Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography Volume I Part 1.djvu/731

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CBUHI. faDDded ; l»t«r nrini Eura dw bod of ths Laduiui Judo, and oo ths n<rais« the figure al Herenlu. (See Uh •eccmd at Ibow Sgmi bdow.) [E.E.B.] CBUN1 (KfMuvdi), a town in Uoesii, on the ma Tlaa, wu, at a Utor lime, called DicoyBupolit or Hatk^alia. (Stnb. p. 319; Scjmn. Froffm. 4; AnoDjm. PeripL 13; Sttfb, B71. 1. v. AHmxnn- riAit; Plin. IT. 18; Anisn, PeripL p. 34; HiraaaL p. 637 ; Itin. Ant p. 238 ; Oingr. Bav. it. 6 ; Con- ■tu)t.Porplijr. <fe7iU>n.U. 1.) [[" S.] CBUPTU'IUCIS VILLA, a place m Che cooLtrr of the Fri^ua, when 400 Bomin seldiera made Bway with ttmndTts, that the; might not hll int thehaDdaoftheFridaiu. ( 73.) It i identified with a place called Hem Ryek. [L S. CRUSl'NIE, a place in Gallia, according to the Tabic, on a roate &«n CaUUio, that is Catullo <CJUbu-iH^&>o<M), to Vtecmtio (S«in;t>n). lieabeRRoiVcBontioaiid Ponle Dnbria of the Table, that ia Paw Dnbii, which ii PonAoia, oa the Dotlit. The [dace ia tberefbn between PonlAoax •ud AMOBfDii; bat each obicun plaon cannot be euUf deunnined bj diatancea. Walckanicr and olhen place Cmaime at Ordtan^ near the Doubt, where there aie aud to be Romaa remaina. D'As- Tille plane it near Crtun, being deCeimJned, aa hi sflSD is, by mere raamblance ot name. [G. L.] CRUSIS (Kfunmli, Thnc. u. 79; Steph. K; Kpoo- aalu, Herod. Til. 133 : ffii. Kf»»raM>, Dionfa. L 49). The Cranua, Craaaea, or Cnuie, waa eonutinus comidend as a pari of Mj'gdoDia, but ia dibtingiuahed baa it b7 Herodotoa (L c), who describea Oompehending all the maritime eonntiy 01 Thennaic golf from Potidaca to the bay of Thenna, where Mygdmia ctinnieDud. The dtiei of thli dis- trict were LiTAiua, Combraia, Lisae, Gigoons, Campaa, Smila, and Aeo^a. Liij (ilii. 10) mentions an Antigoneia [AjmooBEiAj, which waa perhapa one ot the towna on that coast DOticed bj Herwiotua, which bad been npaiied bj one of tiie AnUgooi. ThucTdidea (ii. 79) apcaks of the peltaila of thii dbtrict: thiskJndoftiDope, between beaTj and li^ht- amed, ftumahed with a diort spear and tight shield, appear to haie takes their riae amoug the OhaldiCc Greeks, and were equipped in a manna' half Qraek half Thracian. (Grots, EtML 0/ Oraaa, Tol. tl p,a58.) [E.RJ.] CRUSTDME'RIUM,CBUSTUMETtlA,orCBU- STUlilUM (KpgiKmvi<fHM< and KfMcrviUfla, CBUSTUMEBIUM. 713 Dimji., Staph. B.: EA Kpovanfupaitt, /d.; in Latin atmoat always Cnutiimlnns, ihongb Vairo, ' ' T. 81, baa Cnistumerioaa), an ancient citf r£ n. on the borders of the Sabine Country, be- Fidenae and Rretum. It ia reckoned by Pln- tarch (Run. 17) a Sabine city, and would cttlainlj ai^ear to baTc beeti in later times regarded aa inch. Bat Dioayaius expressly calla it a calony of Alba, mded at ths same lime with Fidenae and Nonen- m (Dionji. ii. 36, S3); and its name also appmrs the list of Alban ooloDiea glTen by Diodoroa (ap. Easeb. Arm. p. ISS; Orig. O. Bom. 17). Other riten repreeent it aa still more ancient. Casslnl emina ascribed its fbondatiaa to the Sicnlii and, I arccnlance with tliia Vi^ inelndn it ameog the five great dtiea that were the 6rat to take np ■ma against Aeneas, all of which he oertajnij nant to designate ae Latin towns. (Virg, Aea. TJi. 631; Serr. ad toe.) Pliny also maotions Cniatn- of Latum, ot which no ime. (Plin. iii. 5. s. 9.) Silios Italicus calla it " priscum Cnislaminm," tboogh he says it was lesa ancient than Antemnae. (8il.ItaLTiii.36r.) oamefiist occora in Boman history among the which took np arms againat Bomnlna, to arenge ths npe of their women at the Consaalia; tbia occaaicn CrastDnwriom combined with and CasniDS; but ioMcad of oniting tbeir they are said to hare o[^need Bomnloa aii^ly, been snccesnTely defealed and conqnosd. Cmstnmerinm shared the same &te aa its con- Boms, and sent a Boman ippdy their place. (LiT. {. 9—11; Dionyi. ii. 3S; Pint Som. 17.) Bnt notwith- ■tanding this tale d a Roman oolony, we find Cm- Btamerium next appearing aa an independent dty in the reign of Tarqoiniiu Priacna; it waa one of the citiea conqoered by that mmanh from the Friaia Lalini. (Liv. i. 38; Oionys. ui. 49.) On this oc caaion Dionyiiaa telle as that it receiTed a fieeh ac - ceaaicn cf ^Roniaa oalcDists ; but this did not aecnn its all^iance, and it was captured for he third tinM, in the first yean of the Boinan repablic, h.o. 499. (LiT. iL 19.) Frem this time it appears to hare coatinued in a itateof dependency,ifnot mbjectioo, to Rome ; and its territoiyin oonseqnenoe snSered repeatedly from the incoiaona and depredations of ths Sabines. to whose atcacha it was Immediately exposed. (IJT. ii. S4; Dionyi. ti. 34, i. 3S.) lU naioe agaui ocean in b.c 447, when the army, which was led by the DeoeoiTin against the Sa- tHnea, deserted their standarda, and retreated of tlmr own accord to Cmatonwriam in the Boman territoy. (Dionya. li. S3 ; LiT. iii. 4!.) It would aeem pro- table that this waa the erent anbaeqaently known aa the " CnutniDetina seceario " (Varr. L. L. t. 81); but that eiprenoo ia diaUncUy applied I7 Vano to Ihe fint aeoaaim (b-o. 493), when the plebeiaoB occupied the Hona Sacer. It wonld seem, therefore, that ha fiilkiwed some authoritica diflerent from ths receired annala; for it ia acaiwly poedble to reooncile the two, by indnding the Mona Sacer in tbe Cmatnnuiie tenilny. [Sacks Mors.] Frem thie time the name of the dig of Cmatn- roeriom ncTer agun appean in bialory, and ia found only in Pliny's list of the extinct dtin of Latiam (iii. fi. B. 9); bnt its territory (ager Crustuminos) is repeatedly alluded to; and there can be no doubt that it was indnded in, and gare name to, the