, Ann. xii. 29, Hist. iii. 5, 21 ; Ptol. ii. 11. § 26; Plin. iv. 25.) They were surrounded on the north-west by the Marcomanni, with whom they were always closely connected, on the north by the Gothini and Osi, on the e.ast by the Jazyges Me- tanastae, and on the south by the Pannonians. It is not known when they came to occupy that country, but it seems probable that they arrived there about the same time when the Marcomanni established themselves in Bohemia. At the time when the Jhircomannian king Maroboduus and his successor Catualda, on being driven from their kingdom, im- jjlured the protection of the Romans, the latter in A. D. 19 assigned to them and their companions in exile the districts between the rivers Marus and Cu.sus, and appointed Vannius, a Quadian, king of the territory (Tac. Ami. ii. 63; Plin. iv. 25). This new kingdom of the Quadi, after the expulsion of Vannius, was divided between his nephews Vangio and Sido, who, however, continued to keep up a good understanding with the Romans. (Tac. Ann. xii. 29, 30.) Tacitus {Germ. I. c.) says that down to liis own time the Marcomanni and Quadi had been governed by kings of the house of Maroboduus, but that then foreigners ruled over them, though the power of these rulers was dependent on that of the Roman emperors. At a later time the Quadi took an active part in the war of the Marcomanni against the Romans, and once nearly annihilated the whole army of M. Aurelius, which was saved only by a sudden ttiiij.est. (Dion Cass, Ixxi. 8). Notwithstanding the )ii-ai c then concluded with them, they still continued lo harass the Romans by renewed acts of hostility, and the emperor was obliged, for the protection of Jiis own dominions, to erect several forts both in and around their kingdom, in consequence of which the people were nearly driven to abandon their country. (Dion Cass. Ixxi. 11, 13, 20.) In VOL. II. QUADRATAE. 689 A. T>. ISO the emperor Commodus renewed the peace with them (Dion Cass. Isxii. 2; Lamprid. Com. 3; Herodian, i. 6), but they still continued their in- roads into the Roman empire (f^utrop. ix. 9; Vo- pisc. Aurel. 18; Amm. Jlarc. xvii. 12, xxix. 6). Towards the end of the fourth century the Quadi entirely disappear from history; they had probably migrated westward with the Suevi, for Quadi are mentioned among the Suevi in S])ain. (Hieron. Ep. 9.) According to Ammianus Marcellinus (xvii. 12) the Quadi resembled in many respects the SaiTna- tians, for they used long spears and a coat of mail consisting of linen (covered with thin plates of hoi-n; they had in war generally three swift horses for every man, to enable him to change them, and were on the whole better as skirmishers than in an open battle in the field. Ptolemy (J. c.) mentions a considerable number of towns in their country, such as Eburodunum, Meliodunum, Caridorgis, Me- doslanium, &c.; the Celtic names of which suggest that those districts previous to the arrival of the Quadi had been inhabited by Celts, who were either subdued by them or had become amalgamated with them. The name Quadi itself seems to be con- nected with the Celtic word col, cold, or coad, that is, a wood or forest, an etymology which receives support from the fact that Strabo (vii. p. 290), the first ancient author that notices them, mentions them under the name of KoASovot. Tacitus evi- dently regards thern as Germans, but Latham {ad Tac. Germ. p. 154) is inclined to treat them as Sarmatians. (Comp. Wilhelm, Germanien, p. 223, fol.) [L. S.] QUADIA'TES. In the inscription on the arch of Susa, published by Maffei, there is a list of the Alpine peoples who were under the dominion of Cottius. The first name is the Seguvii, and the last is the Quadiates. There is nothing that enables us to fix the position of the Quadiates. Pliny (iii. 4) mentions a people in Gallia Nar- bonensis under the name of Quariates. After naming the Oxybii and Lingauni [Lixgauni], he adds : " Super quos Suetri, Quariates, Adunicates." The valley of Queiras on the left bank of the Durance, below Brianqon, and a little above Embrun, is sup- posed to represent the position of the Quariates. D'Anville conjectures that the Quadiates of the inscription may be the same as the Quariates, for tiie K of the inscription, if it is not very clear, may have been taken for a d ; or the complete name may have been Quadriates, the name of Queiras in old records being Quadriatium. [G. L.] QUADRA'TA (sc. Castra). 1. A Roman fort in Upper Pannonia, on the river Savus, between the towns of Noviodunum and Siscia. {It. Ant. pp. 260,274; Geogr. Rav. iv. 19; Tab. Pent.) No remains appear to be extant, and the site accordingly is unknown. 2. A fort in Upper Pannonia, on the road be- tween Arrabona and Carnuntum, not far from the banks of the Danube. (/^ yl?(<. p. 247.) Muchar {No7'icmn, p. 2G4) identifies it with a place be- tween Ovar and Oroszvar, now occupied by a large farm of Count Zitsi. [L. S.] QUADRA'TAE, a village or station in Gallia Cisalpina, on the road from Augusta Taurinorum to Ticinum. The Itineraries place it 22 or 23 miles from the former city and 16 or 19 from Rigoniagus {Itin. Ant. pp. 340, 35G; Iliii. llier. p. 557); but the latter station is it.vclf of uncertain site. Qna- dratae must have been situated between Chivassa Y Y