Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography Volume I Part 2.djvu/80

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ELIS. ft;!*, ukl, imtnd tt bcai^ lumonded bj an nnin- teiiu|itod tarias of atou or i»kiDnid«, its sbuu irars Mp4ir>Md fraii toe aDothar bj aCneCa. Tha ■oathern itia, vbiefa conaistcil of ft triple row of Doric colanma, oh Ibe nanil reaort of tha Halluo- dioM during tha daj. Tomrdi aae end of this atoa to tha left wu tba Helknodiuemi. > building dinded fVom the agcav bj > itnet, wblcb wu the oSail raidaoce cf tha HellioodiiaB, w1k> reraiTod ban in- itmction in thair dnCiea for ten montbi preceding the faniraL There vu MiotheT Bt« in the agorm called the Cmjneui sloa, becauia it had been built oat of the tenth of aome Bpoila taken from tba Cor - cjneaaL It cauiated of two rowa of Doric colamna, frith a partilioa wall mnning between tbem: cue ride wae open to tha agnm, and the other Co a tonpla of Aphrodite Urania, in which *a> a itatoe of the goddess in gold sod ivoi7 bj Phridiaa. In the open part of the agora l^oaaniai mantiona tha Innple of Apollo Acaceaina, which was tha prindpal t«nple ia ' Elis, statnes of Halios and Selena (San and Uooo), a teniae of the Gneee, a temple of Siknoa, sod the tomb of Oijlna. On the waj to tha theatn wu the temple aC Hadi*, which wm opened only nice in tha jaar. The theatre moat bare be«n on the slope of tha ■oropoliai it IB deeciibed b; Paosanloa u lying betwem the agios and the Menius, which, if the lianw ia mA cormpt, mnat be tha brook flowing down from tba hngbte behind PaUopoli Kear tba theatrawas a templeofDioDjtns, containing a slstna of this god bj Fraxitsles. On the acropolia waa a temple of Athena, con- taiaing a itataa of the goddeaa in gold and ivra? by Fheidiaa. On tha aommit of tha acropolis are the mnalna of a cartia, in tha walls of which Cnrtjoa DMired soon frigioenti at Doric colnmna which pcobalily helm^ to tha temple of Athena. In the immediate nngbbsorhood of Elis was Petn, when the tomb of tha pbiltaophar Fynhoo wis •bowo. (PMis.Ti. S4. §S.) IV. TowHH HI Elis. I. Id Hollow Elis. Upon the coast, praucding ■outhwarda from tha promootory of Araxns, Htr. ■IKE, CTUsmt. From the town of Elis, a road M imthward to DTme in Achais passing by Mm- TinrnnM (or Uyrsinne} and Btn-naaitTK. East of KUs and commanding tlie entrance to the Acioreia or highlands cf Elis wu Ptlo«, st the jnocliiKi of the Panains and Ladoo. Sonlh of Fylos on the I-adon wit Che Homeric Epkyba, aftarwirds aiM . OcDoS. North of Pylot in the moontainona ooanfay on the baiden of Aehua wu Thai.aiiae. Eut of Pjka and E{diyra, in tha Acrana, wen Lauoh, . ^iis, TaiuiWTUs (or ThncaCns), Aum, EcrA- aiCM, Opus. a. In Pbitis. Upoo tha Sacred Way leading from Elis to Olympia, Lbtbiki and Dispoktidh. Upm the coast, the town md hitbonr of Pniia. On the road icross tha motmtaiua from Elis to . Olym^ Alcsukux, SALMOtrs, and HbbAclxuj aiKl in tha lame neighbcorliood, Haboasa (or Hargilu) and Amprithiu. Olthpia lay on tba right bank of the Alpheiiu, nearly in the centre of tba country ; it was properly not a town, but ody a collectioa of aamd boildings. A Utile to the cast df Utympia was Pua. snd further eut HABFmnA- 3. In Triphylii. Upon tha road along the masC, Epitaudm (the Homerio Thryon), Saiocuii, PiBOL A road led from Olympts to LspieBm, on ELON£. Sii which wer« Pnoa md MAcmtm. Lcntnni in the Bonthem put of Triphylia wu tha chief town of the district Between these two roads wu Sciu-in, where Xenopbon mided. On the Alpheiiu to tbeeast of Otjm[uwasFHRiXA,and aoathwards in the interior were Aett (afterwards called Kpeium), Htpana, TrpASKAE. The poaition of BoLU and fiTTU.AOiUM LB oncartain. (Baspecting the topography of Elis, see Leake, Morea, ToL L p. 1, acq , to! ii ^ 165, aeq , Pdit- ponnenaca, passim Bobtsye,AeatercAef,&c p.117, ■tq.; and especially Cnrtina Pelopoimaoi, toL ii. p. 1, acq, from whom aconsularab^ part of the pre- ceding account is taken ) ELISARI (yi^ipai), a people </ Arabia Felii, menlioned by Ptolemy, at the struts of the Bed Sea (Ai^el-ifaiMiai), between the Casnuili on tha nortli, and the Homeriiu ou the eut (vi. 7. § 7)> They are doubtlasa identical with the Et-Aigr tribe, a district of Ytmat, described by Bnrohardt »s " the moat .numerous and warlike tribe of those mountains, and exercising cauideiahla Influenoa over all their ndghboun (A'olai on (As Btdouinti,. 4"- P- 2^5); and Ijiebuhr baa marked on his map of Yemat " a town or villsge still named Elaeera, on tha hillii above gabbiaWNW." (Fotster, Arofr^ vol. i. p. TO, TOLiipp,l47, 148.) [G.W.] ELISON ('EUaor), a tribntsiy of the Lupa (Lif^), commcoly identified with the Alme. At its condnence with tha Lppa, the Bomsns bailc the fort Aliso, (Dion Cisa liv. 33.), [L. S-l ELLA&VR ('EAAoadf), mentioned only in Ge- neau (liv. 1) u the country of Aiioch, one of the kings BBflnrintml with Chedorlaomer ux his inTsairm of Canaan. Some bare identified it with the Elitari of Aialaa, othara*with Assyria, undor the nania El- Aiur ; but all is para cot^jectura. [Q. W.J ELLEBKl. [^Vbubori.] ELLEFOKUS. [HBLj.KPORUfl.1 ELLOME'NUS CEAAo^mi), a town in Lencas, mandoaed by Thncydidea, is euppoaed by Leaka to ba repreeented by tha port of KImmi. (Tbuc iii. 94{ Leake, JVorlAent Greecs, toL iu. p. S3.) ELO'NE ('HAarq), a town of PBrrhaebU in Theasaly, manboned by Homer along with Orthe and Olooaoui, afterwards called LEU(oHa(A>viAni), accvding to Strabo. Tha same writer uya that it wu in rains in his time, and that it lay at the fbiiC of MC Olympus, not fir fimn the river Eurotu, which the poet calls TitareMU. Leaks placea it at Selot, where there an said if be soma ancient 3o3