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retained till his death, brought him into close connection with the College of Arms. In 1799 the Duke of Norfolk presented him to the rectory of South Stoke, Sussex, which he resigned in 1803 on the duke procuring for him the vicarage and sinecure rectory of Slinfold, which is in the patronage of the see of Chichester. In 1801, in exchange for the rectory of Llanmaes, Glamorganshire, which had been given to him by the Marquis of Bute, he obtained the vicarage of Leatherhead, Surrey. The two benefices of Leatherhead and Slinfold he held till his death. From 1811 to 1826 he also held a prebend in the cathedral of Chichester. He was engaged in 1811 by the Duke of Norfolk to edit, at that nobleman's expense, the ‘History of the three Western Rapes of Sussex,’ for which manuscript collections had been made by Sir William Burrell [q. v.], and deposited in the British Museum. The first volume, containing the Rape and City of Chichester, was published in 1815; the first part of the second volume, containing the Rape of Arundel, appeared in 1819. The Rape of Bramber was at Dallaway's request undertaken by the Rev. Edmund Cartwright, who published it in 1830. Dallaway died at Leatherhead on 6 June 1834.

He married in 1800 Harriet Anne, daughter of John Jefferies, alderman of Gloucester, and left an only child, Harriet Jane. Mrs. Dallaway was the author of a useful ‘Manual of Heraldry for Amateurs,’ 1828.

In addition to the above-mentioned works he published: 1. ‘Anecdotes of the Arts in England, or Comparative Remarks on Architecture, Sculpture, and Painting, chiefly illustrated by specimens at Oxford,’ Lond. 1800, 8vo. 2. ‘Observations on English Architecture, Military, Ecclesiastical, and Civil, compared with similar buildings on the Continent; including a critical Itinerary of Oxford and Cambridge, also historical notices of Stained Glass, Ornamental Gardening, &c., with chronological tables and dimensions of Cathedral and Conventual Churches,’ Lond. 1806, 8vo; extended and revised edition, 1834. 3. ‘Statuary and Sculpture among the Ancients, with some account of Specimens preserved in England,’ London, 1816, 8vo. Three hundred and fifty copies of this work were printed, but two hundred of them were destroyed by fire at Bensley's printing-office. 4. ‘History of Leatherhead,’ privately printed, prefixed to his wife Harriet Dallaway's ‘Etchings of Views in the Vicarage of Leatherhead,’ Lond. 1821, 8vo. 5. ‘William Wyrcestre Redivivus. Notices of Ancient Church Architecture in the Fifteenth Century, particularly in Bristol,’ Lond. 1823, 4to. 6. ‘Account of all the Pictures exhibited in the Rooms of the British Institution from 1813 to 1824, belonging to the Nobility and Gentry of England, with remarks critical and explanatory,’ Lond. 1824, 8vo. 7. ‘Discourses upon Architecture in England from the Norman Conquest to the Reign of Elizabeth,’ Lond. 1833, 8vo. 8. ‘Antiquities of Bristow in the Middle Centuries,’ Bristol, 1834, 8vo.

He also edited ‘Letters of the late Dr. Rundle, Bishop of Derry, to Mrs. Sandys, with introductory Memoirs,’ 2 vols. 1789; ‘The Letters and other Works of Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, from her original MSS., with Memoirs of her Life,’ 5 vols. 1803; and ‘Walpole's Anecdotes of Painting,’ including Vertue's ‘Catalogue of Engravers,’ 5 vols. 1826–8. Dallaway was not altogether successful as a topographical and biographical historian. He wrote well, but both his ‘History of Sussex’ and his edition of Walpole's ‘Anecdotes’ exhibit marks of haste, and are carelessly and inaccurately compiled.

[Gent. Mag. n.s. i. 627, ii. 318; Cat. of Oxford Graduates (1851), 168; Le Neve's Fasti (Hardy), i. 282; Literary Memoirs (1798), 139; Biog. Dict. of Living Authors (1816), 85; Lowndes's Bibl. Man. (Bohn), 580.]

T. C.

DALLING AND BULWER, Lord (1801–1872). [See Bulwer, William Henry Lytton Earle.]

DALLINGTON, Sir ROBERT (1561–1637), master of Charterhouse, was born at Geddington, Northamptonshire, in 1561. According to Fuller and Masters (Hist. of Corpus Christi College) he entered Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, as a bible clerk, but according to Wood he was a Greek scholar of Pembroke Hall. All agree in saying that on leaving the university Dallington became a schoolmaster in Norfolk. While occupying this post he edited and published ‘A Booke of Epitaphes made upon the Death of Sir William Buttes’ (by R. D. and others, edited by R. D.). Eight of these epitaphs, some in English, the others in very inferior Latin verse, were composed by Dallington himself. After a few years as schoolmaster Dallington had gained enough money to enable him to indulge in foreign travel, and he set out on a long and leisurely journey through France and Italy. On his return he became secretary to Francis, earl of Rutland, and wrote an account of his travels. ‘A Survey of the Great Duke's State of Tuscany, in the yeare of our Lord 1596,’ appeared in 1605, and was followed the next year by ‘A Method for Travell: shewed by taking the view of