Page:Dictionary of National Biography. Errata (1904).djvu/88

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44 i 22 Constable, Sir Marmaduke: for Milton read Hilton
23 f.e. after Yorkshire insert and in that of 1544-5 for Warwickshire
46 ii 37 Constable, Sir William: for Yorkshire read York
47 ii 9 f.e. Constantino II: for Bernacia read Bernicia
48 ii 6 for Borough-on-the-Humber read Brough-on-the-Humber
50 i 11 f.e. Conway, Anne, Viscountess Conway: for ventured read are said to have ventured
51 i 25-26 Conway, Edward Viscount Conway: for He was also made lord president read On 14 Dec. 1628 he became lord president
17 f.e. Conway, Francis S., Marquis of Hertford: for Earl of Hertford in 1736 read second Baron Conway in 1732
7 f.e. for 1766. read 1765. He was lord chamberlain 1776-82, and again in the coalition ministry, April to December 1783. He was lord-lieutenant of Warwickshire from 1757 till his death.
ii 1 for Francis read Francis (Ingram) Seymour [q. v.]
27 Conway, Henry S.: after Antrim insert which he represented till 1761
28 for 28 Dec. read 28 Dec. 1741
52 ii 16 for 29th regiment read 34th regiment, and held it for two years
36 after 282). insert He was colonel 8th horse, now 7th dragoon guards, 1784-9
40 for March read March 1755
54 ii 19 after secretary of state insert for the northern department (in substitution for the southern department, of which he was already secretary)
55 ii 10 after iii. 399). insert In Oct. 1770 on Granby's death he received the command of the royal regiment of horse guards
3-1 f.e. omit during his absence . . . . horse guards.
57 ii 7 for 19 Oct. read 9 July
11 f.e. Conway, Sir John: after folio), insert In Dec. 1583 he seems to have been imprisoned in connection with the Somerville-Arden case, and it was probably during this imprisonment that he wrote his 'Meditations and Praiers' (see next page)
58 i 4-7 omit During his confinement . . . . of leade.'
8 for Ostend read England
59 i 14 Conway, William A.: after actor, insert whose real name was Rugg,
60 ii 11 f.e. Conybeare, John: after Oxford, insert He was proctor in 1725.
61 i 25 f.e. after that year, insert With the bishopric he held the Christ Church deanery.
23 f.e. for the cathedral read Bristol Cathedral
ii 4 Conybeare, John J.: after 1797 insert and won the University Latin verse prize, 1800
5 for Somersetshire read Somerset. He was prebendary of York from 1803 till his death
7 for 1807 read 1808
68 i 10 f.e. Conyngham, Henry, 1st Marquis Conyngham: for privy chamber read privy council
ii 22 for Conyngham read Conyngham was made general of the army on 22 July 1830, but
32 after 1849 insert [see Denison, Albert]
66 ii 37 Cook, James (d. 1611): for 1592 read Jan. 1592-3
76 ii 19 Cooke, Sir Anthony: for Shoreham read Lewes
78 i 15 f.e. Cooke, Benjamin: for 40 read 74
ii 19 Cooke, Edward (1770?-1799): for 1770? read 1772
20 after navy, insert born 14 April 1772,
24 for Colonel read Major-General
26 for a sister of Admiral Boyer read Penelope, daughter of Sir William Bowyer and sister of Admiral Sir George Bowyer [q. v.]
79 ii 34 Cooke, Edward (1755-1820): before and in 1790 insert He was M.P. for Lifford 1789-90,
80 ii 3-6 for in the various departments . . . . foreign office, read as under-secretary for war and the colonies 1804-6 under Lord Camden and 1807-9 under Lord Castlereagh, and under-secretary for foreign affairs 1812-17, again under Castlereagh.
30 Cooke, Edward W.: omit (1817)
85 ii 4 f.e. Cooke, George W.: for twice read in 1850