Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography Volume I Part 1.djvu/651

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dLEiToa llf which ia derired bj MttUer, from its being rittuted in an enclosed plain (from kAc^), while oUiers con- nect it with CUvia and Glusium. (MfiUer, DorianSf ▼oLiL p.444, transl.; Lobeck, J^Aemot. 293.) It possessed a small territory called Cleitoria (KAct- rppioy Polyb. It. 10. § 6), bounded on the £. by the territory of Phenens, on the W. by that of Psophis, on the N. by that of Cynaetha and Achaia, and on the S. by the territorieB of Caphyse, Tripolis, and Thelposa. The lofty Aroanian moontains formed the NE. boundary of the territory of Cleitor, sepa- rating it firom that of Pheneus. In these mountains the river Aroanios (^Katxdnd) risesi which flowed throogh the territory of Cleitor from N. to &, and falls into the Ladon near the sources of the latter. The valley of this river opens out into two plains. In the upper pfaun, now called the plain of Sudhendj was situated Lusi, at one time an independent town, but at a later period a dependency of Cleitor. [Lusl] In the lower plain, now called the plain of Katzdna, or Katzdnet, was the town of Cleitor itaeUL Besides the valley of the Aroanius, the upper valley of the Ladon also formed part of the territory of Cleitor. The Ladon rose in this district, and flowed through the southern part of it m a south-westerly direction. The road from Caphyae to Psophis passed through the Cleitoria, and was traversed by Pausanias (viii. 23. §§ 8, 9). At the distance of seven stadia from Caphyae was Nasi, in the territoiy of the latter city; and 50 stadia beyond, the road crossed the Ladon, but Pausanias does not mention where the territory of Gkitor began. The road then entered a forest oS oain called Soron, and passed through Azgeathae, Lycnntes, and Sootane, till it arrived at the ruins of FtoB, situated at the end of the forest, and not hr from Seirae, which was distant 30 stadia from Pso- phis, and was the boundary between the Cleitorii and Psophidii. There are still some remams of this ibreet, which, in the time of Pausanias, contained bean and wild boars. The position of these places is uncertain; though Leake attempts to identify some of them. (Pelcponnetiaoa, p. 221.) Pans is also mentioned by Herodotus (Ilalov, or IltiyDv w^Ais, vL 127), who speaks of it as a town of Azania. Cldtor was situated in the midst of the pbin of Kdizana, upon a hill .of moderate height between two rivulets. The more important of these streams, mnning S. of the town, was also called Cleitor, now Klitora, The other stream, now called the river of Kamesi, rises in the district of Lusi, and faUs into the Kliiora just beyond the remains of the andent city. The Cleitor, after flowing rapidly through the plain, fiUls into the Aroanins, at the distance of seven stadia from the city of Cleitor, according to Paosanias; but the real distance is at least double. (Paus. viii. 21. § 1; '^rapidus CUtor," Stat Theb. iv.289; Athen.v. iii. p.331, d.;icA«Ttfcy C6»pir9Ta- /ahs 'AfMroSJof, Uesych.) A little north of the junc- tion of the river Cleltar with the Aroanins is the Kalyviaof' Mdzi upon a gentle elevation, in the neighbourhood of which Dodwell discovered the re- mains of a small Doric temple. Cleitor is said to have been founded by a hero of the same name, the son of the Arcadian king Azan. (Pans. viii. 4. § 5, viiL 21. § 3.) The Cleitoria formed an important part of the Azanian district. The Cleitorian fountain, of which we shall speak presently, was regarded as one of the curiosities of Aunia; and the Aroanian mountains, on the sum- mits of which the daughters of Proetus wandered in their- madness, ara called the AMnian monntains. GLEITOB.^ 688 (Endoms, c^ Siq^h, s. v. *A(wia.) The Cleitorians were renowned among the Peloponnesiatts for their love of liberty (r6 KAciro^r ^<AffXctf9cpo9 vol y€inmw)j of which an instance is cited even from the mythical times, in the brave resistance they oflered to Sous, king of Sparta. (Plut L^ 2, Apophth, p. 234.) Their power was increased by the conquest of Lusi, Paus, and other towns in their neighbourhood. In commemoration of these con- quests they dedicated at Olympia a brazen statue of Zeus, 18 feet in height, which was extant in the time of Pausanias, who has preserved the Inscription upon it (Paus. v. 23. § 7.) Cleitor seems to have occujHed an important position among the Arcadian cities. In ihe Theban war it carried on hostilities agamst Orchomenus. (Xen. Hell, v. 4. § 36.) In the Social War it belonged to the Achaean League, and bravely repelled the assaults of the Aetolians, who attempted to scale the walls. (Polyb. iv. 18, 1 9, is. 38.). It was sometimes used as the plaos of meeting of the Achaean League. (Polyb. zxiii. 5; Liv. zzziz. 5.) Strabo (viii. p. 388) mentions Clei- tor among the Aroadian towns destroyed in his time, or of which scarcely any traces existed; but this ia not correct, since it was not only in existence in the time of Pausanias, but it continued to coin money as late as the reign of Septimius Severus. Pausanias gives only a brief description of Cleitor. He says that its three principal temples wa« those of Demeter, Asclepius, and Eileithyia; that at the distance of four stadia from the city the Cleitoriana possessed a temple of the Dioscuri, whom they called the great gods; and that further on the summit of a mountain, at the distance of 30 stadia from the city, there was a temple of Athena Coria. (Pans, viii 21. § 3.) The ruins of Cleitor are now called PalMpoUy distant about three miles fnun a village which still bean the name of the ancient town. It would seem, as Leake remarks, that the river, having preserved its name after the city had ceased to exist, at length gave that name to a village built at its sources. The walls of the ancient city may still be traced in nearly their fuU extent "Diey inclose an irregular oblong space, not more than a mile in cir- cumference; they were about 1.5 feet in thickness, and were fortified with towers. But the space inclosed by these walls seems to have been properly the acn^lu of the ancient city, since the whole plain between the river of Ktitora and the river of Kameti is covered with stones and pottery, mixed with quadrangular blocks and remains of columns. There are remains of a theatre towards the western end of the lull. In the territory oS Cleitor was a celebrated foun- tain, of which those who drank lost for ever their taste for wine:

  • ' Clitorio qnicunque sitim de fonte levant,

Vina fugit: gaudetque meris abstemios undis.** (Ov. Met. XV. 322; comp. Phylarch. ap. Athen. ii. p. 43; Vitruv. viii. 3; Plin. xxzL 2. s. 13.) A spring of water, gushing forth from the hill on which the ruins stand, b usually supposed to be this mira- culous fountMu; but Curtius places it in the terri- t<»y of Lusi, because it is said to have been situated upon the confines of the Cleitoria, and is mentioned in connection with the purification of the daughtons of Proetus by Melampus, which is said to have taken place at LusL (ZlruTKtd wi|7^ Topit rati KAciro- piois, Hesych. ; situated Ay* iaxoriiis KktlropoSf Vitruv. 2.C.; 4y KKtlropi in Phylaroh. ap. Athen. 2. c, is to be undentood of the territory.) [|iUai.]