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before the Calcutta Courts from 1860 : Bengal, 1899–1904 Governor-General's 1899–1900 : of the Council, 1899–1904 : Pope Leo XIII for the Catholic Church Supreme and High Advocate-General of : Member of the Legislative Council, Bengal Legislative decorated by H,H. services rendered to in India.

WOODROW, HENRY (1823–1876)

Born July 31, 1823 : son of Henry Woodrow : educated at Rubgy and Caius College, Cambridge : Scholar, and Fellow : went to Calcutta, 1848, as Principal of the Martiniere College : became Secretary to the Council of Education, 1854 : on the formation of the Education Department in Bengal, became Inspector of Schools, 1855–72 : he devoted much attention to primary education, and to physical science in education : Director of Public Instruction, 1875 : died at Darjeeling, Oct. II, 1876.


Of English-American parentage : educated at Yale and Harvard Universities : practised in America for 13 years : has since been a great traveller in out-of-the-way parts of Europe, North Africa and Asia : has explored the higher Himalayas : author of In the Ice World of Himalaya.

WORSLEY, SIR HENRY (1768–1841)

Born Jan. 20, 1768 : son of Rev. Francis Worsley : joined the E. I. Co.'s military service in Madras, 1781 : in the siege there of, 1781 : to Sumatra, 1789 : in the Mysore war, 1791 : at Seringapatam, 1792 : in Mahratta war, 1803 : at Alighar, Delhi, Agra, Laswari, Mathura : Adjutant-General and Lt-Colonel, 1806 : Private Secretary to the Marquis of Hastings, 1813 : Secretary to Government in the Military Department, 1818 : resigned, 1819 : C.B., 1815 : K.C.B., 1821 : Maj.General, 1830 : G.C.B., 1838 : died Jan. 19, 1841.

WRIGHT, WILLIAM (1830–1889)

Born in India, 1830 : son of Capt. Alexander Wright, of the E. I. Co.'s service : educated at St. Andrew's, and at Halle University : studied under Rodiger, the Orientalist, the Semitic languages, especially Arabic, but also Sanslorit, Persian, Turkish and other Oriental languages : went to Leyden : edited the travels of Ibn Jubair in Arabic : and Syriac and Arabic texts : 1855–61, Professor of Arabic, in University College London : at Dublin, 1856–61 : Assistant and Assistant-keeper in the Oriental Branch of the MS. Department of the British Museum, 1861–70 : distinguished in epigraphy and palaeography : Professor of Arabic and Fellow of Queen's College at Cambridge, 1870 : Head of the Semitic school : wrote an Arabic reading book, 1870, and a grammar : greatly stimulated the study of the Semitic languages : obtained Indian MSS. for the Cambridge University Library : received many foreign distinctions and honours : member of the Old Testament Revision Committee : died May 22, 1889.

WYLIE, HENRY (1844–)

Entered the Indian Army, 1861, and became Maj -General, 1899 : served in N.W. Frontier, 1863 : Bhutan, 1865 : Abyssinian expedition, 1868 : Hazara expedition, 1868 : on special duty in Beluchistan, 1877 : Afghan campaign, 1878–80 : Assistant to Resident in Mysore, 1882 : Political Agent at Bahawalpur : Jhalawar and Bhopal : Resident in Nipal, 1898–1900 : retired : C.S.I. , 1881.


I.C.S. : son of General Sir W. Wyllie, K.C.B. : born at Poona, Oct. 6, 1835 : educated at the Edinburgh Academy and Cheltenham : resigned a scholarship won at Lincoln College and gained one at Trinity College, Oxford : after open competition for the Indian Civil Service, went to Bombay in 1856. He joined the Political Department in Kattiawar, 1858–60 : transferred to Oudh, and was made Assistant Secretary to Sir George Yule, the Chief Commissioner. In 1862 he joined the Government of India Secretariat in the Foreign Department, and, with short periods spent in other Departments, remained there till 1867, acting once for three months as Foreign Secretary. While on furlough in 1868, he gave up, on the advice of his uncle, Sir W. Hutt, his Indian career and stood as a Liberal for the city of Hereford. He was elected, but was unseated for technical bribery by his agent.