Page:Dictionary of National Biography. Sup. Vol III (1901).djvu/533

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VOLUME III. SUPPLEMENT. How, William Walsham (1823-1897) Howard, Edward Henry (1829-1892) Howe, George Augustus, third Viscount Howe ( 1725 ?-1758) 3 Howe, Henry (1812-1896), whose real name was Henry Howe Hutchinson 3 Huchown (fl. 14th cent.) 4 Hudson, Sir John (1833-1893) 5 Hugessen, Edward Hugessen Knatchbull- (1829-1893), first Baron Brabourne. See Knatchbull-Hugessen. Hughes, David Edward (1830-1900) 5 Hughes, Thomas (1822-1896) 7 Huish, Robert (1777-1850) 10 Hulke, John Whitaker (1830-1895) 10 Humphry, Sir George Murray (1820-1896) 11 Hungerford, Mrs. Margaret Wolfe (1855?- 1897) 13 Hunt, Alfred William (1830-1896) Hunter, Robert (1823-1897) 14 Hunter, William Alexander (1844-1898) 15 Hunter, Sir William Wilson (1840-1900) 16 Hutton, Richard Holt (1826-1897) 19 Huxley, Thomas Henry (1825-1895) 22

Ingelow, Jean (1820-1897) 31 Inglefield, Sir Edward Augustus (1820-1894) 32 lonides, Constantine Alexander (1833-1900) 33 Ireland, Alexander (1810-1894) 33 Ireland, Mrs Annie (d. 1893). See under Ireland, Alexander. Ismay, Thomas Henry (1837-1899) 34 Jackson, Basil (1795-1889) 35 Jackson, Catherine Hannah Charlotte, Lady (A 1891) 35 Jago, James (1815-1893) 36 James, David (1839-1893), whose real name was Belasco 36 Jenner, Sir William, first baronet (1815-1898) 37 Jennings, Louis John (1836-1893) 38 Jennings, Sir Patrick Alfred (1881-1897) 39 Jenyns, Leonard (1799-1893). See Blome- field. Jerrard, George Birch (d. 1863) 40 Jervois, Sir William Francis Drummond (1821-1897) 40 Johnson, Sir Edwin Beaumont (1825-1893) 43 Johnson, Sir George (1818-1896) 44 Jones, Henry (1831-1899) 45 Jones, Lewis Tobias (1797-1895) 46

Jones, William Basil (whose surname was originally Tickell) (1822-1897) 47 Jowett, Benjamin (1817-1898) 49

Kay, Sir Edward Ebenezer (1822-1897) 56 Keeley, Mrs. Mary Ann (1805?-1899) 56 Kemble, Frances Anne, afterwards Mrs. Butler, generally known as Fanny Kemble (1809-1893) 57 Kennedy, Vans (1784-1840) 58 Kennish or Kinnish, William (1799-1862) 59 Keppel, William Coatts, seventh Earl of Albemarle and Viscount Bury (1833-1894) 95 Ker, John (d. 1741) 60 Kerr, Norman (1834-1899) 60 Kerr, Schomberg Henry, ninth Marquis of Lothian (1888-1900) 61 Kettle, Sir Rupert Alfred (1817-1891) 62 Kettlewell, Samuel (1822-1898) 62 Keux, John Henry Le (1813-1890). See La Keux. Keymer or Keymor, John (fl. 1610-1630) 63 King, Thomas (1885-1888) 63 King, Thomas Chiswell (1818-1898) 64 Kingsford, William (1819-1898) 65 Kingsley, Mary Henrietta (1863-1900) 67 Kirkes, William Senhouse (1823-1864) 69 Knatchbull-Hugessen, Edward Hugessen, first Baron Brabourne (1829-1893) 69 Knibb, William (1803-1845) 70 Knight-Bruce, George Wyndham Hamilton (1852-1896). See Bruce. Knox, Robert Bent (1808-1898) 71 Lacaita, Sir James Philip (1818-1895) 73 Lacy, Edmund (1370-1455) 74 Lacy, Walter (1809-1898) 74 Lafonhuur. Sir Louis Hypolite, first baronet (1807-1864) 78 Lung, Samuel (1819-1897) 78 Lake, William Charles (1817-1897) 78 Lambert, Sir John (1778-1847) 78 Lamington, Baron. Bee Cochrane-Bailie, Alexander Dandas Ross Wishart (1816-1890). Lawes, Sir John Bennet, first baronet (1814-1900) 79 Layard, Sir Austen Henry (1817-1894) 82 Layer, John (1586 ?-1641) 85 Leathes, Stanley (1880-1900) 85