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expedition, 1886–7, commanded a Brigade sent to the Ruby Mines : C.B. : Brig-General of the Hyderabad Contingent : commanded in Burma, 1890–5 : in operations in the Chin-Lushai hills, 1892–3 : K.C.B. : Lt-General, 1895 : General, 1900 : died Dec. 14, 1904.


Raised a battalion of N.I. at Bankipur, 1761 : at the siege of Patna, 1763, and battle of Baxar, Oct. 23, 1764 : captured Chunar, 1765 : officiating C. in C. of the Bengal Army in 1777 and 1783 : framed the reform of that Army, 1780 : Maj-General, 1783 : Lt-General, 1796 : died after several years' residence in England.


Born Aug. 12, 1831 : son of William Stifie : educated at Stuttgart Polytechnic : served in the Indian Navy from 1849 to 1862 : was present at capture of Bushire and Muhamra in Persian war, 1857 : employed in hydrographic surveys : Engineer in Chief and Electrician for the Indian Government Telegraph in Persian Gulf, 1864–79 : Port Officer and Master Attendant, Calcutta : retired, 1888 : author of Charts and Sailing Directions for Persian Gulf and Makran Coast, and of papers in scientific Journals : F.R.A.S. : F.R.G.S. : F.G.S.

STIRLING, ANDREW (1793?–1830)

I.C.S. : born about 1793 : son of Admiral Stirling : educated at Haileybury, 1811–12 : to India in 1813 : Persian Secretary to Government and Deputy Secretary in the Political Department : Private Secretary to W. B. Bayley (q.v.) while Acting as Governor-General, 1828 : he was the author of a valuable work on Orissa : distinguished by great talents throughout his career : died at Calcutta, May 23, 1830.


Lt-General : born Aug. 4, 1835 : son of Charles Stirling : educated at Edinburgh Academy and R.M.A., Woolwich : with the R.A. in the Crimea, the Mutiny, and in China, 1860 : in the Afghan campaign, 1878–9 : made C.B. 1880 and K.C.B., 1893 : Lt-General : Colonel Commandant R.A. : Lieutenant of the Tower of London since 1900.


Son of Capt. Oliver St. John : born March 21, 1837 : educated at Norwich and Addiscombe : went to India in the Bengal Engineers in 1859 : in the P.W.D. in the N.W.P. : employed under Patrick Stewart (q.v.) in constructing the telegraph line through Persia, 1863–7 : in the Abyssinian expedition, 1867–8, as Director of the Field Telegraph and Army Signalling : Brevet-Major : returned to Persia : Boundary Commissioner of the Persian- Kelat frontier, 1871 : and wrote an account of it : Principal of the Mayo College, Ajmir, 1875–8 : Chief Political Officer with Sir D. Stewart's Kandahar Field Force, 1878 : C.S.I., 1879 : Political Agent for S. Afghanistan, 1880 : in the pursuit to the Helmund of the troops of the Wall of Kandahar, and at the battle of Maiwand, July 27, 1880, against Ayub Khan : at the battle of Kandahar, Sep. I, 1880 : officiated as A.G.G. for Beluchistan, 1882, 1886, 1891 : K.C.S.I., 1882 : in Kashmir, 1883–4 : acting Resident at Hyderabad, 1884 : acting Resident at Baroda, 1887 : Chief Commissioner of Mysore, 1889–1891 : died at Quetta, June 3, 1891 : contributed to scientific Journals on geography and natural history : Lt- Colonel.


Son of Lt-Colonel Charles Stisted : born 1817 : educated at Sandhurst : joined the 2nd regt., 1835 : served in Afghanistan, at Ghazni, the capture of Kelat, the occupation of Kabul : was in the Persian war of 1856–7, at Khushab and Muhamra : in command of Havelock's advance guard at the relief of Lucknow, Sep. 25, 1857, commanded a Brigade after Neill's death : with Outram at the Alambagh : at the capture of Lucknow : in Rohilkund, at Bareli : C.B. : served on the N.W. frontier, 1863 : commanded a Division in Canada, 1867 : Lieutenant-Governor of Ontario : K.C.B., 1871 : Lt-General, 1873 : died Dec. 10, 1875.


Son of Joachim Christian Stocqueler : born 1800 : was in Calcutta from 1821 for 20 years, as a journalist : bought the