Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 02.djvu/448

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lotson's discourse against transubstantiation—was attributed to Joshua Basset [see Basset, Joshua], for a time master of Sidney College. Bainbrigg thinks that 'it is a grief to have an adversary so weak and yet so confident.' 'He names Pope Gregory and Bede,' he adds, 'but gives not any ground to think that ever he has read over Bede's History or consulted Pope Gregory's Epistles.'

[Chetham Society, Popery Tracts, pt. i.; Cooper's Annals of Cambridge; Gee's Catalogue of Discourses against Popery; Bloomfield's Collect. Cantabr.; Wood's Fasti Oxon.; Grad. Cantabrig.; Dodd's Church History.]

P. B. A.

BAINBRIGGE, Sir PHILIP (1786–1862), lieutenant-general, was descended from an ancient family long resident in the counties of Leicester and Derby. He was the eldest son of Lieutenant-colonel Philip Bainbrigge, of Ashbourne, Derbyshire, and Rachel, daughter of Peter Dobree, Esq., of Beauregard, Guernsey, and was born in London in 1786. He entered the navy as a midshipman in the Caesar, under Admiral Sir James Saumarez, in 1799, but left it from ill-health. His father, who served under the Duke of York in the expedition to Holland, was killed in the attack on Egmont-op-Zoom on 2 Oct. 1799, and the next year the duke appointed young Bainbrigge to an ensigncy in the 20th regiment. On 13 Nov. 1800 he became a lieutenant, but being then only fourteen years of age, he obtained a year's leave, which he spent at Green's military academy at Deptford, and joined his regiment at Malta in 1801. At the peace of Amiens his regiment was reduced and he was placed on half-pay, but was brought on full pay into the 7th fusiliers. Returning to England in 1803, he was employed in obtaining volunteers from the militia to form the 2nd battalion of the 7th, which when completed was removed to Colchester. Here the troops were reviewed by the Duke of York, and Lieutenant Bainbrigge, who by his zeal and diligence had given much satisfaction, was gazetted, on 17 Oct. 1805, to a company in the 18th Royal Irish, and joined the 1st battalion of the regiment in the West Indies. After the taking of Curaçoa from the Dutch in 1807, he was appointed inspector of fortifications in that island, where he made plans of the forts and defences which subsequently recommended him to the authorities at the Horse Guards. He exchanged into the 93rd, and, returning to England, laid his plans and surveys before the Duke of York, who advised him to qualify himself for the stuff by studying at the senior department of the Royal Military College at High Wycombe. He entered the college in 1809, and studied so diligently that in a year and a half he passed his examination with distinction. While at the college he invented a protracting pocket sextant, which was favourably noticed by the board of examiners, and enabled him to make surveys with remarkable accuracy and rapidity. On leaving the college Captain Bainbrigge was appointed deputy assistant quartermaster-general in the British army in Portugal. On arriving at Lord Wellington's head-quarters he was posted to the fourth division, commanded by Major-general Cole, and stationed near Torres Vedras, and was at once sent to examine the island of Lyceria, a tract of flat alluvial land in the Tagus, to ascertain whether troops could cross it. He was then brought to headquarters, where for some time he was employed in sketching ground and reporting on positions in various directions, which exposed him to the risk of capture by the enemy who occupied the country. His ability was acknowledged, for in a letter to Marshal Beresford, dated Cartaxo, 4 Jan. 1811, Lord Wellington said he was appointed to the staff of the army on account of the ability he showed at High Wycombe.

He was present at the sieges and storming of Ciudad Rodrigo and Badajos. As soon as Badajos was taken he was ordered to join the sixth division, under Sir H. Clinton, at Albuera, and take charge of the quartermaster-general's department. On the advance of the army into Spain in 1812, Captain Bainbrigge, who had examined the country which was to become the scene of operations, was brought to headquarters. He was present at the siege of the forts of Salamanca, at the affairs of Costillegos and Costrejon, and at the crossing of the Guarena, his duties being to carry orders and make sketches of the country and positions. On one occasion, being with Lord Wellington on high ground on the right bank of the Tormes watching the enemy crossing the river at Huerta, his lordship suddenly told him to ride in the direction which he pointed out on the other side of the Tormes, to examine the ground and make a sketch of it. He accordingly rode down to the ford of Santa Marta, and crossing Over to the ground between the ford and the two Arapile hills, a distance of about three miles, made his sketch while the enemy's skirmishers were in immediate proximity, and brought back a plan in about two hours and a half. It was on part of this ground that the battle of Salamanca was afterwards fought. On another occasion he was ordered to conduct a column of the army then at Pareda,