Page:Dictionary of National Biography. Sup. Vol II (1901).djvu/397

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1886, and accepted the honorary colonelcy of the 2nd Middlesex artillery volunteers on 5 Nov. 1887. At this time he would have been placed on the retired list in consequence of non-employment; but in deference to public opinion (see Punch, 24 Sept. 1887) he was specially retained on the active list as a supernumerary till 30 July 1890, when he became general. In 1890 he wrote a lucid and masterly narrative of the 'War in the Crimea' in one small volume.

After suffering much for several years from bronchial disorder, he died at 40 Porchester Terrace, London, on 12 Aug. 1893, and was buried in Brompton cemetery. He was unmarried, but after the death of his brother Charles in 1863, he virtually adopted that brother's only daughter. 'A singularly able man, and highly accomplished, with wide knowledge, wide sympathies, and strong opinions of his own, he would probably have attained higher fame if he had been less versatile.… He was an excellent draughtsman; although essentially self-centred, an admirable actor; he was a skilful sportsman, and a man who could defy fatigue, and who seemed to like hardships' (Athenæum, 19 Aug. 1893).

His writings, published otherwise than in magazines, were:

  1. 'Lady Lee's Widowhood,' 1854, 2 vols. 8vo.
  2. 'The Story of the Campaign of Sebastopol,' 1855, 8vo.
  3. 'A Legend of Gibraltar, and Lazaroo's Legacy' (in 'Tales from "Blackwood" '), 1858, 8vo.
  4. 'Wellington's Career' (from 'Blackwood'), 1860, 8vo.
  5. 'The Operations of War explained and illustrated,' 1866, 8vo; fresh editions in 1869, 1872, and 1878.
  6. 'Our Poor Relations: a Philozoic Essay' (from 'Blackwood'), 1872, 8vo.
  7. 'A Chapter on Outposts,' 1875, 8vo.
  8. 'Staff College Exercises,' 1875, 8vo.
  9. 'Voltaire' ('Foreign Classics'), 1877, 8vo.
  10. 'The Strategical Conditions of our Indian N.W. Frontier' (a lecture), 1879, 8vo.
  11. 'Thomas Carlyle' (from 'Blackwood'), 1881, 8vo.
  12. 'Shakespeare's Funeral and other Papers' (from 'Blackwood'), 1889, 8vo.
  13. 'National Defence' (articles and speeches), 1889, 8vo.
  14. 'The War in the Crimea,' 1891, 8vo.

[Alexander Innes Shand's Life of Hamley, 1895, 2 vols. (with portraits); Times, 15 Aug. 1893; Oliphant's Annals of a Publishing House (Blackwood's), vols. ii. and iii.; Kinglake's War in the Crimea; Maurice's Campaign of 1882. For the controversy about Tel-el-Kebir, revived by Mr. Shand's Life, see Colonel Maurice in United Service Mag. July and August 1895; also Sir W. Butler in Contemporary Rev. August, and Colonel Gleig in Gent. Mag. November 1895.]

HAMPDEN, Viscount. [See Brand, Sir Henry Bouverie William, 1814–1892.]

HANKEY, THOMSON (1805–1893), politician and political economist, born in May 1805, was eldest son of Thomson Hankey (d. 1857), by his wife Martha, daughter of Benjamin Harrison. He was descended from Sir John Barnard [q. v.]; in 1855 he reprinted for private circulation, with a preface by himself, the 'Memoirs' of Barnard, which had first appeared in 1820.

Hankey was admitted into his father's firm of Thomson Hankey & Co., West India merchants, and ultimately became senior partner. He was elected a director of the Bank of England in 1835, and served as governor in 1851-2. In 1853 he was returned in the liberal interest to parliament for the city of Peterborough, and sat continuously until 1868. He was then beaten by a local candidate, but represented it again from 1874 to 1880, when he was once more defeated. During these years he had fought six contested elections. In the House of Commons he spoke frequently, and with independence of thought, on financial subjects. After the commercial panic of 1866 he criticised the constitution and action of the Bank of England. From April 1855 to July 1877 he was a member of the Political Economy Club. He collected a special library of tracts on financial topics, and at the close of his life gave many to the library of the City Liberal Club (Catalogue, 1890, pp. 111-14; Supplement, 1894, p. 55), and others to the library of the Bank of England. He studied the works of the leading French writers on political economy, and corresponded with them on his favourite points.

Hankey died at 59 Portland Place, London, on 13 Jan. 1893, and was buried in the churchyard of Shipbourne, near Tonbridge, Kent, a tablet being placed in the church in his memory. He married, on 4 Feb. 1831, Appoline Agatha Alexander, daughter of William Alexander and half-sister of Sir William Alexander, the chief baron. She died at 59 Portland Place, London, on 8 July 1888, and was also buried in Shipbourne churchyard.

In 1858 Hankey delivered at the Mechanics' Institution of Peterborough a lecture on 'Banking, its Utility and Economy.' This was printed, with an addition 'respecting the working and management of the Bank of England,' for private circulation only, in 1860. It was published in 1873, and a fourth edition, expanded and revised as regards the bank by Clifford Wigram, came

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