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ETHE, G. HERMANN (1844–)

Born Feb. 13, 1844 : grandson of Karl Laphe : educated at Greifswald and Leipzig Universities : came to Oxford in 1872 to complete Catalogue of Persian, Turkish, Hindustani and Pashtu MSS., in Bodleian Library, and to compile Catalogue of Arabic MSS. : catalogued Persian MSS. in India Ofifice Library : Public Examiner for Honours School of Oriental Languages, Oxford, 1887-9, and since 1893 : Professor of German and Oriental Languages, University College, Aberystwyth, since 1875.


Son of John Evans, of Lovesgrove : born Jan. 13, 1840 : educated at Bradfield and Lincoln College, Oxford (Scholar) : called to the bar from Lincoln's Inn, 1867 : joined the bar of the High Court, Calcutta : Member of the Governor-General's Legislative Council, 1877 to 1899 : K.C.I.E. in 1892 : acting Advocate-General and Member of the Bengal Legislative Council, 1895 : he took a prominent part, on behalf of the public, in the arrangements for composing the controversy over the "Ilbert Bill" in 1883 : died Feb. 6, 1902.


Son of John Evans : born May 25, 1767 : educated at Harrow : an attorney from 1789 to 1794, when he was called to the bar from Gray's Inn : wrote on legal and political questions : was a stipendiary magistrate at Manchester, 1813 : Vice-Chancellor of the County Palatine of Lancaster, 1815 : in 1819 he became Recorder of Bombay and was knighted : but died there Dec. 5, 1821.


Surveyor-General of India : born July 4, 1790 : son of Tristram Everest : educated at Great Marlow and Woolwich : went to India in 1806 to the Bengal Artillery : selected by Sir Stamford Raffles to survey Java, 18 13-5 : Chief Assistant of the Great Trigonometrical Survey, 1817 : succeeded Colonel Lambton as Superintendent of the Great Trigonometrical Survey, 1823 : F.R.S., 1827 : studied the English ordnance survey : was appointed by the Court of Directors to be Surveyor General of India, 1830 : also engaged in measurements of the great Arc of Meridian of India, 21 degrees in length, from Cape Comorin to the Northern frontier, 1832-41 : Lt-Colonel, 1838 : retired in 1843 : published in 1847 an account of his work on the great Meridional Arc of India between two base lines : Member of the Council of the Royal and Geographical Societies : Fellow of the Astronomical and Royal Asiatic Societies : C.B. : and knighted in 1861 : died Dec. 1, 1866 : Mount Everest, 29,002 feet high, in the Himalayas on the borders of Nipal and Tibet, the highest known mountain in the world, was named after him.


Born at Gottingen, Nov. 1803 : a celebrated Oriental scholar : educated at Gottingen University : at 20 was a Professor at the College of wolfenbuttel : held the Chairs of Philosophy and Oriental languages and theology at Gottingen : when suspended, for political reasons, in 1837, he came to England, but returned to Gottingen : became a member of the German Parliament : author of many critical works, especially on the Hebrew language and Biblical history : died 1875.


Born June 11, 1821 : son of Lt-General John Frederick Ewart, C.B. : educated at Sandhurst : joined the 35th regt., 1838 : exchanged to 93rd Highlanders, 1848 : served in Crimea and Indian mutiny : at Alma, Balaclava, Inkerman and siege of Sebastopol : at relief of Lucknow : commanded the leading party of stormers at the assault of the Sikandarbagh : severely wounded : lost his left arm by a cannon-ball at Cawnpur in Dec. 1857 : C.B. : Lt-Colonel of 93rd Highlanders, 1858 : commanded 78th Highlanders, 1859-64 : A.D.C. to Queen Victoria : Maj-General, 1872 : Lt-General, 1877 : commanded the Allahabad Division in India, 1877-80 : General, 1884 : K.C.B., 1887 : recommended for the V.C. : died June 18, 1904 : author of A few Remarks about the British Army, and The Story of a Soldier's Life.