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Born in Ross-shire, March 4, 1853: son of a crofter and stonemason: while a draper's assistant, joined Volunteers: in June, 1870, enlisted in the 92nd Gordon Highlanders: went to India and became a colour-sergeant in 3 years: in the Kabul force under Sir F. Roberts in 1879: distinguished for his bravery in the Hazar-darakht defile, and for conspicuous courage at Charasia: at Sherpur and the fighting about Kabul: in the Kabul-Kandahar march, and at battle of Kandahar: given a Commission: at Majuba Hill, taken prisoner and released: served in Egypt, in the constabulary, in the Nile expedition, in the Egyptian Army: at Suakin, at Toski: D.S.O.: Major, Royal Fusiliers, 1891: Brig-General at Atbara, 1898: at Omdurman: A.D.C. to Queen Victoria: LL.D., Glasgow: commanded the Sirhind Division, 1899: and the Highland Brigade in S. Africa, 1899–1900: K.C.B.: commanded the Belgaum District, 1901: and the forces in Ceylon, 1902: died at Paris, March 25, 1903: Maj-General.


Born 1862: son of Surgeon-Major James Macdonald: educated at Aberdeen University and Woolwich: entered the Royal Engineers, 1882: served in the Hazara expedition, 1888: in the Uganda Railway Survey, 1891–2: acting Commissioner of the Uganda Protectorate, 1893: commanded the operations there, 1897–8: in charge of the British operations at Fashoda, 1896: commanded the Juba expedition, 1898–9: Brevet-Lt-Colonel: C.B.: in the China expedition, 1901: commanded the forces in the Tibet expedition, 1903–4: K.C.I.E.

MACDONALD, JOHN (1759–1831)

Son of Allan and the famous Flora Macdonald: born Oct. 30, 1759: educated at Portree and Edinburgh: went out to the Bombay Infantry in 1780: transferred to the Bengal Engineers in 1782: sent to Bencoolen, Sumatra: surveyed the Dutch Settlements there: remained at Sumatra as Military and Civil Engineer until 1796: made many maps and charts: retired in 1800: F.R.S.: an original member of the Asiatic Society: wrote scientific and military papers, and a work in favour of the civilization and education of the natives of India: died Aug. 16, 1831.


Born 1832 at Glen Urquhart, Inverness: joined the United Free Church Mission in Calcutta in 1861, and was engaged there in Missionary work for 41 years, a prominent figure in religious and missionary life. While he constantly conducted Evangelical services, he laboured chiefly as an edu-cational Missionary, and was an indefatigable writer, editing Periodicals, Journals, such as the Indian Evangelical Review, publishing studies of the Hindu sacred books, etc. He was a prominent Fellow of the Calcutta University: died July 30, 1903.


Son of Reginald George Macdonald, Chief of the Clan Ranald: joined the Navy, 1833: Captain, 1854: commanded the Channel Squadron, 1872–3: Naval C. in C. in the East Indies, 1875–7: K.C.S.I., 1877: Vice-Admiral, 1877: commanded at the Nore, 1879–82: retired, 1884: K.C.B., 1887: died Dec. 15, 1899.


Son of Charles Alexander Macdonell, of the Indian Army: born May 11, 1854, at Muzaffarpur: educated at the Public School, Gottingen, 1870–5: Gottingen University, 1875–6: Corpus College, Oxford, 1876–80: B.A., 1880: M.A., 1883: Ph.D., Leipzig, 1884: Taylorian Teacher of German, Oxford University, 1880–99: Deputy-Professor of Sanskrit, 1888–99: Boden Professor of Sanskrit, since 1899: Fellow of Balliol College, 1899: Keeper of the Indian Institute, Oxford: representative of Great Britian in Sanskrit at the International Congress of Arts and Science at St. Louis, Sep. 1904: has written the Sarvamikramani of the Rigveda (Anecdota Oxoniensia), 1886; a Sanskrit-English dictionary, 1892; Vedic Mythology, 1897 a History of Sanskrit Literature, 1900; a Sanskrit grammar, 1901; the Bhraddevata, 1904.