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Reason,”’ caused by some controversy with a freethinking friend, which appeared in 1799 and was favourably noticed in the ‘Anti-Jacobin Review’ for April 1800. He made the acquaintance of the antiquary John Whitaker, the vicar of Ruan-Lanihorne, and of John Britton [q. v.] In July 1800 he published some ‘Observations’ upon R. Polwhele's ‘Anecdotes of Methodism,’ defending his sect against Polwhele's charges. Whitaker now encouraged him to complete a book upon which he had long meditated, which was finally published by subscription in 1802. It was entitled ‘Essay on the Immateriality and Immortality of the Soul.’ It had much success. After the first publication he sold the copyright to a Bristol bookseller for 20l. After four editions had appeared in England and two in America, he brought out a fifth with additions in 1831, which he sold for 250l. His old adversary Polwhele generously reviewed him with high praise in the ‘Anti-Jacobin’ for February 1803. He became famous as the ‘Cornish metaphysician,’ and made many friends among the clergy, though he declined to become a candidate for the orders of the church of England. He formed a close intimacy with Adam Clarke, through whose influence he was elected in 1804 a member of the Manchester Philological Society. Another friend was the Rev. Dr. Thomas Coke [q. v.], who was writing various books for the Wesleyan conference. He was also superintendent of the Wesleyan missions, and, being overwhelmed with work, employed Drew to write for him. The books appeared under the name of Coke, and were in fact from his notes, but it seems that Drew was the chief author, though he did not complain of the concealment of his name. In 1806 he was invited through Clarke to revise metaphysical works for the ‘Eclectic Review,’ but the connection did not last long. In 1809 he published an ‘Essay on the Identity and Resurrection of the Body,’ which attracted little notice, though it reached a second edition in 1822. About the same time he began to write an essay for the Burnett prize [see Burnett, John, 1729–1784], which, however, was adjudged in 1814 to J. L. Brown and J. B. Sumner. He published his essay in 1820; but it did not attract much notice.

In 1814 he undertook a history of Cornwall. Part of it had been written by F. Hitchins, on whose death the composition was entrusted to Drew. Though Drew is only described as editor, he wrote the greatest part. It is not more than a fair compilation.

In 1819 he moved to Liverpool, again through the recommendation of Clarke. He was to edit the ‘Imperial Magazine,’ started in March 1819, and superintend the business of the ‘Caxton Press.’ A fire destroyed the buildings at Liverpool, and the business was transferred to London, where Drew settled. Here he was employed in absorbing work, which seems to have tried his health. Hopes of making a provision for retirement to Cornwall were disappointed by pecuniary losses. He made short visits to Cornwall, during one of which his wife died at Helston, 19 Aug. 1828, at the house of a son-in-law. Drew rapidly declined in strength after this blow. He returned to his work in London, but died at Helston 29 March 1833, while staying with his son-in-law. He had seven children, of whom six survived him.

Drew's writings are interesting as those of a self-taught metaphysician, who seems to have read nothing on his first publication except Locke and Watts. It cannot be said, however, that his arguments show more than a strong mind, quite unversed in the literature of the subject. He appears to have been a very honourable and independent man, strongly attached to his family, and energetic as a preacher and writer.

[Life by his eldest son (2nd edit.), 1835; Autobiographical sketch prefixed to Essay on Identity, &c. 1809; Polwhele's Biographical Sketches of Cornwall, i. 96–103; Boase and Courtney's Bibliotheca Cornubiensis; Smiles's Self-Help.]

L. S.

DRING, RAWLINS (fl. 1688), physician, son of Samuel Dring, born at Bruton, Somersetshire, was educated at Wadham College, Oxford, of which he became first scholar and a fellow in 1682. He proceeded B.A. 27 June 1679, M.A. 24 May 1682. Then entering on the physic line, he practised at Sherborne, Dorsetshire. He was the author of ‘Dissertatio Epistolica ad amplissimum virum & clarissimum pyrophilum J. N. Armigerum conscripta; in qua Crystallizationem Salium in unicam et propriam, uti dicunt, figuram, esse admodum incertam, aut accidentalem ex Observationibus etiam suis, contra Medicos & Chymicos hodiernos evincitur,’ 16mo, Amsterdam, 1688. According to Wood, ‘the reason why 'tis said in the title that it was printed at Amsterdam is because the College of Physicians refused to license it, having several things therein written against Dr. Martin Lister.’

[Wood's Athenæ Oxon. (Bliss), iv. 738; Wood's Fasti Oxon. (Bliss), ii. 369, 383.]

G. G.

DRINKWATER, JOHN. [See Bethune, John Drinkwater, 1762–1844.]

DROESHOUT, MARTIN (fl. 1620–1651), engraver, belonged to a Netherlandish family, of which numerous members were