Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 03.djvu/220

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educated there. From his early boyhood he prosecuted the study of oriental languages, and became at length as familiar with Arabic, Turkish, and Persian as he was with the chief languages of Europe. After his return to Syria Barker undertook a journey to the scarcely known sources of the Orontes, no account of which, until the communication of his ‘Notes’ to the Geographical Society of London in 1836, had ever been published. Barker returned on 22 Aug. 1835, to his father's residence at Suediah, near the mouth of the Orontes, and during part of the succeeding winter had the honour of playing chess almost every evening with Ibrahim Pasha, then resident at Antioch (Syria and Egypt, &c. ii. 225). Barker was for ‘many years resident at Tarsus in an official capacity’—in the list of members of the Syro-Egyptian Society of London for 1847–8 he is designated, probably by mistake, as ‘H.B.M. Consul, Tarsus’—and accumulated with much patience and discrimination materials for his elaborate work, which was finally edited by Mr. W. F. Ainsworth, with the title of ‘Lares and Penates: or, Cilicia and its Governors; being a short Historical Account of that Province from the earliest times to the present day; together with a description of some Household Gods of the ancient Cilicians, broken up by them on their Conversion to Christianity, first discovered and brought to this country by the author,’ 8vo, London, 1853. Before this date Mr. Barker had produced a splendid polyglott volume entitled ‘Exhibition of the Works of Industry of all Nations. The Speech of His Royal Highness Prince Albert translated into the principal European and Oriental Languages,’ fol., London, 1851. Others of Barker's works are ‘Turkish Tales in English;’ ‘A Practical Grammar of the Turkish Language; with Dialogues and Vocabulary,’ 8vo, London, 1854; ‘A Reading Book of the Turkish Language, with Grammar and Vocabulary,’ 8vo, London, 1854; and the ‘Baitál Pachísí; or, Twenty-five Tales of a Demon; a new edition of the Hindí Text, with each Word expressed in the Hindústání Character immediately under the corresponding word in Nágarí, and with a perfectly literal English interlinear translation, accompanied by a free translation in English at the foot of each page, and explanatory notes,’ 8vo, Hertford, 1855. This last work was edited by Professor E. B. Eastwick, to whom it was dedicated. Barker was for some time professor of the Arabic, Turkish, Persian, and Hindustani languages at Eton College, and he dedicated his Turkish grammar to Dr. Hawtrey, the provost. Two other volumes by Barker are of more general interest, the first being ‘Odessa and its Inhabitants, by an English Prisoner in Russia,’ 12mo, London, 1855; and the second ‘A short Historical Account of the Crimea, from the Earliest Ages and during the Russian Occupation,’ 12mo, Hertford and London, the Preface of which is dated from ‘Constantinople, 12 March, 1855.’ In the course of the Crimean war Barker placed his knowledge of the oriental languages and character at the disposal of the British government, in whose service he died on 28 Jan. 1856, ‘of cholera, at Sinope, on the Black Sea, aged 45’ (Times, 20 Feb. 1856), whilst employed as chief superintendent of the land transport depôt at that place.

[Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London, vol. vii. 1837; Ainsworth's Introductory Preface to Lares and Penates; E. B. B. Barker's Syria and Egypt under the last five Sultans of Turkey, 2 vols. 8vo, London, 1876.]

A. H. G.

BARKER, WILLIAM HIGGS (1744–1815), Hebraist, was of the same family as Samuel Barker [see Barker, Samuel], and son of George Barker, tailor, of Great Russell Street. He was admitted on the foundation of St. Paul's School 10 May 1756, aged twelve. He became Pauline Exhibitioner at Trinity College, Cambridge, in 1761, Perry Exhibitioner 1764–7, and took his degree of B.A. in 1765. He was also a fellow of Dulwich College, Surrey, and took holy orders. He was elected master of Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School at Carmarthen 22 July 1767, an office which he appears to have held for thirty years. He published a small work, entitled ‘Grammar of the Hebrew Language adapted to the use of schools, with Biblical examples,’ 1774, 8vo; and a ‘Hebrew and English Lexicon,’ 1812, 8vo.

[Nichols's Life of Bowyer; Gardiner's Reg. of St. Paul's School, 108, 402, 413; Spurrell's Carmarthen, p. 180; Blanch's Dulwich College, p. 118; Gent. Mag. xliv. 434; Addit. MS. 19209.]

J. M.

BARKHAM or BARCHAM, JOHN, D.D. (1572?–1642), antiquary and historian, was descended from the Barchams of Brabant, and afterwards of Meerfield, Dorsetshire. Wood and other biographers affirm that he was the second son of Lawrence Barkham of Exeter, and Joan, daughter of Edward Bridgman of Exeter; but in the visitation of Essex (Harl. Soc. Publications, vol. xiii.) he is entered as the eldest son, and his mother's father is stated to be of Greenway, Devonshire. Barkham was born in the parish of