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profession. Of the Institution of Civil Engineers he became a member on 1 April 1845; he was elected to the council in 1863, and was president in 1879-80 (Address in Proc. Inst. Civ. Eng. lx. 2). He received in 1849 a Telford medal for a paper 'On the Construction of the Permanent Way of Railways, &c.' (Proc. Inst. Civ. Eng. ix. 387). He was elected a fellow of the Royal Society on 6 June 1850, and was a vice-president in 1880-1. In 1889 he was elected an honorary member of the Societe des Ingenieurs civils de France. In 1881 he and Sir Frederick Bramwell [q. v. Suppl. II] were appointed the first civil members of the ordnance committee. He was one of the judges of the centennial exhibition at Philadelphia in 1875; was elected a member of the Athenaeum club honoris causa in 1881; and was a lieut.-colonel in the engineer and railway volunteer staff corps. Barlow practised from 1857 to 1866 at 19 Great George Street, Westminster, and from 1866 onwards at 2 Old Palace Yard. In 1874 he took into partnership his second son, Crawford, and his assistant, Mr. C. B. Baker.

He died on 12 Nov. 1902 at his residence, High Combe, Old Charlton. He married Selina Crawford, daughter of W. Caffin, of the Royal Arsenal, by whom he had four sons and two daughters. His portrait in oils, by the Hon. John Collier, is at the Institution of Civil Engineers.

[Proc. Inst. Civ. Eng., vol. cli.; Men and Women of the Time, 1899.]

BARNARDO, THOMAS JOHN (1845–1905), philanthropist, born in Dublin on 4 July 1845, was younger son of John Michaelis Barnardo, who, born at Hamburg in 1800, had settled in Dublin as a wholesale furrier and had become a naturalised British subject. The Barnardo family, of Spanish origin, left Spain for Germany in the eighteenth century on account of religious persecution by the catholic church. Thomas John's mother was the daughter of Andrew Drinkwater, who belonged to an old quaker family, long settled in Ireland. She was a woman of strong religious convictions and exercised abiding influence upon her family. The son, after attending private schools in Dublin kepi by the Rev. A. Andrews and the Rev. J. Dundas, became at fourteen a clerk in a wine merchant's office in his native city but he subsequently gave up the employment on growing convinced of the evils of intemperance. During the protestant religious revival in Dublin of 1862 he was converted,' the date of conversion being, according to an entry in his Bible, 26 May 862. Soon after, he devoted his spare time to preaching and evangelising work in Dublin slums, until the call came to him to go as a missionary to China.

With a view to that work, he came to London in April 1866 and settled in Coburn Street, Stepney, under the guidance of the v. Hudson Taylor, the founder of the China Inland Mission, and of Henry Grattan Guinness [q. v. Suppl. II]. In Oct. 1866 he entered the London Hospital as a missionary medical student, becoming a licentiate of the Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh on 31 March 1876 and a fellow on 16 April 1 879. Whilst pursuing his studies in East London he joined the Ernest Street ragged school and became superintendent. He preached in the open air, visited common lodging-houses and slums, and volunteered for service in the district during the cholera epidemic of 1866-7. Whilst thus engaged he was impressed by the number of homeless and necessitous children in the East End, and he gave up his intention of going to China in order to devote himself to their interests. On 15 July 1867 he founded the East End Juvenile Mission for the care of friendless and destitute children. The work rapidly developed, and in December 1870, under the patronage of Lord Shaftesbury, he opened a boys' home at 18 Stepney Causeway to provide for destitute lads. This institution developed into the immense organisation known as 'Dr. Barnardo's Homes.' His next step was to purchase, in 1873, a notorious public-house known as 'Edinburgh Castle,' Limehouse, and to convert it into a mission church and coffee palace for working-men, which became the centre of his evangelistic work. The 'Dublin Castle,' Mile End, was similarly treated in 1876. In 1874 Barnardo opened a receiving house for girls, and on 9 July 1876 he started the Girls' Village Home, Barkingside, Essex, with church and schools. On 20 Aug. 1882 he sent for the first time a party of boys, and a year later a party of girls, to Canada for training and settlement there. In 1887 he established offices in Toronto, Canada, with distributing homes and an industrial farm. In 1886 he adopted in England the boarding-out system as an integral part of his scheme. In the same year he opened the Babies' Castle at Hawkhurst, Kent, for 100 infants (9 Aug.).

Barnardo's work grew with amazing rapidity, both at home and in Canada, until the waif and destitute children in his daily