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by Dean Peacock, under Professor Willis's guidance, and he saw completed the painting of the nave roof, which was executed in part by Henry L'Estrange Styleman Le Strange [q. v.] of Hunstanton, and, after his death in 1862, completed by his friend, Thomas Gambier Parry [q. v.] The lantern also was rebuilt, the nave pavement relaid, the Galilee entrance restored, and a warming apparatus placed for the first time in the cathedral. While at Ely he served on two royal commissions, viz. those on clerical subscription and ritual.

In October 1869 he accepted Gladstone's offer of the bishopric of Carlisle, which see he held till his death. At Carlisle the bishop brought to bear on the work of the diocese the energy and ability which had made him a man of mark from his early Cambridge days. He infused a new spirit and vitality into all the existing organisations within the diocese, and he also found time to preach frequently in London and to attend the meetings of the great church societies, where he was always a welcome speaker. For many years before his death he was chairman of the Universities' Mission to Central Africa. It was in large part owing to his strenuous advocacy of the scheme that the Church House was selected as the Church of England's Jubilee Memorial in 1887, and he lived to see the foundation stone laid by H.R.H. the Duke of Connaught. From his known interest in scientific subjects he was asked by the dean of Westminster to preach in the abbey on the Sunday after the funeral of Charles Darwin, 1 May 1882. He died on 25 Nov. 1891 at Bishopthorpe, while on a visit to Dr. Maclagan, archbishop of York, and was buried in the churchyard of Crosthwaite, Keswick. His monument in Carlisle Cathedral consists of a recumbent figure in bronze, executed by Mr. Hamo Thornycroft, R.A.

There are extant two portraits of Goodwin by George Richmond, R.A.: one in crayons, taken when he was dean of Ely; a later one in oils, now in possession of his son, Harvey Goodwin, of Orton Hall, Westmoreland. An anonymous sketch portrait taken in 1839 is at Gonville and Caius College.

Goodwin married on 13 Aug. 1845 Ellen, eldest daughter of George King of Bebington Hall, Cheshire, and by her had three sons and four daughters.

Goodwin's literary activity was continuous throughout his career. Apart from numerous sermons and lectures and commentaries on the Gospels of St. Matthew (1857), St. Mark (1860), and St. Luke (1865), his principal publications were:

  1. 'Elementary Course of Mathematics,' 1847; 5th edit. 1857; a popular educational manual.
  2. 'Parish Sermons,' 1847-62, 5 vols.
  3. Guide to the Parish Church,' Cambridge, 1855; new edition rewritten 1878.
  4. 'Hulsean Lectures,' 1855.
  5. 'The Doctrines and Difficulties of the Christian Faith,' 1856.
  6. A new translation of the 'De Imitatione,' 1860; new edit. 1869.
  7. 'Essays on the Pentateuch,' 1867.
  8. 'Walks in the Region of Science and Faith,' a collection of essays, 1883.
  9. 'The Foundations of the Creed,' 1889; 3rd edit. 1899.

He was also an occasional contributor to the 'Quarterly Review' and to the 'Contemporary Review' and the 'Nineteenth Century.'

[Brit. Mus. Cat.; Venn's Biogr. Hist. of Gonville and Caius College; Foster's Alumni Oxon. 1715-1886; Burke's Peerage, 1890; Times, 26-30 Nov. 1891; Graduati Cantab.]

GOODYER or GOODIER, Sir HENRY (1571–1627), friend of John Donne, was the eldest son of Sir William Goodyer, knt., of Monks Kirby, Warwickshire, who was knighted by James I in 1603. His grandfather, Francis Goodyer (d. 1547), had obtained an estate at Polesworth, in the Forest of Arden, Warwickshire, upon the dissolution of the abbey there in 1538. The eldest son of this Francis Goodyer, (Sir) Henry Goodyer (1534-1595), was compromised in the Duke of Norfolk's intrigue on behalf of Mary Queen of Scots, in the summer of 1571, and was sent to the Tower in September 1571. But beyond the fact that he had once supplied the duke with a cipher, little could be made out clearly against him, and he was released in 1572. In 1585 he was serving under Leicester in the Low Countries, and appears to have completely recovered his reputation. In September 1586, at the time of the battle of Zutphen, he was captain of Leicester's guard; he was knighted by the general on 5 Oct. 1586, and in the following year was captain in command of one hundred and fifty men forming one of the 'foot bands' sent to the relief of Sluys. In July 1588 his name was down among the colonels appointed to lead the army assembled at Tilbury for the defence of the queen's person. He was the early friend and patron of Michael Drayton the poet, who was one of the witnesses of his will (for an abstract of this see Professor Elton's 'Introd. to Michael Drayton,' 1895), and he is said to have helped Drayton at the university. He died at Polesworth on 5 March 1595, leaving by his wife Frances, daughter of Hugh Lowther of Lowther, Westmoreland, two daughters—Frances, the heiress