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1651, 4to. 5. ‘A Treatise of the Covenant of Grace,’ 1659, 8vo; 1662, 12mo; 1671, 8vo (sermons) 6. ‘The Danger of not obeying the Voice of God,’ 1728, 12mo (edited by Benjamin Colman). II. Church Government. 7. ‘A Coppy of a Letter … in Answer of certain Points made against the Discipline,’ 1641, 4to. 8. ‘The True Constitution of a Particular … Church,’ 1642, 4to. 9. ‘The Doctrine of the Church to which are committed the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven,’ 1643, 4to. 10. ‘The Keyes of the Kingdom of Heaven,’ 1644, 4to; two editions same year (this treatise made John Owen (1616–1683) [q.v.] an independent). 11. ‘Sixteene Questions … with his Answers,’ 1644, 4to. 12. ‘The Way of the Churches … in New-England,’ 1645, 4to. 13. ‘Conference … with the Elders of New England,’ 1646, 8vo (reported by F. Cornwell). 14. ‘Severall Questions of Serious … Consequence,’ 1647, 4to. 15. ‘The Way of the Congregational Churches cleared,’ 1648, 4to (two parts). III. Doctrinal. 16. ‘The Way of Life,’ 1641, 4to (edited by W. Morton). 17. ‘God's Mercie mixed with His Justice,’ 1641, 4to. 18. ‘Milk for Babes,’ 1646, 8vo (a catechism). 19. ‘Singing of Psalms, a Gospel-ordinance,’ 1647, 4to; 1650, 4to. 20. ‘The Grounds and Ends of the Baptisme of the Children of the Faithfull,’ 1647, 4to (dialogue; with epistle by Thomas Goodwin, D.D. [q. v.]). 21. ‘Of the Holinesse of Church Members,’ 1650, 4to. 22. ‘The Covenant of Grace,’ 1654–55, 8vo (two parts). 23. ‘The Saint's Support and Comfort,’ 1658, 4to. IV. Controversial. 24. ‘A Modest … Answer to Mr. Ball's Discourse of Set Formes of Prayer,’ 1642, 4to (against John Ball (1585–1640) [q. v.]) 25. ‘A Letter … to Mr. Williams,’ 1643, 4to. 26. ‘A Treatise of Mr. Cotton's … concerning Predestination … with an Examination … by W. Twisse,’ 1646, 4to [see Twisse, William, D.D.]. 27. ‘The Controversie concerning Liberty of Conscience … truly stated,’ 1646, 4to; 1649, 4to. 28. ‘The Bloudy Tenent Washed,’ 1647, 4to. 29. ‘A Censure … upon … Mr. Henden,’ 1656, 4to. V. Expository. 30. ‘The … Seven Vials … Exposition of the 16th Chapter of the Revelation,’ 1642, 4to; 1645, 4to. 31. ‘A Brief Exposition … of Canticles,’ 1642, 8vo; 1648, 8vo; 1655, 8vo. 32. ‘A Practical Commentary … upon the First Epistle … of John,’ 1656, fol. 33. ‘A Briefe Exposition … upon … Ecclesiastes,’ 1654, 8vo; 1657, 8vo. 34. ‘An Exposition upon the Thirteenth Chapter of the Revelation,’ 1655, 4to; 1656, 4to. He prefaced J. Norton's ‘Orthodox Evangelist,’ 1654, 4to. Two of his tracts were published by the Narragansett Club, 1866 (ed. R. A. Guild). The Cotton Papers in the Boston (U.S.A.) Public Library fill six folio volumes.

[Life by John Norton, ‘Abel being Dead,’ &c., 1654; Clarke's Lives of Thirty-two English Divines, 1677, pp. 217 sq.; Mather's Magnalia Christi Americana, 1702; Neal's Hist. of New England, 1720; Hutchinson's Hist. of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay, 1765; Brook's Lives of the Puritans, 1813, iii. 151 sq.; Young's Chronicles of New England, 1846, 8vo; Pishey Thompson's Hist. of Boston, 1856, pp. 412 sq. (portrait); Sprague's American Pulpit, 1857, i. 25 sq.; Uhden's New England Theocracy (Conant), 1858; Burns's High Commission, 1865, p. 48; Life by A. W. MacClure, 1870; Appleton's Cyclopædia of American Biography, 1888; B. Tacchella's John Cotton, B. D. (1900?); parish register of St. Alkmund's, Derby; information from the vice-master of Trinity College, Cambridge, and the master of Emmanuel College, Cambridge.]

COURTENAY, WILLIAM REGINALD, eleventh Earl of Devon (1807–1888), politician and philanthropist, eldest son of William Courtenay, tenth earl (d. 19 March 1859), by his first wife, Lady Harriet Leslie, daughter of Sir Lucas Pepys, bart., was born in Charlotte Street, Bedford Square, London, on 14 April 1807. He was admitted at Westminster School on 16 Sept. 1818, and matriculated from Christ Church, Oxford, on 30 March 1824. He took a first class in classics in 1827, graduated B.A. in 1828 and B.C.L. in 1831, and from 1828 to 1831 was a fellow of All Souls' College. He was created D.C.L. on 27 June 1838, and was elected in 1869 a governor of Westminster School.

Courtenay was called to the bar at Lincoln's Inn on 27 Jan. 1832, and with three others edited vol. vi. of 'Cases decided in the House of Lords on appeal from the Courts of Scotland' (1832-3). From July 1841 he sat in parliament, first in the conservative interest and then as a Peelite, for the division of South Devon, but retired in February 1849 on his appointment as a poor-law inspector. From 1850 to 1859 he was secretary to the poor-law board. He succeeded to the peerage on 19 March 1859. The family estates in Devonshire and Ireland were worth about 35,000l. per annum, but they had been heavily mortgaged by his two predecessors. He at once set to work to free them from these incumbrances, and was fast realising his wishes when the extravagance of his eldest son involved them in