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N.W.P., 1875 : transferred to Burma, 1876 : Junior Secretary to Government, 1880 : Settlement Secretary and Secretary to the Chief Commissioner, 1882, 1886 : and Chief Secretary from 1897 : Member of the Legislative Council, Burma : C.I.E., 1886 : K.C.I.E., 1900 : died at Rangoon, Jan. 8, 1901.


Maj-General : born July 17, 1843 : son of William Symons : educated privately : joined the 24th regt., 1863 : served in the Kafir and Zulu wars, 1878–9 : to India, 1880 : A.A.G. for Musketry, Madras, 1882 : D.A.Q.M.G. in the Burmese expedition, 1885–6 : commanded mounted infantry : Brig-General in the Chin Field Force : commanded the Burma column in Chin-Lushai expedition, 1889 : C.B., 1890 : A.A.G. for musketry, Bengal. 1893 : commanded as Brigadier in the Panjab, 1895 : a Brigade in Waziristan, 1894–5 : Tochi, 1898 : and a Division in Tirah, 1897–8 : K.C.B., 1898 : commanded the Forces in Natal, 1899 : died Oct. 23, 1899, of his wounds at assault of Talana Hill.

TAGORE, DWARKA NATH (1795, ? –1846)

Second son of Ram Mani Tagore : educated at Sherbourne's School, Calcutta, and by a private tutor : entered and left Government service : established, 1834, the firm of Carr, Tagore & Co. : helped to found the Union Bank and the Landholders' Society : used his ample means in active philanthropy and the advancement of his countrymen : agitated for the abolition of Suttee, the freedom of the Press, the repeal of the "Black Act" : he showed profuse hospitality, and was constantly consulted by the Governor-General : he was the first native J .P. He left for Europe in Jan. 1841 : travelled on the Continent : was entertained in England by Queen Victoria, and the Court of Directors, who gave him a medal in recognition of his services to his country. On his return to India, in 1842, he refused to perform the expiatory ceremony of Prayaschittra. He again visited England in 1845 : was received as previously : died in London on Aug. I, 1846, and was buried at Kensal Green. The Times and other newspapers dwelt on his unbounded philanthropy : at a public meeting held at Calcutta in his honour, an endowment fund, called after him, was established to give native youths of India the benefit of European education.


Eldest son of Dwarka Nath Tagore (q.v.) : born 1818 : educated at the Hindu College : in early manhood he took a strong religious turn, and founded, in 1839, a Society for the Knowledge of Truth, with a Journal : was a leader in the Hindu Deistic movement : joined the Brahmo Samaj in 1842, and introduced the Brahmic Covenant in 1843 : his impassioned eloquence conduced greatly to his success as a reviver of religion : he was the spiritual father of Keshab Chandra Sen (q.v.) : suffered great losses of property at one time, but, later, recovered his principal landed estates : during his prolonged life, he maintained his interest in spiritual subjects, and, though he was not an orthodox Hindu in faith and practice, was immensely revered as a great religious guide (rishi), living for the last few years of his saintly life in religious retirement : died Jan. 19, 1905.


Eldest son of Huro Coomar Tagore : born in 1831 : studied at the Hindu College, and under Capt. D. L. Richardson (q.v.), as private tutor : early in life he composed Bengali dramas : was for some years Hony. Secretary of the British Indian Association, and its President in 1879 and 1891 : Member of the Bengal Legislative Council, 1870 and 1872, of the Governor-General's Legislative Council, 1877, 1879, 1881; of the Education Commission, 1882, and the Jury Commission, 1893 : was made Raja Bahadur, 1871; Maharaja, 1877; C.S.I., 1879; K.C.S.I., 1882; Maharaja Bahadur, 1890, and in Jan. 1891 the title of Maharaja was made hereditary in his family. He was for years J. P. for Calcutta, Hony. Magistrate, Member of the Calcutta Corporation, Fellow of the Calcutta University, Trustee of the Indian Museum, Governor of the Mayo Hospital. He