Page:Dictionary of National Biography. Errata (1904).djvu/307

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Dictionary of National Biography



N.B.— f.e. stands for from end and l.l. for last line

Page Col. Line
12 i 17 Humphry, Sir George M.: for On the death read After the retirement
18 ii 6-7 Hunter, Sir William W.: for over the Valley of the White Horse, read along the valley of the Upper Thames.
19 ii 12 f.e. Button, Richard H.: for 1841 read 1846
20 i 4 for the Unitarian magazine read the Unitarian weekly journal
3-1 f.e. for This journal they continued . . . . towards the close of 1864. read Owing to change in his theological position Hutton retired from the joint editorship of the journal, shortly before its cessation in 1864.
21 i 5 for Mr. Meredith read Mr. Meredith Townsend
22 i 14-15 for giving up all society . . . . friends, read but he saw his friends at the 'Spectator' Office or at his club, and kept up a regular correspondence with them.
23 omit his cousin
27 after Robert Roscoe insert and first cousin of Button's first wife
30 ii 9 Huxley, Thomas H.: for 1881 read 1883
31 i 5 after 1883 by insert his son-in-law,
8 for two daughters read four daughters and after Mrs. Waller insert Mrs. Shawcross, Mrs. Roller
12 for 1874 read 1875
38 ii 4 f.e. Jennings, Louis J.: after 1886 insert and again in 1892
47 i 26-27 Jones, William B.: omit (whose surname was originally Tickell)
52 ii 6 Jowett, Benjamin: for the present Archbishop read Frederick Temple, afterwards Archbishop
61 ii 10 f.e. Kerr, Schomberg H., 9th Marquis of Lothian: for 1887-8 read 1887-90
62 i 20 Kettle, Sir Rupert A.: for 1891) read 1894)
70 i 20-21 Knatchbull-Hugessen, Edward H., 1st Baron Brabourne: for till 1866 with the exception . . . when he was read till 1866, when he became
77 i 38 Laing, Samuel: for 1872 read 1873
83 ii 15 f.e. Layard, Sir Austin H.: for Aberdeen University read Marischal College, Aberdeen
9 f.e. for and from 12 Feb. to 18 Aug. read For a few weeks in Feb. 1852 he had
7 f.e. for Lord Palmerston read Lord Granville
86 i 16 Leathes, Stanley: for Addington read Caddington
89 i 18 f.e. Leighton, Frederic, Baron Leighton: for 1866 read 1864
94 ii 10 f.e. Liddell, Henry G.: for George Canning read Charles John Canning
104 ii 10 Loch, Henry B., 1st Baron Loch: after year insert when he was made C.B.
23 after Victoria, insert He was made G.C.M.G. on 24 May 1887.
109 ii 37-38 Lockwood, Sir Frank: omit 'going out' in political economy
113 ii 5 f.e. Lumsden, Sir Harry B.: after 1873. insert He became lieutenant-general 1 Dec. in the same year.