Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 16.djvu/131

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whose daughter, Adelhida, married Charles Talbot, duke of Shrewsbury. Of Dudley's six daughters, Anna died in 1629, and was buried in the church of San Pancrazio, where her father and mother set up an elaborate tomb. Teresa married Conte Mario di Carpegna; a third married the Prince of Piombino; the fourth, Marquis of Clivola; the fifth, Duke di Castillon del Lago (Wood).

Dudley wrote the following: 1. ‘A Voyage … to the Isle of Trinidad and the Coast of Paria,’ printed in Hakluyt's ‘Voyages,’ iii. 574 (1600); reprinted by the Hakluyt Society 1899 with the fuller account of the expedition by George Wyatt, first printed from Brit. Mus. Sloane 358. 2. ‘A Proposition for His Majesty's Service to bridle the Impertinence of Parliaments,’ written in 1612, and forwarded to Sir David Foulis. The manuscript was found in Sir Robert Cotton's library in 1629, and caused much commotion in both the court and parliamentary parties. It recommended to James I a military despotism, and was first printed in Rushworth's ‘Collections’ (1659) [see art. Cotton, Sir Robert]. 3. ‘Dell 'Arcano del Mare di D. Roberto Dvdleo, Dvca di Northvmbria e Conte di Warvick,’ Florence, vol. i. (1646), vols. ii. and iii. (1647), dedicated to Ferdinand II, duke of Tuscany. These magnificent volumes are divided into six books; the first deals with longitude, and the means of determining it; the second supplies general maps, besides charts of ports and harbours, in rectified latitude and longitude; the third treats of maritime and military discipline; the fourth of naval architecture; the fifth of scientific or spiral navigation; and the sixth is a collection of geographical maps. Numerous diagrams give the book great value. A second edition appeared at Florence in 1661. Wood states that Dudley also wrote an otherwise unknown work called ‘Catholicon,’ ‘in good esteem among physicians,’ perhaps a book of medical prescriptions thumbed out of existence. A Pisan doctor, Marco Cornachini, published at Florence in 1619 a work dedicated to Dudley, describing a powder of extraordinarily effective medical properties invented by Dudley. The powder, composed of scammony, sulphuret of antimony, and tartar, appears in many English and foreign pharmacopœias as ‘Pulvis Warwicensis,’ or ‘Pulvis Comitis de Warwick.’ Wood also adds that Dudley was ‘noted for riding the great horse, for tilting, and for his being the first of all that taught a dog to sit in order to catch partridges’.

Engraved portraits appear in Adlard's ‘Amye Robsart’ and in ‘The Italian Biography.’ There is a close resemblance between his features and those of Shelley.

[Wood's Athenæ Oxon. (Bliss), iii. 258–62, communicated by Dudley's son Carlo from Rome 17 Oct. 1673; The Italian Biography of Sir Robert Dudley, Kt. … and Notices of Dame Alice Dudley, privately printed, without author's name, date [1856?], or place (an ill-arranged but elaborate work by the Rev. Vaughan Thomas, B.D. (1775–1853), vicar of Stoneleigh); J. Temple Leader's Life of Sir R. Dudley, Florence 1895; G. F. Warner's pref. to Voyage of Sir R. Dudley (1594–5), Hakluyt Soc. 1899; Adlard's Memoirs and Correspondence (from the State Papers), in Amye Robsart and the Earl of Leicester (1870); Salvetti's Correspondence in Hist. MSS. Comm. 11th Rep. pt. i. 174, 181–3; Walpole's Royal and Noble Authors, ii.; Biog. Brit. (Kippis); Lord Herbert of Cherbury's Autobiogr. (1886), pp. 156–7; Bargrave's Alexander VII, Camd. Soc.; Sir N. H. Nicolas's Report of Proceedings on claim to Barony of De L'Isle, 1829; Gillow's Bibl. Dict. of English Catholics.]

S. L. L.

DUDLEY, THOMAS (fl. 1670–1680), engraver, was a pupil of Wenceslaus Hollar [q. v.], and his plates are etched in a manner resembling, but greatly inferior to, his master's style. A book-plate in the print room of the British Museum shows him to have had considerable technical skill, but his portraits and figures are ill drawn. His most important work was a series of etchings executed in 1678, representing the life of Æsop, from drawings by Francis Barlow [q. v.], (now in the print room aforesaid), and added by Barlow to his second edition of the ‘Fables’ (1687). A few portraits by him are known, including one of Titus Oates on a broadside, entitled ‘A Prophecy of England's Future Happiness.’ In 1679 he seems to have visited Lisbon in Portugal, as he engraved portraits of John IV and Peter II of Portugal, of Theodosius Lusitanus (1679), Bishop Russel of Portalegre (1679), and of a general, the last named (in the print room) being signed ‘Tho. Dudley Anglus fecit Vlissippone.’

[Huber et Roost's Manuel des Curieux et des Amateurs de l'Art, vol. ix.; Le Blanc's Manuel de l'Amateur d'Estampes; Cat. of the Sutherland Collection of Portraits.]

L. C.

DUDLEY, WILLIAM (d. 1483), bishop of Durham, younger (probably third) son of John Sutton de Dudley, baron Dudley [q. v.], by Elizabeth Berkeley, his wife, was educated at University College, Oxford, proceeding B.A. 1453–4, and M.A. 1456–7. He was instituted to the living of Malpas, Cheshire, in 1457, became rector of Hendon, Middlesex, on 24 Nov. 1466, was appointed to various prebendal stalls in St. Paul's Cathedral between 1468 and 1473), and was archdeacon