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Senate : for several years Examiner, chiefly in Literature and Mental Science : was greatly esteemed for his public services and high character : his Last Words, with a memoir by the Rev. Robert Geoffrey, Minister of the Free Scottish Church, 1882, form a memorial of him : he died Aug. 1881.

PRICE, REV. JONATHAN D. ( ? –1828)

Received a medical education : was elected May, 1821, at Philadelphia, as a Medical Missionary to Burma : sailed from Salem to Calcutta, 1821 : joined Judson (q.v.) at Rangoon : ordered by the King of Burma to his capital : reached Ava, Sep. 1822 : well received and a house built for him : on the outbreak of the first Burmese war he and other Missionaries were, on June 8, 1824, seized, fettered and put in the death prison, and fastened to a pole. On the approach of the English troops, the Missionaries were daily taken to the palace, consulted about the terms, and sent to the English camp to negotiate. On peace being made. Price was given employment by the Burmese King at Ava : much valued for his medical skill : he taught a number of Burmese boys religion and science : died of consumption, near Ava, Feb. 14, 1828.


Mahratta Brahman : born 1850 : educated at the Kumbakonam College, under Mr. W. A. Porter : B.A., 1869 : entered the Mysore service, under the British Government, as Head Master of the Royal School : was made Public Prosecutor : served in the Judicial and Revenue Departments : made Major-Genl. of Police in Mysore : also Plague Commissioner in Mysore : given the C.I.E., and a Kaisar-i-Hind medal : became Member of the Council of Regency, Mysore, 1898, and Revenue Commissioner : in 1904 was appointed Diwan of Travancore : has already introduced various reforms in the administration in Travancore.


Born Nov. 5, 1790, at Grandens in W. Prussia : son of Otto Rhenius, Officer in the Prussian Army : educated in the Cathedral School at Marienwerder : employed in an office under Government, near Konigsberg : while residing near Memel, in 1807, commenced the study of Divinity : entered a Missionary Seminary at Berlin, 1810 : ordained there Aug. 1812, as a Minister of the Lutheran Church and Missionary to the heathen : resided eighteen months in England under the Church Missionary Society : embarked in 1814, with the permission of the Court of Directors, as a Missionary to Madras : formed a congregation and founded a Church in Black Town, Madras, 1819 : removed to Palamcotta, 1820 : laboured there and at Tinnevelly, converting and aptizing : wrote The Essence, or the True Vedam : translated the Scriptures into Tamil, and appointed E. I. Co.'s Chaplain at Palamcotta, 1825 : in consequence of some writings his connexion with the Home Mission Society was severed : he left Tinnevelly : founded a new Mission at Arcot, 1835, but was invited back to Tinnevelly by the Catechists and Christians, among whom he was very successful : he died June 5, 1838.


Born 1823 : son of John Tyrell Ross, of Ringwood, Hants, Private Secretary to Lord Malmesbury : educated at St. George's Hospital : M.R.C.S., 1845 : Fellow, 1857 : entered the Medical Establishment of the Bengal Army, 1845 : served in the Satlaj campaign, 1846 : in the Panjab campaign, 1848–9 : in the first Miranzai expedition, 1851 : under Sir Colin Campbell in the Ranazai Valley, 1852 : at Kohat Kotal, 1853 : highly praised by Sir J. Lawrence for his benevolent exertions : in the mutiny, at Khudaganj, in medical charge of the Cavalry Brigade under Sir J. Hope Grant, by whose order he led a squadron : at the reoccupation of Fatehghar : medical officer on the Staff of Sir W. Mansfield (Lord Sandhurst) (q.v.) while C. in C. in India : P.M.O. in the Dafla Expedition, 1874–5 : Sanitary Officer of the Imperial Assemblage, 1876–7 : Deputy-Surgeon-General, Central Provinces.for five years : C.I.E., and retired, 1878 : Surgeon-General : was Chief Commissioner of the Stafford House Committee in S. Africa during the Zulu war, 1879 : Commissioner of H.R.H. the Princess of Wales' Branch of the National Aid Society for Home Service, 1885 : died April 27. 1897.