Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 05.djvu/103

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scientiæ bene peritus.' Bishop published some collections of psalm tunes and anthems, copies of which are now but rarely met with. Manuscript compositions by him are preserved in the British Museum (Add. MS. 17841 , and Harl. MS. 7341), and in the libraries of the Royal College of Music (1649), and of Christ Church, Oxford. In the latter collection is a complete copy of his 'Morning and Evening Service' in D, the Te Deum from which is to be found in other collections. Dr. Philip Hayes's 'Harmonia Wiccamica' (1780) also contains some Latin compositions by Bishop for the use of Winchester College. All his extant works are interesting as showing the manner in which the disregard of proper emphasis and the introduction of meaningless embellishments gradually corrupted the style of the school of which Purcell was the greatest ornament, and led to the inanities of writers like Kent. Hawkins, who has been followed by other biographers, says that Bishop was at one time organist of Salisbury, but this is inaccurate. The organists of Salisbury (and the dates of their appointments) during Bishop's life were as follows: Michael Wise (1668), Peter Isaacke (1687), Daniel Roseingrave (1692), Anthony Walkley (1700), and Edward Thompson (1718).

[Hawkins's Hist, of Music (ed. 1853), p. 767; Hayes's Harmonia Wiccamica (1780); Records of King's Coll. Cambridge (communicated by the Rev. A. Austen Leigh); Chapter Registers of Salisbury (communicated by the Rev. S. M. Lakin); Chapter Registers of Winchester; information from the Rev. J. H. Mee; Catalogues of the British Museum and Royal College of Music.]

W. B. S.

BISHOP, JOHN (1797–1873), surgeon, was the fourth son of Mr. Samuel Bishop, of Pimperne, Dorsetshire. He was born on 15 Sept. 1797, and he received his education at the grammar school at Childe Okeford in Dorsetshire, where he remained for several years. Bishop was originally intended for the legal profession, but this intention was never carried out, and for many years he led the life of a country gentleman. When about twenty-five years of age Bishop was induced by his cousin, Mr. John Tucker of Bridport, to enter the medical profession. After a short preliminary practice, under the direction of his relative, at Bridport, he came to London and entered at St. George's Hospital under Sir Everard Home. While studying in this hospital Bishop attended the lectures of Sir Charles Bell, of Mr. Guthrie, and Dr. George Pearson, and he was a regular attendant at the chemical courses which were delivered at the Royal Institution. In 1824 he obtained the diploma of the Royal College of Surgeons, and entered regularly into his profession. He soon acquired a reputation as a careful and skilful observer. This secured for him the offices of senior surgeon to the Islington Dispensary, and surgeon to the Northern and St. Pancras dispensaries, and to the Drapers' Benevolent Institution. In 1844 Bishop contributed a paper to the 'Philosophical Transactions' of the Royal Society, on the 'Physiology of the Human Voice.' He was shortly afterwards elected a fellow of the Royal Society, and a corresponding member of the medical societies of Berlin and Madrid. The Royal Academy of Science of Paris awarded him two prizes for memoirs 'On the Human and Comparative Anatomy and Physiology of Voice.' He was the author of a work 'On Distortions of the Human Body,' another 'On Impediments of Speech,' and one 'On Hearing and Speaking Instruments.' These works were remarkable for the careful examinations which the author had made on the subjects under investigation, and for the mathematical demonstration given of each theory advanced by him. Bishop contributed several articles to Todd's 'Cyclopædia,' and many papers of more or less importance to the medical literature of the day.

Bishop was a man of varied attainments; he was conversant with continental as well as English literature, and to within a few months of his death he was deeply interested in the progress of science. On 29 Sept. 1873 he died at Strangeways-Marshale, Dorsetshire, within a few miles of his birthplace.

[Proceedings of the Royal Society xxi. 5 (1873); Catalogue of Scientific Papers, vol. i. (1877).]

R. H-t.

BISHOP, SAMUEL (1731–1795), poet, was born in St. John Street, London, on 21 Sept. 1731, but his father, George Bishop, came from Dorset, and his mother from Sussex. He was entered at Merchant Taylors' School in June 1743, and soon became known among his fellow scholars for aptitude and knowledge. In June 1750 he was elected to St. John's College, Oxford, and became a scholar of that institution on 25 June, his matriculation entry at the university being '1750, June 28, St. John's, Samuel Bishop, 18, Georgii, Londini, pleb. fil.' Three years later (June 1753) he was elected a fellow of his college, and in the following April took his degree of B.A. Not long afterwards he was ordained to the curacy of Headley in Surrey, and resided either in that village or at Oxford until 1758, when he took his M.A. degree. On 26 July 1758 Bishop was appointed third under-master of his old school,