Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography Volume I Part 1.djvu/143

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AMYCLAE iST tm^tmd B tfa> imcriptim. (Tkfcl, p. tM, K^ A Via Egmatia, Pui OiHul. p. 9 ; 1/ak*, ti'arlitnt Gnect, InL iii. p. 181, leq.; Cin^r, r«fastilmuliMaoiiioimB,tiii.L p.ias.) pttttt, AmfAunoius: Adj, Amphiaiiu: Salanay, tti dutf town of the Lccri Oidae, silaaUd in & )■■ U tbs bnd of the Ciiowui pliin, «nd lur- B nd ti> 1at« dcriTtd ita nunc. (Steph. B. 1. >.} Pi I —mi In (i. 38. § 4) flimi it mt tin distanee of ISO aalix from Did|Jii, did Aochina (in Cltiipk. ^ 71) (t 60 lUdik: Uw latter itatemoit is the cor- mt 4Ba, soee we kun frnm modeni tnTellen that Ifac tva] dutancfl betvTsi the two towna is 7 mileH. itarHag to tnditioa, Ampbuu ms callol after a fiaoddaiightel of Aeehu, who vai beloTed bj ApoUo. (pBSL f. <l) On thr iBTaiion cf Gm« bj Xenea, Booy cf Eb* Locriana ranored to AmjJiisB. (Herod. •£L Sa.) At a later period the ^phictyons de- dand >ar af^aimit the town, beouw its inhabitimts had dand ta c:Dhiii>>! the Ciusaun plain, «1ii<:h <na lacnd to the goi, and had mo!«led the jilgnnu vte bad HOW to ODDSDlt the oracle at Delphi The derm bj which war waa declazed igvnst the Am- f^bsiaae vae mored b^ Aeschinee, tlie Athenian pTlagoae, at the Am)Juct7onic CoondL The Am- |Jiir^aB odnuUd the coldDCt of the war to T' '" it MtaiiB, who took Amphitaa, and raied tfae jminl, b. c 336. (Aeaoh. m Claipi. ) »q.; Sliah. p. *19.) The dty, howerer, waa i vanls rebuilt, and waa enffidentlj populooa in ST9 Id npl^ 400 hofJites in the war agunit '. mu. (Pana. x. 23. g 1.) It wm beelrKed bj the Sanaa in h. c. 190, whoi the inhabitanti took n hfi in the dtadel, which iraa deemad inipnKimbli (Lit. aia r iL S. G.) Wlun AnRnaliu ibnnded Ni ■ofoGa after the battle t£ Actium, a greal: manj Aetoiiane, to »»pe being Tenured to the new dtj, loA op their abode in Ainj^iAaa, which waa thna rrckoBcd an AMolian dtj in the dme of Panianias (l 38. S 4). This writer deacHbes it aa a flonriita- inf fjaee, aud well adwTled with pablio boildinga. b Dcnpied the aile of the modem S^ona, wbeie tkf nOi of the ancieat acropolis an abnott the air nouum ri the andent dtj. (Leake, KortAera Onra, Td. fi. p. 588, «q.) AMPHITKOPE. [AiTici.] AHPHBV'SIJS Ca^-W"")- 1- a toi 1. A bibII liver in TbeaBlj, rising in ML Othi;!, nd biwing near Aim into the Paguean gulf. It ii eeUnled in inrthologj aa the rirer on the buike (f which ApoOo fbd the flocka of king Admetoi. (iibah. pp. 433, 435; ApoU. Rhnl. i. 54; Virg. Ceory. iiL S; Ov. Met. L 580, rii. 229; LaJce, Xarttent Gnect, voL ir. p, 337.) Itoee the ad- JFTtite Ampirjiiiii ia Oj<d in rrferenoe to Apollo. Thaa Yapl (^ea. n. 398) calla the Sbjl Am- pliryia vatet. Statioa (5tl>. i. 4. 