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Early Annals of the English in Bengal, The, C. R. Wilson: 1895, 1900.

Early Records of British India, J. T. Wheeler: 1878.

East India Military Calendar, The, J. Philippart : 1823-4.

East Indian Gazetteer, The, W. Hamilton : 1815.

Echoes from Old Calcutta, H. E. Busteed : 1897.

Eminent Persons, Biographies reprinted from the "Times," 1870-94: 1892-7.

Encyclopaedia Britannica, The.

Encyclopaedia of Missions, The, Dwight, Tupper, and Bliss: 1904.

Forty-one Years in India, Earl Roberts: 1898.

Gazetteer of the Territories under the Government of the E. I. Co., A, E. Thornton: 1857.

General Biographical Dictionary, The, A. Chalmers: 1812-7.

Gentleman's Magazine, The.

Glimpses of Old Bombay and Western India, J. Douglas. 1900.

Golden Book of India, The, R. Lethbridge:. 1893.

Government of India, The, Sir C. P. Ilbert: 1898.

Heroines of Ind, M. Dutt : 1897.

Historical Sketches of the South of India, M. Wilks: 1810-7.

History of India, H. G. Keene: 1893.

——————— Roper Lethbridge: 1881-93.

——————— J. C. Marshman: 1867-93.

——————— James Mill, 1817 : ed. by H. H. Wilson: 1858.

History of India from the Earliest Ages, The, J. T. Wheeler: 1867-81.

History of India: Hindoo and Mohammedan Periods, M. Elphinstone: 1841, 1889.

History of the British Empire in India, E. Thornton: 1841-5: L. J. Trotter: 1866-99.

History of the Indian Mutiny, A, G. W. Forrest: 1904.

—————————————— T. R. E. Holmes. 1891.

—————————————— G. B. Malleson: 1878-80.

History of the Indian Navy, 1613-1863, C. R. Low: 1877.

History of the Madras Army, W. J. Wilson: 1882-8.

History of the Military Transactions of the British Nation in Indostan from the year 1745, A, R. Orme: 1775-8.

History of the Sepoy War, J. W. Kaye: 1864-76.

History of the War in Afghanistan, J. W. Kaye: 1857.

Homeward Mail, The, 1857-1905.

Imperial Dictionary of Universal Biography, The.

Imperial Gazetteer of India, The, W. W. Hunter, 14 vols.: 1885-7.

India and its Native Princes, L. Rousselet: 1878.

India: its Administration and Progress, J. Strachey: 1903.

India Lists, The.

Indian Civil Service List, The, 1880, A. C. Tupp: 1880.

Indian Directory: Thacker & Co.

Indian Empire: its People, History and Products, The, W. W. Hunter: 1893.

Indian Polity, G. T. Chesney: 1868: 1894.

India Office Lists, The.

India on the Eve of the British Conquest: a Historical Sketch, S. Owen : 1872.

India's Princes, M. Griffiths: 1894.

Kabul Insurrection of 1841-2, The, V. Eyre: 1879.

Last Century of Universal History, 1767-1867, The, A. C. Ewald: 1868.

List of Inscriptions on Tombs and Monuments in Bengal, C. R. Wilson: 1896.

Lives of Indian Officers, J. W. Kaye: 1867.