Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 14.djvu/218

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two parts, the first called 'God's Mercies and Jerusalem's Miseries,' and containing two sermons preached at Carlisle in 1614, and the second, 'The Healing of the Plague of the Heart,' was published after his death in 1653. A printed copy of Dawes's sermon entitled 'God's Mercies is dated 1609. It was preached at Paul's Cross 26 June 1609, and was dedicated to Henry Robinson, bishop of Carlisle. A copy is in the British Museum.

[Kennet's Register and Chronicle; Wood's Athenæ Oxon. (Bliss), iii. 349; Nicolson and Burn's Westmoreland, i. 404, 606; Bullen's Cat. of Books.]

DAWES, MANASSEH (d. 1829), miscellaneous writer, was a barrister of the Inner Temple. He left the bar and lived 'in a very retired manner' at Clifford's Inn for the last thirty-six years of his life. He died 2 April 1829. His chief works are:

  1. 'Letter to Lord Chatham on American Affairs,' 1777 (in the title-page he describes himself as author of 'several anonymous pieces').
  2. 'Essay on Intellectual Liberty,' 1780 (criticises Bentham's 'Fragment').
  3. 'Philosophical Considerations ' (upon the controversy between Priestley and Price), 1780.
  4. 'Nature and Extent of Supreme Power' (upon Locke's 'Social Compact'), 1783.
  5. 'England's Alarm, or the prevailing Doctrine of Libels,' 1785.
  6. 'Deformity of the Doctrine of Libels,' 1785 (these two refer to the Shipley case).
  7. 'Introduction to a Knowledge of the Law on Real Estates,' 1814.
  8. 'Epitome of the Law of Landed Property,' 1818.

He also edited (1784) a posthumous poem by John Stuckey on 'The Vanity of all Human Knowledge,' with a dedication to Priestley. Dawes took the whig side in regard to the American war and the law of libels; but defended Blackstone against Bentham, had doubts as to abolishing tests, and held that philosophical truth was beyond the reach of all men, as it was clearly beyond his own.

[Gent. Mag. 1829, i. 77, 8.]

DAWES, RICHARD (1708–1766), Greek scholar and schoolmaster, was born in 1708, probably at Stapleton, a hamlet of Market Bosworth, Leicestershire. After being educated at the Bosworth school under Anthony Blackwall [q. v.], he was entered of Emmanuel College, Cambridge, matriculating as a sizar on 17 Dec. 1726. While an undergraduate he contributed a Greek idyl on the death of George I and accession of George II in the university volume of 'Luctus … et gaudia,' published at Cambridge in 1727. He took his degree as twelfth wrangler in 1729-30, was elected fellow of his college on 2 Oct. 1731, and proceeded M.A. in 1733. He resided in his college for a few years, and in 1734 was nominated by the heads of colleges as a candidate for the office of esquire bedell; but his rival, Burrowes of Trinity College, was elected. There is a second Greek poem by him in the university volume of congratulations on the marriage of Frederick, prince of Wales (1734), and the same year he issued proposals for a translation into Greek hexameter verse of Milton's 'Paradise Lost,' with a specimen from book i., which, however, abounds with errors both in quantity and syntax.

On 10 July 1738 he was appointed master of the grammar school of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, and on 9 Oct. 1738 he was made master of St. Mary's Hospital at Newcastle. He continued to hold these offices for upwards of ten years; but his life at Newcastle was not a happy one. The school went down under him; he seems to have been continually at war with the governors; he was engaged in constant quarrels with his neighbours, and there is a story of his invariably making his boys in construing Greek render ὄνος by 'alderman.' Among his pupils was Akenside, the poet, who has attacked him in the 'Pleasures of Imagination' (iii. 179), in the passage beginning

Thee, too, facetious Momion, wandering here …

lines which he omitted in the later edition of his poem. Dawes retaliated in his extraordinary pamphlet, 'Extracts from a MS. pamphlet intitled the Tittle-Tattle-Mongers,' Newcastle, 1747; this (which is of excessive scarcity) is a coarse and vulgar diatribe, in part directed against the Newcastle aldermen. He resigned the school in 1749 and retired to Heworth, three miles from Newcastle, where he is said to have spent most of his time in rowing on the river. Another of his amusements was bell-ringing. He became almost insane before his death, which took place on 21 March 1766 at Heworth, where a tablet was erected to his memory in November 1825.

It was while he was still at Newcastle that the work appeared which has preserved his memory as one of the chief Greek scholars this country has produced, and has numbered him among Dr. Burney's seven 'Magnanimi Heroes' (see Burney's Tentamen de metris ab Æschylo adhibitis, pref. p.12)—the 'Miscellanea Critica.' This was published at Cambridge in 1745, being seen through the press by C. Mason and H. Hubbard. It was re-edited by T. Burgess in 1781 (an edition reprinted at Leipzig in 1800), and again by