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French, and contributed verses to several books. It is extremely probable that we owe the first English version of ‘Eulenspiegel’ to him. Three undated editions of ‘Howleglas’ were issued by William Copland between 1548 and 1560. Wood believed him to have been a poor scholar at Oxford.

The following is a list of his writings:

  1. ‘The Kalender of Shepeherdes,’ London, W. de Worde, 1508 and 1528, 4to, translated from ‘Le Compost et Kalendrier des Bergers,’ first printed in 1493, and afterwards with variations (see Nisard, Livres Pop., 1864, i. 84–121). It contains many curious scraps of folklore, and consists of prose and verse mingled with woodcuts. In the prologue we are told that having come across the work ‘in rude and Scottish language,’ the translator ‘shewed the said book unto my worshipful mayster, Wynkyn de Worde, at whose commandment and instigation I, Robert Copland, have me applied directly to translate it out of French again into our maternal tongue.
  2. ‘Kynge Appolyn of Thyre,’ London, W. de Worde, 1510, 4to (translated from the French ‘Appolyn, roi de Thire;’ the Roxburghe copy in the possession of the Duke of Devonshire at Chatsworth is the only one known, reproduced in facsimile by E. W. Ashbee, 1870, 4to).
  3. ‘The Myrrour of the Chyrche … by Saint Austyn of Abyndon,’ London, W. de Worde, 1521, 4to, translated, with additional verses (see Notes and Queries, 4th ser. xi. 401), from the ‘ Speculum Ecclesiæ’ of Edm. Rich, archbishop of Canterbury (see Hook, Lives of the Archbishops, iii. 218–22), possibly from a French version.
  4. ‘A Goosteley Treatyse of the Passyon of our Lorde Jesu Chryst, with many deuout contemplacyons, examples, and exposicyons of the same,’ London, W. de Worde, 1521 and 1532, 4to (translated from the French by Chertsey; Copland only supplied the verse).
  5. ‘The Introductory to write and to pronounce Frenche, compyled by Alexander Barcley,’ London, R. Copland, 1521, folio (at the end ‘The maner of dauncynge of base daunces … translated out of frenche by R. Copland’).
  6. ‘The Rutter of the See, with the Hauores, Rodes, Soundynges, Kennynges, Wyndes, Flodes and Ebbes, Daungers and Coastes of Dyuers Regyons,’ &c., London, R. Copland, 1528, 12mo (from the ‘Grant Routier’ of Pierre Garcie, first printed at Rouen about 1521, and frequently after. The ‘Rutter’ was also added to and ran through several editions).
  7. ‘The Secret of Secrets of Aristotyle, with the Gouernale of Princes,’ London, R. Copland, 1528, 4to (translated from the French with ‘L'Envoy’ in verse by the translator).
  8. ‘The Hye Way to the Spyttel Hous’ [col.] ‘Enprynted at London in the Flete-strete, at the Rose Garland, by Robert Copland,’ n.d., 4to (printed after 1535, only two or three copies known; reproduced in Utterson's ‘Select Pieces of Early Popular Poetry,’ 1817, ii. 1–50, in Hazlitt's ‘Remains of the Early Popular Poetry of England,’ iv. 17–72; and analysed in Herford's ‘England and Germany in the Sixteenth Century,’ 1886, pp. 357–62).
  9. ‘The Complaynte of them that ben to late maryed,’ London, W. de Worde, n.d. 4to (8 leaves). ‘Payne and Sorowe of Euyll Maryage,’ W. de Worde, n.d. 4to (4 leaves). ‘A Complaynt of them that be to soone maryed,’ W. de Worde, 1535, 4to (13 leaves). All three are evidently translated from the French (see Collier, Bibliog. Account, i. 524–6).
  10. ‘The Life of Ipomydon,’ London, W. de Worde, n.d. 4to (adapted from the romance of Hue of Rotelande; the former Heber copy is the only one known).
  11. ‘The maner to liue well … compyled by maistre Johan Quentin,’ London, R. Copland, 1540, 4to (translated from the French).
  12. ‘The Questionary of Cyrurgyens, with the formulary of lytel Guydo in Cyrurgie,’ &c., London, R. Wyer, 1541, 4to (translated from the French).
  13. ‘The Knyght of the Swanne: Helyas,’ London, W. Copland, n.d. 4to (the copy in the Garrick collection in the British Museum is the only one known; reprinted in Thoms, ‘Early Prose Romances,’ vol. iii.). 14. ‘The Art of Memorye, that otherwise is called The Phœnix,’ London, W. Middleton, n.d. 8vo (translated from the French).
  14. (a) ‘Jyl of Breyntford's Testament. Newly compiled’ [col.] ‘Imprented at London in Lothbury ouer agaynst Sainct Margaretes church by me Wyllyam Copland,’ n.d. 4to (printed shortly after 1562; the only copy known is in the Bodleian Library, privately reprinted by F. J. Furnivall as ‘Jyl of Breyntford's Testament, the Wyll of the Deuyll, and other short pieces,’ 1871, 8vo); (b) ‘Jyl of Braintford's Testament newly compiled’ [col.] ‘Imprinted at London by me William Copland,’ n.d. 4to (printed after (a) according to Furnivall; Collier and Hazlitt take the opposite view. Collier's copy of (b), described in his ‘Bibl. Account,’ i. 152–5, cannot be traced; no other copy is known. There are many variations between the two editions).
  15. ‘The Seuen Sorowes that women have when theyre Husbandes be deade. Compyled by R. Copland,’ London, W. Copland, n.d. 4to (12 leaves; copy in British Museum, not seen by Halliwell and Furnivall, dialogue in verse, with woodcut).
  16. Copland also contributed verses to Chaucer's ‘Assemble of Foules,’ 1530, W. Walter's ‘Spectacle of Louers,’ n.d. (see Col--