Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography Volume I Part 1.djvu/607

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CEPUALONESUS. vn/hr Himilco, b. a 906, when thit |;emnil cim- diid«) ■ tnati widi Ihs Himmcuii ml tbt In- bubituU of CeplnloHliiim. (Disd. xii. 96 ) BuC ■fter tha drftat of th« CanJMgioum wnumoit, l>iimjBiiu mida taimaelf muur of CephaloediDni, which wu betnjtd into hii hindii. (Id. ii. 7S,) At A tittr penal we find it aj^n independent, bat ■ppknntly on friifidl; tenni vith the CurthB^iana, Afflha:ia,t.ca07. (Id. XI. S6.) In the Fint Fnnic Wu- il ma nduced bj Ihs Ronun Beet under Atilini Oalalinos and Sdpio Niaca, B. c. SS4, but bf tntcherf and Dot hj force of unu, (Id. xziii., Exe. HMKh. p. SOS.) Cioero spealu of it u ■[» jantitlj > floorithlng town, eqjofini^ fall muiuoi|«l decnmuu " which pud the tithes of their ccni in kind to the Ronuo Mat*, and snSisred Nverelj from ttie ap]i«snau and eiMticn* (t Verm. (Cic Vtrr.i.Sa,-}Ha.) No R^neqneot mention of it b fnmd in hutorj, hot it is noticed b^ Stnbo, Plinf . and Plulemj, among the towns of Sidlj, knd at a laler iieriod its name is Mil] (band in the Itine- nrim. (SOab. tL )ilS6G; PUn. iii. 8. a. Hi FtoL iii. 4. § 3 ; Ilia. Ant p. 93 ; Tab. Pent) ~ nlbe ai iteite, till the 13th oenturf, when Boger I., kin^ of tnuuferred it from its slmoit inscmuuble poeiuoa to one at tlw foot of the rock, where there waa a ■mall bat excellent harbour. (Fazell. de fieb. Sic ix. 3.) Eome iwnaini of the andcDt dt; an still TisiMe, on the BOmaiit of the rock; but the natnn (f the tite frorea that it coold nerer have been man than a small town, and probablj owed ila im- palanc« oolj to its ahnost impregnable podtjon. Fazello speaks of the remaiaa of the walla as still existing in his time, la well M thcae of a tanple of Doric archilectnn, of which the foundstions only i ~ itsdlt ocaiatraclad wholtj of large irje^Ur blocks uf limo- stone, in the stfle emiDiciily called polygonal or Cjdopean. Bode moaldinge appraiimatiiig to those of the Doric Oder, are bewn m the fsa of the UBiKTe blocks. Thit bnilding, which is almat unique of its kind, is the mm remarkable, from its being the mlj example of this itjla of nnueiiiy, so ocnunon in Centnl Italy, iriiich ocoun id the island of ^ily. It ia rallf described and fiKorad by Dr. CRPHALONE'SUS (KffiLiJ>ipra>). a email iilaui at the E. end of the AcHiixioe DBnK08, in the moalh rfth*C«rdnit« Sinns, off the W. side the fathlDlia of the Chenonesus Tanrin (Hin. K 37) ItoL ill e. 3 8). Ammianua UiLrccllic CERAHON AGORA. 569 erroneoaslj tnakea it an inluid dC; cm the Dcrjs- tbcBM. [P, S.] CKPHI'SSIA. [Attica, p. 326,b.] CEPKISSIS LACUS. [Boeotu, p. ill, b.] CEPUiSSUS (KAfi'irooi). 1. A lirer tf Pbocia and Boeotia. Sowing into the lake Copaie. [Far det«li, tee pp. 410—413.] S. Ariverof Aaica,flDwing throngbthe Athoiian pliun. [See p. 323, a.] 3. Also a riTar of .Ulics, flowing through the Elsnsinian plain. [See p. 833, a.] 4. A rirer of Aigolis, and a tiibnlarj of the Inachna. [See p. 300, b.] 5. A riTer in Salsmis. [SALUtre.] CEPI MILESIO'KUM (Kn»«, kS™, Slmb. li. p. 194; Anm. JVipf.; Pomp. Hda, i. 19. § 15; Died. IX. 34 ; Pnmp. BtlL Goth. It. 5 ; Cep, Cepos, PaO. Tai, Ceppoe, Oeog. Havea.), a town of the Cinunerisn Boepoms foonded I7 the Hileslana (Scymn.; Phn. vi. 8), and dtnated to N. of the Asiatic coaat Dr. Clde (TVov. Tot. ii. p. 77) identifies Sknna with this plan, and th* remarkable Milesian sepnlchres found there in snch abundance confirm this pontjon. Nnr to this spot stood s monu- ment raised by Canosaiyi, a Queen of the fioapoms, who aa it appeaie Irom the inscription which has twflu pmerTed, was wife of Psryssdes, snd dedicated it to the Syro-Chaldaic deities Anerges snd Astan. (Koler, Mfm. tar U MommaU de la Setae Como- mrft. 6t. Petereborg, 1805.) [E.B.J.} CERAMEICUE (KtpwwKiFi i^m), a ba; ia Caiia (Herod. L IT4). now the gulf of Ztouifrmin, so called tmn a town Ceramos (J^ipatun which is on the galf. Sbsbo (p. 6S6) places Cenmna sod Bar- gass near the sea, between Cnidns and Halicamasaus, and Cemniu comes next after Cnidua. D'Anriile identifiea Cenunua «-ith a place called KSramo, bat this ]dscg docs not appear to he known, (Leake, Ana Mmor, p. 335.) Ptolemy seema to plsoe Ce- ramiu on the wutb dde of (he bay. Some modem maps plsca it on the north aide; but Ihia cannrt be true, particulaily if Bargasa is rightly deteitnincd. [BaboasA.] There are medals which are asdgned PUnj meotjcos a Doridia Siona. Now, aa Doris i* the coanliy crcapied by the Dorian cotoniea, this name ia more sppropriate to (he Cenneictis, on the north eide of which is HaUcamassos, and st the entrance Is (be island of Cos. PUny's wotda are clear, though they hare been generally imsunder- Btood ; for, after mentioning the bay of Schoenus and ticaa Cnidiu, and he says that Doris begins at Ciu- du. Again, he says that UaHcamassns ia between tbe Ceramdcua and the Ihuiu: the Ceramdcus of Fliny, then, ia dther different from the Sinna Do. ridis, or it ia cne of the bays Induded in the Sinns Doridis, and so called finm the towa of Ceramus. But Plmy pbuea in the Doridia Sinns, Leocopolia, " •" "" ■■ ■ Meta(i.l6) B it, in I bay bi which it ./(.,;. Ei^'^NK^ tf. yh^^' clearly appan that Euthine is m the Sinns Doridis of FKny, and that Uela'a Cenuneicos is a smaller bay in the Statu Doridis. Uela'a IJtnu Leuca is betnem HaticariuuBiia and Uyndni ; snd if this is Pliny'a Lencopolia, aa we msy asaums, the identity of Che Cerameicna and the Sinns Doridis of Ptisj is clearly otabhabed. [O. L.] CERAMEICUS. [A-niKirAK, pp. SSS, ao3.J CE'KAMON AGOEA (Htpa^tfir ayepi). Tbe