Page:Dictionary of National Biography, Second Supplement, volume 2.djvu/665

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in which he carried the vice-commodore's flag of the Royal Cruising Club all round Great Britain and the greater part of Ireland, with little regard for weather. He was a frequent correspondent of 'The Times,' chiefly on yachting and other seafaring matters. About two years before his death he was seized with paralysis of the lower limbs and retired to his vessel, in which he continued to live, bearing his affliction with courage and cheerfulness. Shortly before his death he wrote two letters to 'The Times' on secret commissions (8 Jan.) and on the Channel tunnel (8 Feb.). He died somewhat suddenly on 29 June 1907, on board his yacht at Southwick, and was buried there. He married Isabel Kate, daughter of John Knight Higgins of Southampton, and had issue two sons. Besides the work mentioned, he published: 1. 'The Thames Estuary : its Tides, Channels, &c., a Practical Guide for Yachts,' 1894. 2. 'History and Law of Fisheries ' (with his son 'Hubert Stuart Moore), 1903. He also edited 'Letters and Papers of J. Shillingford, 1447-50,' for the Camden Society (1871), and 'Cartularium Monasterii Sancti Johannis Baptiste in Colecestria,' for the Roxburghe Club (1897), as well as 'Domesday Book for Northamptonshire, extended and translated,' 1863.

[The Times, 6 July 1907; Foster, Men at the Bar; Law Times, 13 July 1907, p. 264; personal information.]

MORAN, PATRICK FRANCIS (1830–1911), cardinal archbishop of Sydney, born at Leighlinbridge, co. Carlow, Ireland, on 16 Sept. 1830, was the son of Patrick Moran by his wife Alicia, sister of Cardinal Chillen [q. v.], whom at the age of twelve he accompanied to Rome. There educated at the Irish College of St. Agatha, he gave early proof of capacity, was ordained priest by special dispensation as to age on 19 March 1853, and Wiis from 1856 to 1866 vice-principal under Monsignor Kirby of the College of St. Agatha, and professor of Hebrew at the College of Propaganda. Enjoying a right of access to the Vatican archives, he made a special study of Celtic ecclesiastical history, and published at Dublin 'An Historical Sketch of the Persecution suffered by the Catholics of Ireland under Cromwell and the Puritans' (1862; new edit. 1884), 'Essays on the Origin, Doctrines, and Discipline of the Early Irish Church' (1864), and other scholarly works.

Returning to Ireland in 1866, Moran became private secretary to his uncle. Cardinal Cullen. archbishop of Dublin. He held the post till 1872. He became coadjutor to the bishop of Ossory in 1872, and bishop of Ossory in 1873. In 1884 he succeeded Roger William Bede-Vaughan [q. v.] as archbishop of Sydney. Early in 1885 he was summoned by Leo XIII, a college comrade and lifelong friend, on a secret mission to Rome, 'The Times' announcing that he was to be made archbishop of Dublin, an office he was known to covet. The rival claims of Dr. Walsh, the popular favourite, would appear to have occasioned a papal dilemma, which was finally surmounted by making Walsh archbishop of Dublin and Moran a cardinal. He was consecrated at Rome in Aug. 1885, roturning to Sydney immediately afterwards. Subsequently, as primate of Australia, Moran presided at the plenary councils in 1885, 1895, and 1905. He visited Rome in 1888, 1893, 1898, 1902, and again in 1903 to attend the papal conclave which resulted in the election of Pope Pius X. He celebrated his silver jubilee as archbishop of Sydney in 1909. He died suddenly on 16 Aug. 1911 at Manby Palace, Sydney, and was buried in St. Mary's cathedral. Moran was most exact in the performance of his episcopal duties, a strict disciplinarian, and a most militant churchman, holding apathy to be the worst enemy to his faith. He appeared to love religious strife, and opposed with vigour the strong and aggressive Orange element in Eastern Australia. He advocated undenominational education by the state, protested unceasingly against any possible Roman catholic disabilities, and by brusque declarations in the press and on the platform provoked hostility and religious controversy. He was, however, a wise educational reformer, and on his arrival in Australia a severe critic of existing Roman catholic schools and seminaries. His zeal in building new churches, and hospitals was remarkable, at least 1,500,000l. being spent on these objects during his primacy. Among other buildings in New South Wales which owe their origin to him arc St. Ignatius' college, Riverview, St. Columba's Seminary, Springwood, St. Vincent's Hospital, Darlinghurst, St. Joseph's College, Hunter's Hill, the Franciscan Friary, Waverley, Rose Bay Convent, St, Vincent's Girls' College, Waitura Foundling Hospital, and the Mater Misericordiæ Hospital in North Sydney. His ambition to complete St, Mary's Cathedral, which had been begun by Archbishop John Bede Folding [q. v.] and oontinued by