Page:Dictionary of National Biography, Second Supplement, volume 1.djvu/669

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Index to Volume I.—Supplement II.


Des Vœux, Sir (George) William (1834–1909) 490 Detmold, Charles Maurice (1883–1908) . . 491 De Vere, Aubrey Thomas (1814–1902) . . 492 De Vere, Sir Stephen Edward, fourth Baronet (1812–1904) .494 Devonshire, eighth Duke of. See Cavendish, Spencer Compton (1833–1908). De Winton, Sir Francis Walter (1836–1901) . 494 De Worms, Henry, first Baron Pirbright (1840–1903) 495 Dibbs, Sir George Richard (1834–1904). . 496 Dicey, Edward James Stephen (1832–1911) . 497 Dickinson, Hercules Henry (1827–1905) 498 Dickinson, Lowes [Cato] (1819–1908) . 499 Dickson, Sir Collingwood (1817–1904) . 499 Dickson, William Purdie (1823–1901) . 501 Digby, William (1849–1904) 501 Dilke, Sir Charles Wentworth, second Baronet (1843–1911) 502 Dilke, Emilia Francis Strong, Lady Dilke (1840–1904) 507 Dillon, Frank (1823–1909) . . . .508 Dimock, Nathaniel (1825–1909) . . .609 Dixie, Lady Florence Caroline (1857–1905) . 510 Dods, Marcus (1834–1909) . . . .510 Dolling, Robert William Radclyffe, ‘Father Dolling’ (1851–1902) . . . .512 Donkin, Bryan (1835–1902) . . .513 Donnelly, Sir John Fretcheville Dykes (1834-1902) 514 Donnet, Sir James John Louis (1816–1905) . 516 Douglas, Sir Adye (1815–1906) . . .516 Douglas, George (1869–1902). See Brown, George Douglas. Douglas, George Cunninghame Monteath (1826–1904) 517 Douglas-Pennant, George Sholto Gordon, second Baron Penrhyn (1836–1907) . . 517 Dowden, John (1840–1910) . . . .518 Dowie, John Alexander (1847–1907) . . 520 Doyle, John Andrew (1844–1907) . . 521 Dredge, James (1840–1906) . . . .522 Dreschfeld, Julius (1846–1907) . . .523 Drew, Sir Thomas (1838–1910) . . .524 Drummond, Sir George Alexander (1829–1910) ....... 525 Drummond, William Henry (1864–1907) . 525 Drury-Lowe, Sir Drury Curzon (1830–1908) . 526 Drysdale, Learmont (1866–1909) . . .527 Du Cane, Sir Edmund Frederick (1830–1903) 528 Duckett, Sir George Floyd, third Baronet (1811–1902) 529 Dudgeon, Robert Ellis (1820–1904) . . 530 Duff, Sir Mountstuart Elphinstone Grant (1829–1906). See Grant-Duff. Dufferin and Ava, first Marquis of. See Blackwood, Frederick Temple Hamilton-Temple (1826–1902). Duffy, Sir Charles Gavan (1816–1903) . . 531 Duffy, Patrick Vincent (1836–1909) . . 534 Dunmore, seventh Earl of. See Murray, Charles Adolphus (1841–1907). Dunphie, Charles James (1820–1908) . . 536 Dupré, August (1835–1907) . . . .535 Dutt, Romesh Chunder (1848–1909) . . 536 Dutton, Joseph Everett (1874–1905) . . 538 Duveen, Sir Joseph Joel (1843–1908) . . 539

Earle, John (1824–1903) . . . 540 East, Sir Cecil James (1837–1908) . . 541 Eastlake, Charles Locke (1836–1906) . . 541 Eaton, William Meriton, second Baron Cheylesmore (1843–1902) 542 Ebsworth, Joseph Woodfall (1824–1908) . 543 Eddis, Eden Upton (1812–1901) . . .544 Edouin, Willie, whose real name was William Frederick Bryer (1846–1908) . . .546 Edward VII (1841–1910) . . . 546 Edward of Saxe-Weimar, Prince (1823–1902) 610 Edwards, Sir Fleetwood Isham (1842–1910) 611 Edwards, Henry Sutherland (1828–1906) 611 Edwards, John Passmore (1823–1911) . 612 Elgar, Francis (1845–1909) . 614 Eliot, Sir John (1839–1908) 616 Ellery, Robert Lewis John (1827–1908) 617 Ellicott, Charles John (1819–1905) 618 Elliot, Sir George Augustus (1813–1901) 619 Elliot, Sir Henry George (1817–1907) . 620 Elliott, Sir Charles Alfred (1835–1911) . 623 Ellis, Frederick Startridge (1830–1901) . 625 Ellis, John Devonshire (1824–1906) . 626 Elsmie, George Robert (1838–1909) 627 Elworthy, Frederick Thomas (1830–1907) 628 Emery, William (1825–1910) 629 Etheridge, Robert (1819–1903) . 629 Euan-Smith, Sir Charles Bean (1842–1910) 630 Evans, Daniel Silvan (1818–1903) 631 Evans, Edmund (1826–1905) 632 Evans, George Essex (1863–1909) 634 Evans, Sir John (1823–1908) 634 Evans, Sebastian (1830–1909) 637 Everard, Harry Stirling Crawfurd (1848–1909) 638 Everett, Joseph David (1831–1904) 638 Everett, Sir William (1844–1908) 639 Ewart, Charles Brisbane (1827–1903) . 640 Ewart, Sir John Alexander (1821–1904) 640 Eyre, Edward John (1816–1901) . 641