105) osea the adjectivB Amphrjsiaciia in the suna eenae. AUPSAGA ('Afi^dr', Ptol.: Wad el Sebir, or ijjmar, and highei up Wadi Aonnul), au oilha chief rirera of N. Africa, not large, but important ai having been (in iti lower eonme) the boiutdary be- tween Manretsnia and Nimiidis, iccarding to the laCcf (Stent of them regicoa (aee the articles and Ajtbica). It is compcaed of nvnsl stmuna, rising ' different pcinte in the Leaeer Atlas, aud forming ro chief branchea, vhich nnit« in 36'^ 35' N. lat., ■d abont 6° 10' E. long., and then Sow N. into the editemDean, W. of the jromcntn? Tretnm (Am ia Am, L e. Smtn Capa). The upper conrsa of e Ampaaga la the eutern of these two riven (IF. AhpuQ, which flowa past ContlantimA, lh» t Cirta; whose the Ampaaga was called IS C^rtenais (VicL Vit. lis Pen. KiMdS); the Araba itill call it the Jitoer ^ Cofutan/MeA, as wcQl Wadi RomntL This bnnch ia formed b; aeveral ouns, which converge to a pdnl a llttie above Qmttaatineh. Flinj (▼, 3. a. 1 ) places the month of the Ampaaga 232 Roman mUes £. of Caeaarea. (This ia the true rfftding, not, as in the commcat It, cccuii., see Sillig.) Ptolem; (iv. 3. § 20) plac«  moch too &r E. A town, Tncca, M its mouth, mentioned by Plinj aaij; ita mon^ still fbrma a small pat, jVoTM ZeitoML (Shaw, pp. 92, 93, foUo ed. Oif. 1738, Eipbration SdaOifiqM dt tAlgirie, yoL viL p, 357.) [P. S.] AMPSANCTI or AMSANCTl VALLIS, a co- lebnted valle; and imall anlphareoDS lake in t& hart of the Apenoineg, in the countrj cf the Bir- pini, ahont 10 miles SE, of Aecolanum. The fine description of it given bj Vhgil (Je»,vii. 5G3 — 572) is familiar to all echolan, and ita pestilential vapoors are also noticed bj Claitdian l^Dt Bapl. Pra, ii. 349). It haa been strangelj coDfannded lie geogiapheia with the lake of Cntiliae naur , in hia ni tinctlj tells us that it was among the HiTyani, and thia stAtement is conSnned both bj Cicero nod Phn;. (Cic de Din. i. 35; Plin. a. 93.) The spot is now called Le Mefete, a name eiidenll; derived from MefJiilia, to whom, aa we kam &om Plinj, a temple WHS conaecniled on the site : it has been Tinted b^ seven] recent travellers, whose descriptions agree perfectly with that of Virgil; but the dark woods with which it fras prwionslj snrroanded have laCelj been cnt down. So atrong are the solphoreoos vapours that it givea forth, that not only men and ammsla who have inesntioiislj approached, bnt even birds have been soflbcated bj Ihem, when crossing the valkj in their flight It is abont 4 miles dis- tant from the modem town of Frigento. (Boma- nelli, vol ii. p. 351 ; Swinhncno's TVooeJi, roL i. p. 128; Craven's A imaa", voL JL p. 218; Daabeny, on Vofaonou, p. 191.) [E.H.B.] Am'CLAE ('A/tit>iA(u: £Ui. 'AfiwAoTot, 'A«i>- KAajiiJt, Amjdaeus), an andont town of Laoonja, aitnated on the right or eastern bank of the Eoiotaa, SO atadia S. of Sparta, in a district remarkable fbr the abundance of its trea and its fertihtj. (PoL v. IS ; Liv. TigT. 28.) AmjclM waa one of the meat celebrated citiea of Felapixiaesiis b the heroic age. It ia said to have been tonnded b; the Lacedae. moman king AmTclas, the father of Ujacinthos, and to have been the abode of Tyndsrus, and of Castor and PoUnx, who ate hence called Amsdaei Fratra. (Pans. iii. I, 6 3; SUt. T/ttb. vU. 413.) Amjclas is mentiooed by Uomer {II. u. flS4X "li it con-