bequest from her aunt, Lady Fauconberg, she had to depend for her livelihood in her old age on her own exertions. She died in
1726 and was buried at Yarmouth. Contemporaries state that Cromwell's best-known
portraits represented his granddaughter to the life. She had three children: 1, Thomas,
who died in the West Indies; 2, Bridget, who died at Yarmouth, unmarried, in 1736, aged 64; and 3, Henry, who died in London in 1740, having married Martha
Shute, the sister of the first Viscount Barrington [q. v.]
[The Rev. Samuel Say's 'Character of Mrs. B[ridget] B[endish], granddaughter of Oliver Cromwell. Written in the year 1719, on occasion of the closing words of Lord Clarendon's character of her grand&ther' (that he was 'a brave wicked man') was published with a few lines added after Mrs. Bendish's death— 1, in the Gent. Mag. (xxv. 357) for Aug. 1765; 2, in the Letters of John Hughes and others (ii. 307- 15) 1772; 3, in the Westminster Mag. for 1774 (with other reminiscences of Mrs. Bendish by Dr. Hewling Luson of Lowestoft), and 4, in Noble's Memoirs of the House of Cromwell 1787 (together with Luson's account and a third set of reminiscences by Dr. J. Brooke) ii. 329-46. See also Granger's Biog. Hist. iii. 174, and especially Davy's MS. Suffolk Collections in Brit. Mus. MS. Addit. 19118, ff. 54-63.]
BENDLOWES, Edward. [See Benlowes.]
BENDLOWES, WILLIAM (1516–1584), serjeant-at-law, son of Christopher Bendlowes, esq., of Great Bardfield, in Essex, and his wife Elizabeth, daughter of John Ufford, Esq., was born in 1516. He was educated for a time at St. John's College, Cambridge; but leaving the university without a degree, he became a member of Lincoln's Inn, and was called to the bar. In 1548 he was autumn reader of his inn, but did not lecture on account of the pestilence. He was again autumn reader in 1549. He successively represented the Cornish boroughs of Helston, West Looe, and Dunheved in the parliaments which met in the years 1553–4. In 1555 he was double autumn reader at Lincoln's Inn, and was soon afterwards called to the degree of serjeant-at-law, he and the other serjeants included in the same call making their feast in the Inner Temple Hall 16 Oct. 1555. In the following year he was in a commission for the suppression of Lollards and heretics in Essex. His patrimony in that county was not inconsiderable, and he appears to have greatly increased it. During the latter part of Queen Mary's reign, and the earlier part of that of Elizabeth, Bendlowes was the only practising serjeant. He is said to have always adhered steadily to the Roman catholic faith. In 1576 he became one of the governors of Lincoln's Inn, and he served the office in several succeeding years. The recorder Fleetwood, in a letter to Lord Burghley, relates that on the occasion of the investiture of Sir Edmund Anderson [q.v.] as chief justice of the Common Pleas, in May 1582, the lord chancellor (Hatton) ‘made a short discourse, what the dewtie and office of a good justice was;’ and that after the chief justice was sworn, ‘Father Benloos, because he was auncient, did put a short case, and then myself put the next.’
Bendlowes died on 19 Nov. 1584, and was buried at Great Bardfield. By his wife Eleanor, daughter of Sir Edward Palmer, of Angmering, Sussex, and widow of John Berners, esq., he had issue William Bendlowes, who appears to have been also a bencher of Lincoln's Inn, and who died in 1613. In the combination room of St. John's College, Cambridge, there is a half-length portrait of Serjeant Bendlowes, ‘solus ad legem serviens, æt. suæ 49, et sui gradus an. nono, 1564.’
He is the author of ‘Les Reports de Gulielme Benloe Serjeant del Ley, des divers pleadings et cases en le Court del Comonbank, en le several Roignes de le tres hault & excellent Princes, le Roy Henry VII, Henry VIII, Edw. VI, et le roignes Mary & Elizabeth,’ London, 1689, fol. There is preserved in the Harleian collection of manuscripts, number 355, a paper book in folio, wherein are contained the reports of Serjeant Bendlowes, with indexes prefixed. Some reports by him were published at the end of Thomas Ashe's ‘Tables to the Year-books,’ &c. London, 1609, 12mo, and were reprinted with Robert Keilway's ‘Reports,’ London, 1688, fol. Other Reports by him appeared with certain cases in the times of James I and Charles I, London, 1661, fol. This latter work is cited as ‘New Bendlowes.’
[MS. Addit. 5863, f. 79b; Foss's Judges of England, v. 347, 349, 421, vi. 52; Hartshorne's Book Rarities in the Univ. of Camb. 492; Manning's Serjeants' Case, 138, 167, 211; Strype's Ecclesiastical Memorials, iii. 340; Cooper's Athenæ Cantab. i. 495, 569; MS. Harl. 1432, f. 124; Willis's Not. Parl. iii. (2) 25, 34, 40; Brydges's Restituta, iii. 44, 45.]
BENEDICT (d. 1193), abbot of Peterborough, whose birthplace is unknown, was
probably a monk of Christ Church, Canterury, of which monastery he became prior
in 1175, having also, in the previous year,