Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 03.djvu/335

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BARRY, THOMAS de (fl. 1560), canon of Glasgow, and chief magistrate of Bothwell, wrote a poem on the battle of Otterburn, the greater part of which is quoted in the eighteenth century editions of Fordun's ‘Scotichronicon.’ According to Dempster he flourished in 1560, and in all likelihood he is identical with the Thomas de Barry, presbyter, whose name appears as notary in a document preserved in the ‘Registrum Episcopatus Glasguensis’ in 1503.

[Dempster's Hist. Eccl. Gent. Scot. (1627), pp. 106–7; Tanner's Bibl. Brit. p. 78; Fordun's Scotichronicon, continuation by Bower, iv. 1079–1094; Registrum Episcopatus Glasguensis (Bannatyne Club, 1843), i. 294.]

BARRYMORE, first Earl of. [See Barry, David Fitz-David.]

BARTER, RICHARD, M.D. (1802–1870), physician, was born at Cooldaniel, co. Cork. His father died during his childhood, and this loss, together with the troubles consequent on the outbreak of the Whiteboy insurrection, caused his education to be much neglected. Having qualified at the London College of Physicians, he began his professional career as dispensary doctor at Inniscarra. During the cholera visitation of 1832 he became impressed with the curative power of water. Soon after the cholera had disappeared he removed from Inniscarra to the neighbourhood of Mallow, where he married Miss Newman. In 1836 he returned to his old neighbourhood, and for some time took deep interest in farming, helping to establish and acting as secretary of the Agricultural Society of the County of Cork. The visit of Captain Claridge, a warm advocate of hydropathy, to Cork in 1842 strengthened Barter's previously formed ideas, and led him to set up the St. Anne's water-cure establishment at Blarney. In spite of a good deal of ridicule, his house prospered, and he soon had a large number of patients as boarders. On reading Urquhart's ‘Pillars of Hercules’ he was so much struck by the author's account of hot-air baths, that he asked him to come and stay with him. He eagerly adopted the new doctrine, and set up the first hot-air baths in the British dominions; for though Urquhart introduced the principle, Barter's friends declare that he was the first to carry it into practical working. Although the prosperity of his establishment was somewhat shaken by this new move, Barter soon regained his lost ground. Another important step was taken when, after a few years, he set up and advocated a hot-air bath without vapour—the so-called Turkish bath. Barter spent much time and money in travelling about to explain his system, and in forwarding its adoption. He edited a pamphlet containing extracts from the ‘Pillars of Hercules’ under the title of ‘The Turkish Bath, with a View to its Introduction into the British Dominions,’ 1856. Extracts from lectures delivered by Barter and Urquhart were published at Melbourne in a tract entitled ‘The Turkish Bath’ (pp. 8), 1860. Barter died on 3 Oct. 1870.

[Recollections of the late Dr. Barter.]

W. H.

BARTHÉLÉMON, FRANÇOIS HIPPOLITE (1741–1808), violinist, born at Bordeaux 27 July 1741, the son of a French officer and an Irish lady, adopted the profession of music at the instance of the Earl of Kelly, having been previously an officer in the Irish brigade. He studied the art of violin-playing on the continent, and came to England as a professional violinist in 1765. He was appointed leader of the opera band, and in the following year his opera, ‘Pelopida,’ was produced at the King's Theatre. In this year (1766) he married a singer, Miss Mary Young. In 1768 he was engaged by Garrick to compose the music for a burletta called ‘Orpheus,’ and in the same year brought out his opera, ‘Le fleuve Scamandre,’ in Paris. In 1770, he became leader at Vauxhall Gardens, a post which he held until 1776, when he went with his wife on a professional tour on the continent, returning in the following year, and apparently resuming his duties at Vauxhall. In 1784 he and his wife went to Dublin for a time. During some of Haydn's visits to London, 1791–1799, Barthélémon became intimate with him. Besides the works above mentioned the following compositions are ascribed to Barthélémon: Music for ‘The Enchanted Girdle’ and ‘The Judgment of Paris,’ 1768; for ‘The Election’ and ‘The Maid of the Oaks,’ 1774; for ‘Belphegor,’ 1778; and several chamber compositions. Burney speaks in glowing terms of Barthélémon's violin-playing, and especially of his manner of executing an adagio, which he calls ‘truly vocal.’ Barthélémon, who was a follower of Swedenborg, died 23 July 1808.

[Burney's Hist. of Music; Parkes's Musical Memoirs, i. 16, 94; Grove's Dictionary; Gent. Mag. 1808, ii. 662.]

J. A. F. M.

BARTHLET or BARTLETT, JOHN (fl. 1566), theological writer, was a minister of the church of England, and held strongly Calvinistic opinions. In 1566 he published a work entitled the ‘Pedegrewe [Pedigree] of Heretiques, wherein is truely and plainely set out the first roote of Heretiques began in the