Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 05.djvu/68

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published his 'Treatise on Christian Love' as an Eirenicon. He played a prominent part in the historical dispute before Cromwell at Glasgow (April 1661) between the independents and presbyterians. His learning, theological knowledge, and eloquent fervour bore down all opposition. The Protector was astonished, and, finding his party (of the independents) nonplussed, is said to have asked the name 'of that learned and bold young man,' and, when told it was Mr. Hugh Binning, to have replied, ' He hath bound well indeed, but' (putting his hand on his sword) 'this will loose all again.' Subsequently he still more publicly vindicated the church's from Deuteronomy xxxii. 4-6. He died of consumption in September 1663, when only in his twenty-seventh year. Patrick Gillespie — no common judge — pronounced him 'philologus, philosophus, et theologus eximius.' James Durham said 'There was no speaking after Mr. Binning.' The following are his chief books: 1. 'The common Principles of the Christian Religion clearly proved and singularly improved, or a Practical Catechism wherein some of the most concerning Foundations of our Faith are solidly laid down, and that Doctrine which is according to Godliness is sweetly yet pungently pressed home and most satisfyiugly handled,' Glasgow, 1669. 2. 'The Sinner's Sanctuary, being xl. Sermons upon the Eighth Chapter of Romans from the first verse to the sixteenth,' Edinburgh, 1670. 3. 'Fellowship with God, being xxviii. Sermons on the First Epistle of John c. i. and ii. w. 1,2,3,' Edinburgh, 1671. 4. 'Heart Humiliation, or Miscellany Sermons, preached upon choice Texts at several Solemn Occasions,' Edinburgh, 1671. 6. 'An Useful Case of Conscience . , . 1693.' 6. 'A Treatise of Christian Love on John xiii. 36,' 1661, but only 1743 ed. (Glasgow) now known. 7. 'Several Sermons upon the most important Subjects of Practical Helicon,' Glasgow, 1760. The best collective edition of the works is that by Dr. Leishman, a successor at Govan, in one large volume (imperial 8vo), 3rd ed. 1861. Various of these books were translated into Dutch.

Binning's widow was afterwards married to the Rev. James Gordon, presbyterian minister of Comber, co. Down, Ireland. She died at Paisley in 1694. Binning's only son John inherited the family estate of Dulvenan on the death of his grandfather; but having been engaged in the afifair of Bothwell Bridge in 1679, he was attainted and his property forfeited. But in 1690 forfeiture and fines and attainder were rescinded by parliament, with little advantage nevertheless to him, through the roguery of one Mackenzie, who claimed to have advanced money on the estate far beyond its value. There are pathetic glimpses of the younger Binning in the 'proceedings' of the assembly of the church of Scotland in 1704, when he sued for the assembly's approval of an edition of his father's works. The assembly recommended ' every minister within the kingdom to take a double of the same book, or to subscribe for the same.' The last application he made for procuring aid was in 1717.

[Scott's Fasti, ii. 67-8; Minutes Univ. Glasg.; Wodrow's Analecta; Reid's Presbyterianism of rights as against the invasion of the state, Ireland, i.; Edin. Christian Instructor, xxii. Acts of Assembly; New Statistical Account, vi.; Chalmers's Biogr. Dict.; Scots Worthies, i. 205-10, ed. Macgavin, 1837.]

A. B. G.

BINNS, JOHN (1772–1860), journalist and politician, was the son of an ironmonger in Dublin, and was born on 22 Dec. 1772. In his second year he lost his father, who left behind him a considerable property. After receiving a good education, first at a common school, and afterwards at a classical academy, he was in 1786 apprenticed to a soapboiler. At the request of his elder brother, who inherited the estate of his father, he accompanied him in 1794 to London, where for some months he acted as his assistant in the plumbing business. Shortly after his arrival in London he became a member of the London Corresponding Company, which was afterwards an influential political association. In 1797 he hired a large room in the Strand for political debates, a charge of one shilling being made for admission. On account of his connection with the schemes of the United Irishmen, the grand jury of the county of Warwick found a true bill against him, but after trial he was acquitted. On 21 Feb. 1798 he left London for France, but was arrested at Margate, and after an examination by the privy council he was committed to the Tower. At Maidstone he was tried, along with Arthur O'Connor, for high treason, but acquitted. Shortly afterwards he was arrested and confined in Clerkenwell Prison, whence he was transferred to Gloucester, where he remained till March 1801. In July following he embarked for America. Proceeding to Northumberland, Pennsylvania, he in March 1802 began there a newspaper, ‘The Republican Argus,’ by which he acquired great influence among the republican party, not only in Northumberland but in the neighbouring counties. In March 1807 he removed to Philadelphia to edit the ‘Democratic Press,’ which soon