Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 22.djvu/296

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to found a lectureship, to be held in each year by one of the four youngest doctors of the college. These lectures have been annually delivered since 1639, to the great advantage of medicine in England.

[Munk's Coll. of Phys. i. 157; Wood's Athenae Oxon.; Works.]

GOUPY, JOSEPH (d. 1763), water-colour painter and etcher, is stated to have been born at Nevers in France, and to have come early in life to London. He was a nephew of Lewis Goupy [q. v.] In 1711 he was with his uncle a subscriber to the academy of painting started under Sir Godfrey Kneller in Great Queen Street. About 1720 he was employed in conjunction with Peter Tillemans [q. v.] to paint a set of scenes for the opera. He was a good miniature-painter, drew landscapes and small figure subjects with accuracy, worked in pastels, and was a skilful copyist of the Italian masters, including Raphael's cartoons. He made numerous sketching excursions with Dr. Brook Taylor [q. v.], through whom he obtained the patronage of Frederick, prince of Wales, who made him his drawing-master, employed him largely at Kew and at Clieveden, and in 1736 appointed him to the post of ‘cabinet-painter.’

Goupy is best known for his etchings after Salvator Rosa, whose style was then in vogue. They are executed with some spirit, and somewhat in that master's own style. Nine of these are in the print room at the British Museum, including ‘The Dream of Jacob,’ ‘St. John the Baptist preaching in the Wilderness,’ ‘Glaucus and Scylla,’ &c. Goupy also etched the following plates: ‘Diana at the Chase,’ after Rubens; ‘Landscape with Pyramus and Thisbe,’ after N. Poussin; ‘Zeuxis painting Helen at Agrigentum,’ after Solimena; ‘The Calling of St. Andrew,’ after P. Berrettini; ‘Hiero, king of Syracuse and Archimedes,’ after S. Ricci; and a view of ‘Castel-Gandolfo,’ after G. F. Grimaldi. He also executed etchings from his own designs, including ‘Hagar’ and ‘Mucius Scævola,’ the latter from a picture exhibited by him at the first exhibition of the Society of Artists in 1765, of which he was a member. Goupy produced water-colour copies of Raphael's cartoons, painted on counterproof impressions of Dorigny's engravings. A set of these is in the collection of the Earl of Derby at Knowsley, and another, formerly belonging to the Duke of Chandos, is in the collection of the Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone. On the accession of George III Goupy received a small pension. He died at an advanced age in 1763. His collections were sold in 1765. A portrait of him was painted by M. Dahl. Among his works is a well-known caricature of Handel. He was also a fan-painter.

[Walpole's Anecdotes of Painting; Vertue's MSS., Brit. Mus. 23068, &c.; manuscript notes by J. H. Anderdon, in Cat. of Soc. of Art, print room, Brit. Mus.; Portalis and Beraldi's Graveurs du dix-huitième Siècle; Dussieux's Artistes Français à l'Etranger; Redgrave's Dict. of Artists; Seubert's Allgemeines Künstler-Lexikon.]

GOUPY, LEWIS (d. 1747), painter, born in France, came before 1710 to London, where he is said to have had a brother already resident as a fan-painter. In 1711 we find him, as ‘Mr Goupee, senr,’ a subscriber to the new academy of painting started under Sir Godfrey Kneller in Great Queen Street. In 1720 he was one of the seceding members who started the academy in St. Martin's Lane under Louis Cheron [q. v.] and Vanderbank. He painted portraits in oil, and also drew in crayons and tempera. He obtained some repute as a miniature-painter. He is said to have been patronised by Lord Burlington, whom he attended on his journey to Italy. His own portrait, painted by himself, was engraved in mezzotint by G. White, and later in line by J. Thomson. White also engraved after him a portrait of Mr. Isaac the dancing-master. Goupy died in 1747, and in February 1747–8 his collections were sold by auction. They comprised numerous drawings of his own. Joseph Goupy [q. v.] was his nephew.

[Walpole's Anecdotes of Painting; Vertue's MSS., Brit. Mus. Addit. MSS. 23068, &c.; Sale Catalogue; Chaloner Smith's British Mezzotinto Portraits.]

GOURDON, WILLIAM (fl. 1611), traveller, was a native of Hull, who was master pilot on two expeditions sent to the north of Russia by a company of English merchants. He wrote an account of his first expedition, entitled ‘Voyage made to Pechora 1611.’ He was absent from England from April to September, during which time he landed the merchants at Pustozera, and himself explored part of the way up the river Pechora. In 1614 he was again at Pustozera with the colony of English merchants there, and spent from November to April 1614–15 exploring further north to the river Ob or Obi. He wrote an account of this expedition also, entitled ‘Later Observations of William Gourdon in his wintering of Pustozera in the yeeres 1614 and 1615, with a description of the Samoeds' Life.’ Both these pamphlets are printed in ‘Purchas's Pilgrimes,’ iii. 530, 553, with the accounts given by Gourdon's fellow-voyagers. In his ‘History of Muscovia’ Milton made