Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 12.djvu/247

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the company's power in India on a larger and grander basis. But the question naturally suggested itself whether it were possible for the company to hold safely such a vast extent of country. History has shown that Lord Wellesley was right; and his grand schemes have been justified. But in 1805 the news of Monson's defeat by Holkar had just arrived, and the company, whose revenues were diminishing while its territories were extending, desired to draw back from the position of honour into which Lord Wellesley had forced it. Cornwallis landed with the express intention of at once making peace with both Scindia and Holkar, and he wrote the day after his arrival to Lord Lake: 'It is my earnest desire, if it should be possible, to put an end to this most unprofitable and ruinous warfare' (Cornwallis Correspondence, iii. 532). With this intention he started up the Ganges in order to be upon the scene of action, and expressed his views in his last despatch written while upon the river on 19 Sept. (ib. iii. 546-54). These views were not, however, carried out [see Lake, Gerard, Viscount, and Barlow, Sir George Hilaro], for a few days later his powers of mind seemed to fail, and he began to lose consciousness. He was landed at Ghazipore, but did not gain strength, and died there on 5 Oct. 1805. Every honour that could be paid to the memory of Cornwallis was paid; a mausoleum was erected over his remains at Ghazipore, which has ever since been kept in repair by the Indian Government; statues were erected to him in St. Paul's Cathedral, at Madras, and Bombay, and 40,000l. was voted to his family by the court of directors. He deserved these honours, for if not a man of startling genius, he was a clear-sighted statesman and an able general, as well as an upright English gentleman.

Charles, the only son (b. 1774), became second marquis and third earl, married Louisa, daughter of the fourth Duke of Gordon, had five daughters, and died 16 Aug. 1823, when the marquisate expired. James Cornwallis [q. v.] became fourth earl.

[The Correspondence of Charles, 1st Marquis Cornwallis, ed. by Charles Ross, 3 vols. 1859, is the storehouse of facts on his career: the originals of the letters contained in it are in the Record Office; see also Kaye's Lives of Indian Officers; Wilks's Historical Sketches of the South of India for the Mysore war; and the Castlereagh Despatches for his Irish policy and government.]

H. M. S.

CORNWALLIS, FREDERICK, D.D. (1713–1783), archbishop of Canterbury, seventh son of Charles, fourth lord Cornwallis, was born on 22 Feb. 1713. He was a twin brother of General Edward Cornwallis, and Cole relates that 'both the brothers at Eton school were so alike that it was difficult to know them asunder.' From Eton Frederick proceeded to Christ's College, Cambridge, of which he became a fellow (B.A. 1736, D.D. 1748). Cole says he 'was my schoolfellow and contemporary at the university, where no one was more beloved, or bore a better character than he did all the time of his residence therein: during which time, towards the latter end of it, he had the misfortune to have a stroke of the palsy, which took away the use of his right hand, and obliged him to write with his left, which he did very expeditiously; and I have often had the honour to play at cards with him, when it was wonderful to see how dexterously he would shuffle and play them.' In 1740 he was presented by his brother to the rectory of Chelmondiston, Suffolk, with which he held that of Tittleshall St. Mary, Norfolk; and afterwards he was appointed one of the king's chaplains-in-ordinary. He was appointed a canon of Windsor by patent dated 21 May 1746, and on 14 Jan. 1746-7 he was collated to the prebend of Leighton Ecclesia in the church of Lincoln.

On 19 Feb. 1749-50 he was consecrated bishop of Lichfield and Coventry, and on 14 Nov. 1766 he was nominated dean of St. Paul's. Soon after the death of Dr. Secker, he was appointed by the crown to succeed that prelate as archbishop of Canterbury. His election took place on 23 Aug. 1768, and he was enthroned at Canterbury on 6 Oct. following. He died at Lambeth Palace, after a few days' illness, on 19 March 1783, and was buried on the 27th in a vault under the communion-table in Lambeth Church.

He married on 8 Feb. 1759 Caroline, daughter of William Townshend, third son of Charles, second viscount Townshend, but had no issue. She survived till 17 Sept. 1811.

Cornwallis, though inferior in learning to many of his predecessors, was much respected and beloved in his diocese. Hasted, the historian of Kent, writing from Canterbury, says: 'The archbishop gives great satisfaction to everybody here: his affability and courteous behaviour are much taken notice of, as very different from his predecessors.' At Lambeth Palace, from the instant he entered its walls, the invidious distinction of a separate table for the chaplains was abolished, and they always sat at the same board with himself. His hospitality was princely, especially on public days, it being formerly the custom for the archbishops of Canterbury, when resident at Lambeth Palace, to keep a public table one day in every week during